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Monday, January 25, 2010 @ 11:21 PM

I'm too tired to think.

Slept 3 hours last night and spent the whole day chionging homework.

SLEEPY. snorts

Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 11:52 PM

You know, it's funny, really, re-reading the past as posted by others. Things that used to touch me seem dull and numbing; things that made me laugh makes me sad; things that angered me tickles me somehow; things that were meant for me seem hypocritical. Well i guess that's what it means to get old.

Though I'm definitely not admitting to being old.

Steven Jr. aka UNCLE insisted that I'm older than him!! HE SAID HE THOUGHT I WAS 18. Seriously. I got so old meh?!

Chingay yesterday was pretty dry, yet exciting. It all depends which moment you're looking at. Talking to the troublemakers pissed me off like shit. Playing scissors paper stone and hei bai pei with firdaus was lmao-ish. Talking to bryan and seok felt like old times. Lunching and strolling with Steven Jr was stable and enjoyable (: then again seeing the chingay dudes made up for all the unhappy moments! LOVE THEM.

STILL. Had to come back to reality. THE PILE OF HOMEWORK. Flabbit. Nvm. Shall last through this night talking to xing xing, ed and meiyi :D

Monday, January 18, 2010 @ 8:44 PM


First week of school and there're already so much crap going on.

Mr P why did you have to appear? You just made RV a whole load worse than it already was.


Anyway!! Lessons so far were..tiring. All 1 hour long tutorials or lectures. I swear i was falling asleep in some of them larh!! BUT I MUST PERSEVERE~~ LOL so full of bs. Ok we gotta read 5 books for E Lit, read these SUPER DUPER chim notes on the English language for E lang and linguistics, do boring old eqn for math, and econs was plain...dry.


RV cannot get more boring. Lessons without dear lanny is plain torture and kiwi aint there to crap with me!! The only convo i have with kiwi now is to guide him on how to jio girls -.- right.

Only few ppl i can really talk to in class are joanna and grace! But joanna takes the exact opp combi of mine: all cheena!! T.T THE WORST THING IS SCHOOL NOW ENDS AT AROUND 5PM EVERYDAY. which means i'll be home around 7 after delays and stuff! SIAN.


Ok larh saturday was pretty damn high. CHINGAY'10 FTW <3

WE, THE CHINGAY MOTIVATOR LEADERS, ROCKED KCPSS!!! steven jr UNCLE, zheng yao SMALL EYES, meiyi SEXAYE, felicia, seok SHIOK, sheena, jaselyn, jesslyn, yu hao, firdaus, xiao qi, eve, and all the others!! of course many thanks and LOVES to my dear sector 1B volunteers: andrea, VITO :D, kok keong, mark, sherman, rasyiqah, rae, claudia(: , shuling (: , gao man, fadhil CHEERLEADER, azlin, hidayah, kia gek, micole, hui hui, jia qing :D thanks to you guys, i had a wonderful time and lost my voice simultaneously (: killed 2 birds with one stone. LOL.

The best part was getting to know these volunteers, and of course my fellow leaders! OMG CHINGAY MOTIVATOR LEADERS'10 ROCK. Ice-breaking was shiok. But of course, anything i participate in will rawk cause of me (: AWWW~~

Wah the cheers we came up with arh...EPIC. Area 1(A1) totally PAWNED! We won both the first and the second prizes!

We're gona F F I I G H T,
We're gona S S C C O R E,
We're gona fight, score, win the war,
Hey people wana fight?!
Boom boom boom boom pow
Boom boom boom boom pow!
Hey people wana fight?!
Boom boom boom! gotta get get
Boom boom boom! gotta get get


Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 11:48 PM

I can tell u hands down that our new principal sucks big time.

Pfft i had to chill for TWO days before i could blog about this SANELY.

He came to the hall to address the year 5s and 6s on wednesday. He insulted generations of RVians, the PRCs and even the teachers. Well done.

First topic he addressed was our HCL Os. He said "你们考到很烂!" Dude, did u notice we were taking HIGHER mother tongue? It ain't easy ok. If you look at the usual HCL grades in our level, Os was pretty much of an improvement! Nevermind. We really didn't rock the exam so i can't say anything. Then he went on to say "你们没有资格做立化的学生!" = you have no rights to call yourself a student of River Valley High School. Because "RVHS IS A SAP SCHOOL AND WE HAVE TO BE EFFECTIVELY BILLINGUAL." Since we were utter failures in HCL, we aren't effectively billingual and hence we shouldn't be part of RVHS. Wtf are you talking about? He said we embarrassed our school and ourselves, and that from now on, if RV students don't score A1/2 for their HCL Os, they wouldn't be able to take 4H2 subs in year 5. WHAT.THE.FUCK. So he's gona ruin some kids future by refusing him/her their deserved combi just because they didn't get an A1/2 for HCL?! There are students who didn't study and they deserve to fail. But what about the many who actually bother? I actually bother about my grades yet i only scored an A2!!

Suddenly the year 6s were brought into the topic. In a short span of 10 minutes, he managed to insult 2 levels of students, the teachers, AND the PRCs. Brilliant. He said that the PRCs didn't do their jobs and FAILED their parents since they wasted their scholarship (he said this based on our HCL results) PLEASE LAH. the PRCs are like the only ones who got A1s besides a few other smart kids!! Talking to my dad afterwards, he said that this principal has no respect for us. And he doesn't have to cause of the power he holds. He certainly doesn't have to respect us especially since we didn't score As. Well let me tell u this MR KOH, we will score aces and we will spit in your face with out results.

Next, he went to talk on about how we are NOT future leaders. Because we FAIL in context of moral values, hence we have no leadership skills. And why did we fail? Because we failed to uphold the image of an SAP school by KEEPING LONG HAIR, wearing skirts above knee length BECAUSE WE WANT TO ATTRACT BOYS, and show no respect for the cleaners because the canteen is dirty. To be specific, he said "你们不是人." WOW. He even went on to the extent of calling us animals, cause the canteen was dirty. What a brilliant way to share ur intelligent insights (: oh did i mention we were having orientation for the past 2 days and spent at most 30min per day at the canteen? This applies for all the year 5s. If 1 short hour is enough to render the canteen vulnerable to pests, im speechless. As compared to the other 4 levels who'd been using the canteen non-stop, we are the ones to be blamed. HAH. How intelligent. OH OH and apparenty long hair will fall over our faces when we are studying!! It affects our EYESIGHT and the teacher's concentration u know!! That's why good leaders can never have long hair..

Then he went on to say how we were immature..blah..all because we "HUH"-ed when he said we weren't humans. Sigh..honestly I'm stunned and angered to silence.


Our 3 days orientation RAWKS. Ok larh on the first day i thought it was crap xD HAHA BUT IT AINT MY FAULT!!! We did ice-breaking (which was FREAKING boring) and 2 super lame mass dances. How could u expect me to get high??

Our theme was some Lord of The Rings thingy, where Frodo = Bobo and Sauron (the evil eye thingy) were on the verge of war and their minions (US YEAR 5s) aka BOBO-NIANS and SAURONITES had to fight the war for them. *silent cheers* spent the day doing mass dances though. Damn lame. In the end our 15 people class reduced to a 5 people class and our class fac = facilitator (zi hao) was damn emo xD ice-breaking was dumb too cause we know each other already. ITS BEEN 5 YEARS?! And so we spent our time playing lame games blah blah.

Highlights of the second day was
the amazing race and the NIGHT ACTIVITY!! So we had to go on the amazing race thingy to find their evil rings and complete station after station of challenges. The worst station was the one where we had to run...50 rounds -.- KILLER. It was pretty much damn tiring and we made things hell for our fac. Sorry!! xD ahem. He really was quite ke lian cause our class was already clique-ish on the 2nd day. So we kinda split up and do our sorta stuff, leaving him desperately tryna get us tgt. Night activity was AWESOME though. We had to blindfold ourselves and group up in pairs. Ghosts (aka zeming and jun xiang) would then hit and scream at people. We were supposed to catch them!! LOL impossible mission! Then after that there was this station where we had to grab pictures in pairs from this room of ghosts. Wah our class was damn evil. Ka chiao-ed the ghosts until they complained about us being, quotes, "impolite". Our poor fac..

3rd day was also awesome. Had this DOTS (Defence Of The Supremes) LOL LOL!!! Haha bobonians and sauronites had to wage war on each other. Shant elab on this cause it was friggin violent. Flag poles of each classes were broken, people were trampled on and balloons burst. Gosh it was SERIOUSLY like a real war. Scary~~

AH overall it ROCKED. Thanks SCs and fac!!! Poor fac..

Saturday, January 09, 2010 @ 12:26 AM

this is what happens when you procrastinate: you end up not doing it.

GAH. I've told myself DAILY to update but something always comes up. Pfft.

Right now, i ain't gona wait. Cause i need *quotes the duck from chicken little* CLOSURE~ LOL. To me monday would be the start of 2010. I just don't feel that its already 2010!! Somehow before the end of 2009, i thought the first week of 2010 would be boring and stupid cus i'd be dreading the start of the new year. But surprisingly, this week turned out to be one of the most fun ones in the whole holidays!!

First was the NZ gathering on last sat, 2nd jan. One word to sum it all up: WOAH. Like honestly. I was looking forward to that day all the while larh. But when it finally came, it was damn fun :D haha talking to natalie and speculating abt stuff, laughing off with hillary about crap, getting suanned and basically being entirely myself with nicholas, gosh. The best parts were the playground and the jenga moments. LOL nick got scrapes on his knees after playgroundind!!! xD haha but jenga was damn fun!! i learnt lotsa crazy stuff from the "pro" (: haha camwhoring on the com with nat and novia was another lame but totally hilarious thingy larh! omg i spelt hilarious as hillary o.o

Then next was the 6/3 chalet on the 6th and 7th!! OMG. IT WAS FREAKING FUNNY. oh first of all, thanks to those who turned up (: there's mj, edmund, zing, pristine, shunyi, jia xin, noel poo, darren toh, qi koi, wei yang and shi rong. Though there aren't many people, i was damn happy cause the people who turned up this time aren't the usuals!!! Well except for me mj and ed. People like zing, wei yang, noel and darren, i've not seen them in 4 years!!! HAHA AND THEY ARE DAMN FUNNY!!! Zing is the best, we're still on crapping terms :D noel's as crap as ever larh! Still doing the same old funny shit. Only difference is his pants are now properly fastened and his butt cheeks aren't being paraded around anymore xD darren looks taller, AND SKINNIER *applauds* and wei yang is still super crap. and friggin' funny. i swear i got stomach aches just listenin' to him talk and ask "you is understanding my internationall-ing standard engrrrrlish? you is understanding?" LOL!!! LIKE WTF?! his on-purpose-crapped english is damn funny larh! haha shan't go into details about the chalet cus it would go on FOREVER. and really, one blog post isn't enough to describe these people i love

Last, would be today's FLL training thingy. Ok i won't say its WHOOPSY DAISY WONDERFUL! Cus it's not. Really it got a bit boring and i slept through like 1 hr of that whole set up session. Shuan and his debriefs ain't helping either. He took a blinking 1/2 an hr to finish saying thank you for helping out. Gosh haven't you heard of short and sweet? Haha and somehow i still cant get over the fact that his name's being spelt as SHUAN while its being pronounced as SHAUN O.O as BORING and UNPRODUCTIVE and UTTER-WASTE-OF-TIME FLL was today, i had my fun too :D pearlyn, peng fei and seok made me laugh my ass off. We had our high moments where we camwhored and played with the lego humans. I TELL U. THAT WAS S-I-C-K. Peng fei started it all by positiong the lego man so that they resembled sex positions! THEN, SEOK AND PEARLYN JOINED IN. By that time i was laughing like some siao person larh! Stomach ache!!! T.T then after that we did this motion picture thingy where we took pictures of the lego sex story and made it into an impromptu slideshow. WTF. All the FLL ppl were staring larh!

And omg toking about this, i think i'm bipolar. I can get super high one moment then super sian and low the next!! Like 5 minutes ago i was nobody-ing with seok and camwhoring with the others, the next second i was stoning on the stage. Entirely braindead. GOSH AM I LIKE SUFFERING FROM BIPOLAR DISORDER?! it'll be sooooooooooo coool to find that i'm depressed :D LOL. I think one of the symptoms would be food obsession/fetish too. After FLL, seok and i went to this clementi shopping mall thingy to grab sth light. I saw the Ramly's burger and fell instantly in love. Ever since i saw bahari eating that, i've been craving, and even dreaming (no seriously i did) about eating it!! Imagine sinking your teeth into that soft, spongy flour-y flesh and feeling the sticky cheese clinging on to your teeth. The beauty of it all...omg who'd ever thought i'd be fantasising about food! Normal people would fantasise about men, hot dudes, taylor lautner, or some crush of theirs. But here i am. Fantasising about food and hands!! DID I TELL YOU ABOUT MY OBSESSION WITH HANDS. Don't think i did. I was rewatching my girl the past few nights and OH. MY. GOD. LEE DONG WOK HAS THE MOST AMAZING HANDS. I duno why i've always had this thing with hands. Maybe its cause my hands look like something that came from frankenstein's sister.

And then i feel like i'm crapping. Stupid. I think i've just did an off the pills rant. Maybe i've got ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder like nigahiga! Yep i think i do. I've just lost my train of thought. Gosh.

LOOK AT THE TIME *STARES* freak i have to wake up at 4.45 2mr morning to rush to CLEMENTI SST for that ****** FLL competition! "Be there by earliest 6.30 latest 7am!"" says shuan which means i have to be at clementi mrt stn at 6.30 to catch a bus which means that i have to be at tampines mrt at 5.30 in order not to be late which also means that i have to leave house at 5.15 to catch a bus. All in all it means i have to wake up at 4.45am. Sigh..i now have less than 4 hours to sleep cus im absolutely positive that i won't be able to fall asleep by 1.45. I reached home at 9.30!! ITS STILL TOO EARLY. I need to do something that will tire me. BUT WHAT. oh my gosh im staring at my fingers while im typing and i realised my nails are damn short. I've been biting them again. Shoots. Just after i've kept some of them. Flabbit. DANG i've just been random again.

Ok u noe what im just gona stop this post to save myself from further embarrassment. Not blogging for like ages has caused me to become a blabbering idiot (: there. I hope ur satisfied!

Shall go and sleep now. Or at least ATTEMPT to. Be back on Sunday to give my final 2009 closure :D with a summary of the significant events in chronological order~ LOL that sounds like my GP homework. which i have not completed.



With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end