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Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 9:56 PM

one more day left~~~

ok accurately just a few more hours left~~


shall update 2mr! tell u guys wads happened recently xD


Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 8:23 PM


im so pissed =.= cus i realised i posted a whole entire chunk yestrday, n the whole darn thing is gone. GONE. poof.

i shall jus repeat wad happened yestrday.


went to make ic w kiwi. haha he pei-ed me xD

shockingly the thing ended at like..9.32. i expected it to end at like 1!!! haha! so i called my mum n she ask me treat kiwi to lunch. then we proceeded to argue in lavender mrt station on where to go next. finally we ended up at tampines mall!!! walked around for a while n then went to eat mac breakfast. yum yum =] haha we saw mny lee li khan-like ppl lor! then we laugh like siao xD

aftr dat i brot him to tampines safra cus novia wanted to go but duno how to. lead her there n crapped w her all the way. WEI IM A NICE SISTER OK! poo >.< then at tampines safra i bowled a game n a half w kiwi. omg i deproved like CRAZY. frm average of 160 to a...sobs...90+ game T.T then kiwi was surprisingly tyco w his spares n stuff. damn funny

next we went back to tm for PASTAMANIA! wuahahahahaha nana be jealous (: i noe u are. i treated him to ham n sausage baked rice. who ask him so nice pei wo :D aftr dat we went timezone!!! we started of w table hockey first

1st game: nobelle liew the great won. 7-2
2nd game: NLTG won again. 7-2
3rd game: NLTG won AGAIN!! 7-2

next kiwi said mus play daytona. he say confirm win me de. i oso think i would lose

1st round: *zoom!* and NOBELLE WON!
2nd round: *drum rolls* and NOBELLE WON AGAIN!! ^^

then kiwi totally cant believe it. haha said we mus play table hockey again

1st game: sadly, kiwi won. 6-3
2nd game: sobs ;'( kiwi won again 7-5

so sad! haha aftr i said we mus go play house of the dead 2. WAH KIWI DIED FIRST! nice (:

lesson for the day: nobelle is much much pro-er than kiwi =)


haha oh n while we were at timezone, we saw 3L peeps there too. saw bing le, cai ling, malcom, n a few others. ah bing was like super stunned to c moi

me: *waves frantically at ah bing*
ah bing: *stares. stuns.* HELLO!

yea den some small tok n stuff. aftr dat went to sweet tok where kiwi got some watermelon ice blended (?). awwwww so sad he couldnt go find SOMEONE~ haha!

funnily some alien must hav took over him cus he was so nice to pei me back hme. then the 2 babies attacked him!!! haha they tickled until he totally rolled on the floor calling for help xD poor kiwi become the 2nd derek liao! but i think u mre scared dan derek ba

dat was mstly wad happened yestrday ba

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @ 7:48 PM

woah this week is rather eventful

went to suntec's book fair w nana on monday. flew to gombak in the morning! haha n saw the carrots training. really love their attitude. give it ur best shot always. hmm i love my juniors!~~ n my peers~~ how lng hav i nt said this??? haha months i bet!

anw went to nana's hse aftr dat. while we were otw there she was stuffing me w mr beans soya bean ice cream!!! omg my mouth was like over flowing w ice cream! haha!

of cus u guys noe wad i would tok abt next...POM POM! pom pom~ pom pom~ hah! derek i can tell u pom pom still likes ME more! xD haha. bt this time pom pom damn excited kp climbing all over me! dat happened while nana was in the bath. wah i tell u. so mny ppl's gona be SO jealous. cus i blow dried nana's hair!!! haha i felt super old then >< awww fifi i noe u wana be the honoured one (:

left nanas house n went to a kopitiam for lunch. of cus i wasnt satisfied as expected xD so i said ltr definitely mus go pastamania. n then we left for suntec. on the mrt there were these 3 ppl, mum daughter n son, who were so rude n noisy dat we couldnt stand them!!! so nana n i were like thinking of ways nt to let them get seats. damn evil! haha! in the end they alighted same stop as us lor. so nt much we could do

when we got to the book fair we totally went crazy!!! we were like "AH SO MNY ENGLISH BOOKS!!!" haha! then we walked around finding books, she pei me i pei her n stuff. finally someone who can stand my walking-aimlessly book craze xD aftr dat i couldnt take it. leg DAMN pain. so i took out my shoes!! wah damn unglam! then d funnies thing happen. someone grabbed my waist. i turned around. and i saw lanny!!!!! she was like "NOBELLE!" n i was going "LANNY!" n nana was shouting "JING LAN!" haha so funny!

lala aftr dat we went pastamania!!! where nana koped both my ham n sausage baked rice n my marinara. i nt full marh so we went KFC for cheese fries. u noe the cheese fries gt mayonnaise de rite? den i mentioned dat dat looks like cum. nana did d mst unexpected thing. she picked up the mayo, and went "mmmm...yummy cum!!!" n she started licking!!! omg! i stunned like siao! then i shouted a big ew!!!! haha! den nana continued torturing me like this lor. as we were playing, suddenly this super gross lady appeared. she was like lee li khan size n she wore this super short tube!!! so her belly fats n boobs were like overflowing!!! major EWWWW. n her boyfriend was squeezing her overflowing assets =.= omg so...

we strolled around aftr KFC den left le. wah super funny n memorable day. should do dat sometime again!!!! :D

Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 9:41 PM

went to sch 2day to celebrate coachs already-over birthday...AND IT WAS DAMN FUN!

omg totally enjoyed it. reached sch at abt 8.30. went up to luk for kiwi. then crapped abt 'pornographic discs' and othr stuffs for eg fifi n nana xD

left for the canteen at abt 9. jus in time to c them do drills n acceleration. i was itching to run larh. sobs ;'( i want to run!

anw we celebrated coachs bday by blowing cake! a cake bot by seok frm secret recipe. full CHOC. triple layer CHOC CAKE. yum!

haha aftr dat i was testing tse yin on birth dates.

tse yin: when's my bday?
me: 28th may!
tse yin: how u noe?!
me: cus my fone contact list ur bday is nx to ur name. so everytime u sms me i will catch a glimpse of ur bday xD
tse yin: OMG GUD IDEA!
me: so when's MY bday?
tse yin: er...i noe is april wan...22nd april!
me: ur head larh!
tse yin: seok when's nobelle's bday?!
seok: *shows a 2 n a 8 with her fingers*
tse yin: 2ND AUGUST!
me: your head larh!
seok: aiyo! 28th!!!
tse yin: aha! 28th august!
tse yin: AH! I KENW IT!
me: omg....*zhuang qiang*

walao we laughed like siao over this thing larh can!!!


coach cutting bday cake!

he's posing...

and he cuts!

c girls w coach. yunyi, jia hui, coach, sheena, averil, tse yin, charmaine

c boys with coach. yiming, bryan, jie hui, coach, pei yao, darren, zi siang

b girls w coach! zheng xiao, tracy, tan wei, coach, me, seok yin (ohmytian i luk fugly here ><)
b boys w coach! wen jia, aaron, chong yan, coach, bryce, pei dong

woah handsome coach posing!

poses again~~

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 11:17 AM

lalalala~~ im sooooooo sian diao-ed

i jus gave nana fayths no so i think i'll hav a junior-in-law v soon~



i'm dying out here ;'(

not like some ppl overseas enjoy so much... ><

shall think of sth to post n come back soon

Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 11:30 PM

novia said that the blogskins nice, bt jie hui's pics aint beautiful so it ruined the whole thing. aww sry jie hui!

lalalala spent the whole of 2day slping n chatting w nana n fayth on the fone xD nothing much im a lazy pig

sry nana for letting u wait so long! T.T sry sry

ok i think thats for 2day..cant think of much to crap abt
just one day and im missing u. u left and i had a nightmare. be back soon i miss u..

Thursday, November 06, 2008 @ 8:47 PM

it was learning symposium 2day...fun! and yet boring too.

the opening lecture was rather nice n fun to listen to cus the talker was rather entertaining. went to 1H immediately aftr break to c jie hui present!!! ooh so cute! haha xD

the presenting jie hui!!! or rather. presenting...jie hui!

haha jie hui, choon hien, and who's dat?

and here we have dear silly jie hui playing with his strings since he was so bored xD

an extract of their presentation:

choon hien: our project is about creative structures. for example, we need a stable base (pats jie hui's butt), a great height (pats jie hui's head), and a good c.g. (center of gravity) for the structure to be stable (pats jie hui's *toot*)

haiyo they 2 arh...horrible fellas. i shant mention wad me, seok, weiyang, and winkit (i think dats his name?) were doing while a certain teacher was assessing them

aftr dat me n seok headed up to tse yin, averil, and eddie monnie's project which was this creative writing thingy. seok n i had to come up with this poem thing in the form of "haiku", the theme being school holidays. this was wad i came up with aftr like 5 seconds of thinking. btw haiku is where we form this 3 line poem, first sentence 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables n the 3rd 5. oh and the last words need not rhyme

mine went like this:
school holidays suck
homework like a pile HAHA
confirm very sian

can rite??? then me n seok were doing damn damn damn damn lame stuff larh!!! like drawing all over the paper. then aftr dat we went out of the cls to put our handprint or sth

c this seok! ppl put handprint nia she mus go write her name oso!!! omg haha xD then still gt heart shape somemore!!

haha both handprints are mine ^^ the smudged one wasnt my fault! i wanted to make a nice one lor. then too much ink liao my hand jus slipped down the paper. i bu shuang marh so attempted another. turns out both were sorta screwed ><

yes this was how red my fingers were. ok larh this isnt very red cus i washed liao n it dried. it was much redder when the ink was wet

here we have dear huey chyi!!! my cutest junior! with ink all over her face and poster paint in her hair! omg

seoks amazing face

seoks amazing face again! more colourful this time round

chang ming, yunyi, seok n huey chyi washing their faces in the toilet!!

haha them again!!!!

chang ming n yunyi! haha c how red their cheeks are. the stamp ink like natural blushers lidat lor

too bad i nvr got mre pics of the guys ;'( i spammed jie hui's, choon hien's, ze lin's, zi siang's, and bryan's face with the ink! bryans was the worst cus the ink was super fresh n wet then. three pretty and long long red strokes across his cheeks! omg damn ke ai!

haha so there goes! the RV learning symposium 2008 (:

Monday, November 03, 2008 @ 9:46 PM

yestrday was my mum's bday!!!! happy bday mummy!

ok pics!

mum didnt want any cake cus she has this horrid cough. so in the end, my genius sisters and i gave her an egg tart! YES, an egg tart! haha so we blew egg tarts!!

the wonderful egg tart with the poky candles!! haha! and a fruit salad to follow (:

aha! see v pretty rite our egg tart cake?? the white thing is supposed to be dripping wax xD nolene's idea

mummy's smiling at daddy's camera lor not mine. so unfair T.T

finally the cakes cut into half!!

haha okok dats for my mums bday. in the nite we went to shangri-la hotel's shang palace for dinner. GORGEOUS FOOD. simply mouth-watering and amazingly nice!

some pics at shang palace (: the ice cream is MARVELOUS

see the ice cream so special!!! got smoke below de damn nice

the ice cream tastes gud too ^^

wonderful baby lobster!! bt too much garlic in my opinion

yep dats pretty much it for 2nd nov!

the nite before we went to the marina barrage! whoo nice open area i loved it! xD never really got mny pics bt well, heres a few

this was wad i took frm the marina barrage. couldnt really tke the marina barrage too damn big

a very pretty fountain there!!

there were many comedians, magicians n stuff there! a very nice place to go to. i'm sooo going there again.

went out with pris 2day. haha crapped lots as usual xD abt chung hong zheng, lam qi koi, dhillon poh, her 5 korean guy frens (im jealous!), haha n mny mre. oh her brother matthew too! see matthew! ur da jie loves u so much! kp telling me stories abt u complaining when i whacked u xD haha sry!


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end