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Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 10:15 PM

I failed. Can't seem to bang hard enough to make a hole in my wall.

I missed the 3rd placing by 100 points.


Out of those 8 games all i needed was an average of 160 and i would get it!! DANG FLABBIT I JUST NEEDED A BIT MORE! Just a raise of about 20 for the last 4 games i would have won URGH!!!!

i played 149 145 179 156 115 126 128 132

something lidat.

pissed -.-


Nvm shall talk about something positive. After these 2 days, i can say for sure is i love 2E'07 the best. Besides 6/3'05.

Yesterday was the start of our chalet. Waited at downtown east for AN HOUR for tan wei n ruo ling to come. After that went into the room and started to play card games! haha cheat with yi cheng, zhai yang, tan wei and ruo ling is damn fun larh!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YI CHENG. I almost never cheat, but everytime i cheat i kena caught by him!! YI CHENG! >< and that zhai yang arh..duno how he do one. Every round also win. Zai kia...

Then yu jie started showing magic card tricks! OMG DAMN NICE. And i totally can't catch what he was doing larh! Surprisingly bing le could. haha jesslyn and kathy were trying to dee siao yu jie larh!

Bing le: aiya magicians for u to dee siao de marh! u dee siao them then their job dee siao u back wad!

Alamak. Too bad i didn't record what they said. Freaking funny!!! Miss 2E peeps so much..

Spent the rest of the afternoon playing cards. Oh and yu jie taught us bridge!!! YAY! Finally i know how to play bridge. He teaches soooo much better than jing jie ><

Dinner was damn sad. I didn't dare to eat the bbq-ed chicken larh! Why? Cause while marinating the chicken, tian qi, aaron and yi cheng were throwing the RAW chicken around the whole room!!! Trust me, the chicken will taste of tian qi's hands, the floor, the wall, and the toilet T.T dun dare to eat!! In the end, i ate mostly hot dogs and MARSHMALLOWS :D bbq0ing marshmallows are damn fun! We had this marshmallow war thingy where people were trying to sabo each others' marshmallows. Tian qi was the worst. HE KEPT TRYING TO KOP PEOPLE'S MARSHMALLOWS! Just as u finished bbq-ing urs, he would call you and swoop in from a different direction to swallow ur marshmallow!!! Pfft! Horrible jiji mei!

Spent the evening playing cards with kee heng, tian qi, zhai yang, tan wei n ruo ling. And then everyone got super tired and attempted to sleep. To no avail. It was damn hard larh! There were a total of about 17 people, and we had to squeeze! In the end i duno sleep until what positiont liao. Shui bu hao. Now damn tired xD

haha at around 1am lidat, people started waking up and there was this mass gossiping session! DAMN FUN. 2E guys are really damn nice to gossip with! Esp tian qi, kee heng and benjamin! Not to forget ning qian. HAHA TRUTH OR DARE WITH NING QIAN WAS DAMN FUN. Ahem anyway! The guys were really nice larh. I had to leave at like 8 in the morning, where everyone was still asleep..super sad larh. I'm really starting to love 2E lots and lots..2 years ago, everyone was still immature, clique-ish and stuff. There was no real bond. In these 2 years, i haven't spokent to any 2E peeps besides tan wei, ruo ling and wei ting. But during this short period, somehow we clicked and now i really love 2E. Miss kee heng and his lame jokes. Miss tian qi and his antics. Miss wee teck and his silence. Miss bing le and his drools xD miss jesslyn and her jokes. Miss yu jie and his lameness. Miss yi cheng and his..emo-ness? LOL!! Miss ning qian and her personality! Miss ruo ling and tan wei always. For no reason. GOSH DANG i miss the whole 2E larh T.T this ain't coming out right so i shall just stop >< oh and zhai yang's changed a lot! He's now much nicer and less irritating as compared to 2 years ago ^^ many people changed. Benjamin's nicer too :D

Really love 2E'07 <3


let me make a hole in the wall with my head before i continue posting.

Saturday, November 07, 2009 @ 5:06 PM

I just came back from my comp and URGH. i died...horribly terribly vegetably...


If you saw me play in the good old days (= 4 years ago), you would feel sad for me. DANG i used to play an average of 150 in competitions! and today, my scores were...

120. 91. 171. 125.


If i didnt get a 91, my total score would be above 500, which is already bad enough. i should be having a total score of 600++++++++!!!!! Gosh. Only kia mui's 'wonderful' cardkept me goinv xD LOL. haha THANKS MUI! <3 AND THANKS ELISA FOR WISHING ME LUCK <3

Oh the people in our lanes were absolutely great too!!! Not only were they FREAKING PRO, they were cute and funny :D i think it's necessary to say there're only 2 girls in these 2 lanes. Including me. The rest were guys BUT GOSH THEY WERE CUTE! Alexander ludwig cute. Without the looks. There was er...song wei yang, soh wei kiam, greg tan, cleon, ian mark, noah and jerlene. The guys were damn cute!!! Especially noah, greg and cleon. Psst mui's obsessed with noah ^^ noah looks like a little boy, but plays like a..woah. You get my point. Greg was the first guy to start high-fiving/fisting me! And he looks like a little boy too AWWW~ Cleon was the funniest. I think he thought i was new to this bowling thing and try to explain the rest buttons, hand dryer thingy and stuff. Super cute xD and everytime he high-fived me he looked like he was gona laugh his ass off. Do i look that weird? Sigh..

2mr's doubles and i don't wana pull my partner down. so i HAVE to bowl a total of 650. But how the fuck am i going to do that? I stank today. But i don't even know what i did wrong. Why? Cause my coach wasn't paying any attention to me (: he was so nice as to keep out of my way and attempt to pry into others' business to avoid hurting my pride. After seeing my horrendous score, he then decided to leave early so he won't feel tempted to scold me. Hence i came home happily without a scolding.

Yeah who am i kidding.

My awesome coach was too busy talking to other coaches to watch me and tell me what i did wrong. He even said chuye was there for experience so he didn't really care about his performance. Mine's supposed to be for real, yet he offered me no advice nor guidance. He even left before i finished my game -.- nice one coach.

This means i'm gona die AGAIN 2mr. Someone order a coffin for me. I want a white one.

HAH was just watching ANTM just now, and tyra jokingly said nigel barker had a FOOT FETISH!!!! oh gosh.

i remember few of my friends having a barbie fetish :D in fact, i think my cousin had it...to think little boys could jerk off things girls totally adore...


AHHHH MY BOWLING COMPS 2MR!!! and i'm utterly, completely, entirely sure i'm gona die. pfft. training 2day was crap. we were supposed to try out the lanes, and i totally died. damn. we started off with usual drills, 1 step, 3 step then 5 step, practicing spares-from-hell, then playing 3 games. i SUCKED. big time. lucky me i have something to blame it on :D i used to bowl in from the 10th board, 2nd arrow. but today coach wanted me to try a new line. he ask me to bowl from the 30th board, into the 3rd arrow. imagine the ball rolling from the left of a lane to dangerously near the gutter, then make an extreme hook back into the pocket (the middle. sort of.) yea im supposed to do that. DANG. i used to play normal: enter from the right, hook a little into the pocket. this new line thingy skewerd me.

the worst thing was, coach feared i lost my release and made me use the metal guard again!!! that is soooo not right! if i had to use a guard, i should be starting from my basic guard. that would help and slowly edge me into it. the metal guard was... *breathes* it overhooked and all my throws went out. like way out.

and that, was a vision of how i would die 2mr ^^

well at least i had chuye to cheer on! he played well 2day WHOO CHUYE! i think that kinda lane suits him. but he was using the old style, and not my crazy-extreme-totally-impossible style. yeah. GOOD LUCK (:

Friday, November 06, 2009 @ 2:08 AM

right now im rather peeved.

i've just spent 3 hours looking for an ACCEPTABLE blogskin. yay me. so i'm gona be totally honest about whatever i'm feeling and whatever i'm saying. people won't get to this new link soon anyway so i guess im safe xD

actually its quite funny. i remembered hunting so long for a blogskin last year and i was thinking "GOSH. why aren't there any horrifically adorable skins?!" just now i was thinking "DAMN. why aren't there any freaking goth skins?!" haha! HUGE change in taste.

i'm feeling quite OKAY with this blogskin. but well..i was feeling black. well not feeling black as inn moody black but feeling like black. weird.

had training yesterday with chuye n kiamui and POOP I HAVE A COMPETITION ON SAT AND SUN *BREATHES* im gona die. i don't think i cant produce constant 160s for 4 games. so dead..

anyway, before training mui and i were talking about 4J and 3J. it was really great..and i do miss both. they are the same class, but being with different ppl changes the entire experience. in 08, i was closer to gaun, jas, and mui. that was really the peak of my time in 3/4J. cus i was among people who were entirely like, and yet totally unlike, me! we were equally matched in high-ness and crazy ideas always seem to sprout out when we're tgt. i had a great time with them and for once it felt great to be the high 'me'. i don't really get to do that often (:

then at the end of 08, or rather from the middle, i started to inch closer to my bestie seok. we faced problems w our friendship in sec 2 and things sorta dried up n died down between us. however, around that time she started needing me and i began to lend my shoulder to her 24/7. it was tiring..and yet great. i understood her. it was just then when i got closer to both sheena, and derek. it brought stress to my n seoks friendship, and helped me and sheena got closer. during that last half of a year, i started to feel really happy and loved (: call me absurd but this new link thingy is making me emotional. *barfs*

come 09, somehow i got closer to alicia, elisa and jing lan. it was a different experience, a different exhileration. with that group, i could be my solemn serious self and no one would think i was EMO or sth. i could be honest about my feelings and lecture the immature side of me. at the beginning, i was still active. i had my dear nana, my beloved seok, funny fayth, long-lost hansel, and a wreck i've begun to take a liking to. but everything started to change. around may, i started to lose interest in everything. i didn't want to study, i didn't want to hang out, i couldn't control my temper, gosh it was horrid. all i knew was that..i was bored. the only reason why i talked in class and among my friends was cause i hated silence. no matter how bored i was, i needed laughter in my life. weird huh

talking to mui yesterday made me realise these big changes that went on in these 2 years of my life. i used to be fun, sociable, i duno everything good. it felt great and nice to me. as the americans like to say, i felt positive energy. i was glowing on the inside. with joy, happiness, everything. but this year...all these were gone. i didn't feel happy, nor did i feel sad. well there was a period after everything came apart where i was bombed with all sorts or emotions, but after that..it was just gray. everything was. and thinking about it now makes me both sad and angry. I'VE JUST WASTED AN ENTIRE YEAR. it sucks.

if it weren't for my friends, i would have just floated away man~ so thanks jinglan, alicia, elisa, nana, seok and the many others. seok i swear im gona jio u out this hols!!

someone once said i have a very high threshold, for anger, hurt. that was when i still felt. now i mostly feel nothing. hmm..in fact if i felt anything, its gray. i just don't really care anymore. i so hate this. but i cant get myself out of this nightmare. gosh someone teach me how to care..

it's only been a year but it feels like an eternity..

HURMPH. im gona bring colour back into my life somehow. i swear.

so i shall dedicate 2mr's post to 3/4J :D

psst. ps about the rants!!!

happy holidays (:


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end