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Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 10:09 PM

this place is SOOO dead. but who cares i shall jus blog for the fun of it ^^

lessons 2day were quite ok. cus i had 2 n a half hours of free period!!! whoots! damn shuang larh. pe was the first period and, it was killing. lanny n i were totally dead in lang arts aftr dat. nx came recess and free period! whoolala~

ahh n now i've lost the mood to post >< "psps shall update 2mr!" says nobelle to nobelle

Saturday, January 24, 2009 @ 10:22 PM

ahhhh i love yestrday!!!!

its the first carrots outing in ages!!

oh and sry for not posting for so long xD haha was pretty busy n lazy. this blog is soooo dead >< anw cny celebrations were great yestrday. the best in these 4 yrs i felt! the MCs werent great but acceptably gud, CO was jaw dropping as usual, dance society awesome, CLDDS superb, wushu stunning, and dat nian video they used was damn creative too! haha really one of the best celebs in rv ever. i laughed until my abs hurt like siao. well done peeps! aftr dat settled some stuff in sch then went to seoks house! whoolala~ oh n we saw fann! long time no see. it was nice to see n tok to her abt stuff. really missed that batch of carrots seniors.

anw aftrnoon was pretty much a mess of running about here and there. went for carrots outing in the night!!!! ok larh it wasnt an outing actually, jus a dinner together the earliest to reach were of cus me n seok. haha thanku i noe we damn punctual xD next was sheena, steph and chang ming, xiu min, and then a whole bunch of crossers. man yestrday was the first time since quek's arrival that crossers and trackers actually got together like a family. the seniors came back too! only 3 but still, very happy ^^ there were kah lok, jing jie and pei shi. aftr kah lok and jing jie arrived, we sat in a circle and started playing this passing game where someone would start an action like pulling the next person's hair, and then the next person will pull the next next person's hair, so on and so forth. psps my descriptive skills arent that gud. we played a few rounds of that. the messying hair part was the funniest cus justin was chasing nana!! they were running about and wrestling with each other. haha track vs cross!! super funny xD

aftr dat we split into groups and went to da bao dinner. then we all came back to gombak square, sit on the floor and eat. kah lok and jing jie were like telling us their sch experiences and stuff. mstly were abt christian practises tho. wah they say until damn funny larh! all of us were laughing our asses off. haha aftr dat we played dai di for a while and it was damn silly cus jing jie kept saying "wah ni men ji cute yi xia!" say until we all cant tke it lor!!!

pei shi joined us not long later n we started this 'sharing' session. it was me, seok, yunyi, nana, pei shi, steph, xiu min, hilda, n a few more i cant really rmb. woah it was funny man! we started bitching abt quek, look, 'egg', and mny others. tok and laugh until i 2day no voice liao lor >< haha DAMN FUN! i wun elab much cus i cant really describe the joy then

we played pepsi cola nx, took group photos, and left. i only hav one photo now so i shall jus post dat larh


aftr yestrday i can tell you that you're really really wrong. we carrots are one big family, not 2 split individuals cross and track. we're suppose to be known as athletics, a whole group. all our seniors emphasised on the importance of realising we're one and together. but ever since you came, you ruined the bond between us. u clearly drew the line between us and cause us to gradually lose our bond and connection with one another. at first we were all angry, but i guess as time passes we get used to the new situation and feel satisfied. however being together with the seniors, being athletics and not track and field yestrday really woke up a part of me. yes, we may have different goals. yes, we may have different coaches. but u were wrong to split us up. by doing that you are training us to be sore losers - either u win or u get closed down. u focus too much on the medals and not on the process, u dont even care what ur training does to us emotionally. when we laugh together, fall together, work together and help each other, we bond. we do our very best not only for ourselves, but for our family. u might not feel it because ur so stubbornly sticking to ur weird logic, but wad u're doing is affecting us all. a lot.

so heck, you may be a coach. but from 2day onwards we will stick together as a family whether you like it or not. wake up dude

Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 9:47 PM


lessons were as usual, boring. hmm i think glh really mus go straighten her hair back. she perm liao a bit toot. dat was random ps xD

anw i gta say sry to lanny!! sitting beside me must be a torture. esp when im all high n singing in her face, showing her weird expressions n stuff. haha sry lan lan!!!! we were laughing throughout lessons 2day, doing silly things, and me singing "aroom muah muah aroom muah muah" almost every second! gosh i wonder how anyone can tolerate me. oh and mr desmond lim has pronounciation issues. he read my name as "nobeller" >< nice one mr lim. nice one. lanny was laughing her ass off at dat larh! ok not only her the whole class was!!! zhuang qiang le larh! haiyo

and before i forget, happy bday shin fung n mr ng!! whoo thanks to shin fung we had free cake 2day!! xD haha lanny n i shared one. needless to say the whole cake-eating thing was damn damn messy. my whole hand was covered in cream larh

aftr sch was tokin to fang qi for awhile, at the same time luking at yiwei n yin shiuan play games. see kiwi ur fault. cannot tok bring labbie for ppl to go crazy over >< haha anw we talked n crapped till nananipoopoo came back frm swimming! then we sat n ate prata waiting for ahem..SEOK YIN. v dua pai hor!!! haha went to commonwealth mama shp to eat pao mian tgt! as usual we crapped abt everything u can possibly think of

hmm dats probably abt everything. argh i feel like im reciting some memorised speech or sth! gah. should put more life into my posts. LALALALA~~

Friday, January 09, 2009 @ 10:20 PM


haha i like mr hor (LA), ms tan sy (bio!), mrs tan (music)...and dats abt it xD

bt well i like my teachers woolala!

and i've decided to be a nun. yes a nun. cool right?

anw heres sth i want to say to my fellow track carrots (:

hey peeps dun be demoralized n stuff. yea we're all not happy about the current arrangement. but the only thing we can do to change it is to do our best. attend training and give it all you've got. no more slacking and fooling around cause if we want track to continue, we have to prove to the school that we are good enough, that we are a worthy cca. so jiayou carrots!!!! i have lots of faith in you guys and i believe you can all do it. jiayou for 2mr's race! RUN IT WELL! carrots power! <3

Sunday, January 04, 2009 @ 2:30 PM

and...2day im gona post all abt 2008's US trip. super late yes i know sorry! and u guys gta bear w me its gona be damn long

ok lets start with the amazing flight. IT WAS A FRIGGIN 19 HR LONG PLANE RIDE AND I WAS DYING!!! its a miracle i survived lor. tell u a damn amazing thing. we left on friday 5th dec 9.30 sth in the morning and we landed at US Los Angeles on friday 5th dec 4.45 in the afternoon. amazing rite? and i said its a 19 hr lng plane ride. haha US is actually 16 hours behind sg time if im nt wrong. arnd there ba.

anw by the tym we arrived everyone was dead beat, sticky, not excited, and pissed. so we went straight back to the hotel, if u can call that one, and thats mostly for the day. dinner settle ourselves. wah tell u. the hotel is horrible man. firstly, no kettle. if you want hot water you got to BUY it. secondly, no toothbrush. i take that back. NOTHING else besides beds, lights, a door, a tv, and a stinky dirty creeeeeepy toilet. thirdly, HORRIBLE BREAKFAST. its buffet style but the only things we get are scrambled eggs, super oily sausages or bacons, and pancakes. mini ones. hot water tea bags orange juice n apple juice are provided. nothing else. not even milk =.= what the **** we stayed there for three days. t-h-r-e-e THREEEEEEE. sigh. back to the 1st day. we went to this restaurant called "Tony Roma's". frankly speaking, i love it. the portions are way way WAY big, but the food is good, the people are nice, i had a nice walk there frm the hotel, and simply its great. the portion tho, woah. i ordered this "shrimp delight". in sg we would usually get this plate of like 5 shrimps? i got 28 pieces in us. together with a huge amount of fries and salad. huge huge huge huge huge! but nice (: looking forward to trying again if i ever do go back

day 2:

we went to disneyland!!!! haha actually it wasnt only disneyland. it was both disneyland and california adventure land. they're opposite each other. anw it was a free day for us larh. so we took a shuttle bus there. tour guide lead de. then aftr dat split up and go back to the 'hotel' ourselves. yea our family oso split into 4 2 larh. dad mum n babies; me n novia. DISNEYLANDS PREEEEEEETAYE. picture time! ^^

this is disneyland larh. doesnt luk appetizing here but trust me its very pretty

this is very sweet! those little kids dancing w their fave princess characters. awww~

the pirated of the carribean ride. nice views inside bt ride pretty boring. no bumps nothing at all. jus plain old straight ride

skeleton inside the ride there xD not clear psps. i got some othr photos but all are blur

this is wad we're greeted to when we step out of the pirates of the carribean ride. i like these sort of streets v pretty n well... i duno larh. im nt even sure pretty's the word to describe it. just love them

aftr that ride we went for the haunted house ride larh. hmm it was pretty much the same as compared to japan's. i'll put the japs one in ltr for comparison

ok this is the haunted mansion in US Los Angeles's disneyland. now for japs

actually i prefer the japs one. the decos are cuter, nicer n stuff. US one a bit boring. nothing much

anw this was the only clearer foto i got inside the haunted mansion ride

hmm ok aftr the haunted mansion we went to c this very cute fountain! neh the one down there. gt the nice statues and stuff. argh! my dictionary is very limited unfortunately i can only describe everything as pretty nice sweet and pretty. u see even the words are repeated!

yea this is a lovey dovey place. found mny sweet couples making out rite here uh huh

these are pics of the parade that was going on when we were otw out of disneyland to the california adventure land!! whoots! btw we left here at abt 4 and by 5 the place was dark

yep so back to california adventure land! it was great. cus the games there are more adventurous as the name suggests, more thrilling i like! lots of coasters n thrilling stuff. the first ride we went for was the water rafting one. 6 person per raft. so basically we sit on the raft and they push us to this full of water place. and then we follow the water and swing about here and there, bouncing super high, and getting duper wet. really. esp when ur sitting at the side like i was. the water just goes WHOOSH and my entire jeans was soaked!!! ohya this would be a gud time to mention dat while everyone's wearing long johns n long tees and thick pants, i was wearing a tee a normal jacket and a simple pair of levis. so when i got soaked, yay me~

haha aftr dat ride novia n i went for this ride called MaliBooming. ok dats scary. luk at the photos and u'd noe

the height of this ride is 184 feet which is abt 56m. scary ride!! theres this 4 by 4 seats square thing where we sit around. it started like this. a lady said "welcome to the MaliBooming! keep you hands and legs in and stay seated at all times. how are you guys!" and then she started some casual talk. suddenly "well i don't care if you're afraid cause here we go!!!!" and the whole thing shot up! VERY FAST! it was so fast that i didnt have time to breathe. i held my breath as it shot up lor. its just so fast that u cant actually mke urself breathe. then came the pause. all the way up there. i took a huge breath, then we dropped. omg dat was damn scary T.T it wasnt scary cus it was such a huge drop of sth. it was scary cus i couldnt scream! i did scream larh when it started to drop. i screamed SUPER LOUD. but then soon i was out of breath and we were still dropping! i jus couldnt mke myself tke a deep breath n scream again. dat was the scary part. scream until no breath liao still dropping

oh n i realised dat the african americans are actually very nice ppl. the guy sitting next to me on the malibooming was one. he was crapping like siao. telling me he's gona vomit, gona die n stuff n making me laugh xD haha damn funny

fugly pic of me n my sis. haha tot i should put at least one pic of me in or else so fake

ok this is 1 part of the adventure park

c the mickey? if u luk carefully u will c the faint curve of a roller coaster above the mickey. that roller coaster was fun!!! really fun! 5, 4, 3, 2, and we shot straight up at the count of 1. very fast too. usually tke roller coaster they start slow de. slowly climb up den drop. but this, no. it shot very fast. all the way up n down even faster. the mickey's part of the coaster actually xD haha super fun!

we did play many other games bt if i were to list them all out u'd be so bored. in fact i think u guys are like falling asleep. ah i shall continue 2mr too lng liao xD haha dats it for 2day!!

Saturday, January 03, 2009 @ 9:50 PM


ok went for a 4 over hr flag day w seok 2day!

first up we met at commonwealth mrt. and as usual im the early one (: MUAHAHAHA! ahem so anw. met seok then we took 100 to sch. woah the bus ride was extreme. we were crapping abt sausages and stuff and aiyo seok arh. tsk tsk ^^ haha aftr dat we crawled all the way down the long long never ending slope, and made our way to the hall. reached there arnd 7.58 bt there was like almost no one besides the badminton peeps. in the end we slacked ran arnd n went crazy for a while. ppl started to flock in at abt 8.10. so we grabbed our bags thingy (they used bags instead of tins this round) and got out quick.

in the mrt we were fooling arnd as expected. haha lets tke a luk at some of seoks spastic fotos!

duno y she put her face at my hand there

see again. aiyo seok arh!

HAHA THE DIGGING NOSE MOVIE! go save these 2 fotos, and then view them one aftr another. quickly. u'd see this superb video like thingy of seok's nose digging adventure

we started at park mall. stood in front of the entrance n asked everyone passing for money xD surprisingly most did tong some coins! seok says its cus they working ppl gt money. i think its cus my idea go there too pro le. ok scratch dat it doesnt make sense. anw aftr standing there for abt half n hr, we walked over to plaza sing. i was really quite shocked today. i did flag day a few times already bt this round i met much much nicer ppl who are willing to donate. tourists, locals, prs, lots and lots. some of them were really polite and nice. and this lady gave me 10 bucks!!! yes omg 10 friggin dollars. totally jaw dropping!

at arnd 10.20 we couldnt tke it anymore. DAMN hungry. so we ran into plaza sing n got an ice cream each. wah this is the most silly part. u noe ppl tong coins that time we have to be super polite, so we go "thank you very much! have a nice day *smile big big*" when the lady at macs gave me my ice cream, i said "thank you very much! have-" and then i stopped. short. like omg!!!! wth did i say that larh!!! siao liao me. haha n u should have seen the way we ate our ice creams. super unglam. too bad the unglam ice cream w seok if nt i can put here xD

haha anw aftr dat we started again. see so guai rite!

returned to sch at nearly one lidat ba. super tired. legs were on the verge of breaking. haiyo bt i still gtg orchard tangs hlp my mum collect stuff T.T luckily seok pei me. wah we were practically crawling there.

then we left tangs at abt 2 plus ba. shot straight home. too tired to do anything else.

go hme liao even worse! tired bt cant slp. mus do stuff alamak. spent the rest of the day feeling moody n pissed for no reason what so ever.

AHA dats me being weird again!

and zing if u ever do read this, tke gud care of novia!!!!!! and tell me where ur bro went o sooo forgotten to ask u WOMAN (:


Friday, January 02, 2009 @ 10:47 PM


do u noe how hard it is to find a new blogskin?

esp when the nowadays ones are filled with emo messages and stuff?

well i don't care anymore i like this and thats that. tho i seriously dun like the emo messages


sorry for nt posting will update 2mr!

tgt w US pics n everything else

cya guys! (:

oh and happy new year! have a wonderful 2009


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end