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Friday, October 31, 2008 @ 4:12 PM


gah was totally dying just now =.=

today was sports day larh. the day i luk mst forward to usually bt this yr cant run so a bit..lang fei!! everyone was like asking me "how come u track de nvr run?!" and then i had to repeat the story of my op a million times. mouth super suan

ok anw reported to the tents thingy at 8am approx. was the recorder of positions for all races including the teacher's events. in the end i stood there frm like 8 to 12 plus n was literally melting!!! gah and i was so freaking thirsty that i gulped down 3 bottles of 100 plus after. THREE bottles. haha! damn funny xD my skin was flaking off aftr dat larh. lala enough abt me now abt the race

mny teams were disqualified. seoks n nana's 4x100m team were DQed too. at least they took it with grace after the intial shock and disappointment, unlike others. hah! i see zero sportsmanship in some people. zilch. but a gud thing was i saw a whole lot of team spirit. esp in the pushball game. i wasnt playing cus i was super busy recording the teacher's backwards jumping race. bt in the few glances i had, i realised that the team spirit there was..wow. the individual teams planned well and worked well with each other. nice job peeps (: bt the mst impressive thing i saw was that ppl of diff hses helped each other without hesitation. ppl fell while chasing the ball. yet members of the competiting houses would stop to help, help them get up, then continue with the game. yea lots more.

OH AND MR CHUA TOTALLY PAWNED! haha he like catched up with uni in his 100m lor. lucky they made him the 4th runner. he was super elated xD

and it is so silly cus aftr being under the sun for 4 over hours, im totally not tanner. im like the same!!!! everyone has new tan lines except me lor >< sian diao-ed

aftr the race nana, dada, seok n i went to harbourfront for pastamania. HAM N SAUSAGE BAKED RICE AGAIN!!! whoo~~ super nice! i ate like siao so no surprise that im a total pig now.

while eating dada seok n i were having fun convos!!
ok my version:

derek: *stares at nana. nana is luking at her ham n sausage baked rice gracefully. she picks up her fork n spoon n derek thinks "wad a gentlelady."*
nana:*picks up fork n spoon gracefully. scoops some cheese, lift it slowly to her mouth, then hold the spoon above her mouth n start licking the cheese*
derek: *STUNS AT NANA. how come my baby eat lidat de?!*
nana: yum yum! eh got toothpick anot
derek: gulps, er no.
nana: oh ok. nvm *sticks fork into mouth n starts digging around*
nana: *smiles* derek kiss me~~ *opens mouth and derek sees cheese and rice n food bits there*
derek: *jaw drops* er! er....
nana: come on baby~ *smiles even wider*

dada's version:

derek: sheena, will you marry me? *holds a plate of ham n sausage baked rice*
nana: erm...*stares greedily at the plate of rice* lemme eat first then i think!!! *snatches!*
derek: orh ok lor *luks at nana lovingly*
nana: *finish le* hmm...lemme eat like 10 mre plates then i marry u!
derek: *omg!!! T.T* okok i go buy..
nana: love you <3

i wanted to put this SUPER glam pic of nana eating. bt wad a pity she dowan me put ;'( nvm!! nx tym i put ^^

haha ok shall put mre pics when i get them (:

Thursday, October 30, 2008 @ 9:21 PM

today was a...boring but then again not boring day xD

siyi n kia mui n jasmine came up w the awesome idea of getting something for CTK since we all love him so much n he's leaving this wk ;'( cant pei us for the last wk. so in the end siyi bot this choc cake, black board, apple-shaped post sticks, etc. kia mui brot markers, color papers, stuff lidat. in the end we all helped out to fill the black board with apple post sticks filled with our "words of wisdom"!! haha!

there was also this page of CTK's famous quotes!! here are a few rather famous ones:
1. always calculate AMOUNT first
2. you are all BIASED. u and ur BIASED views
3. this is COMMON SENSE so don't be an IDIOT and do something so stupid
4. i'm WHITE, not fair
5. no this is wrong! 错错错错错错错错错错错错!!! x 100
6. if you do ur TYS diligently, eoys will be easy!
7. NEVER do this, if not you're DEAD. GONE CASE i tell u. DEAD MAN
8. confirm + guarantee + CHOP

of cus there're mny mny more! bt well my memory isnt that gud u noe xD

anw siyi, kia mui n jasmine pia-ed during recess. aftr sch i helped out abt tho not alot. mst of the credit goes to kia mui, siyi n jas. but of cus, the whole class too for being so united abt it. this is like the first time i see the class spirit. the first time we actually unite to do sth properly. in the end we had lots of fun too larh (: took abt 3 cls photos which will be further sent to us

siyi n jas tricked mr chua saying dat kia mui was vomitting so he had to come down. aftr dat we all surprised him (not a lot i think) and sang a happy bday song for him! he was laughing like siao larh! cus it totally wasnt his bday bt we still sang dat anw ^^ aftr dat we made him cut the cake n say some of his own quotes. i think chuye, kiwi n some others recorded his voice lor! damn funny! we were laughing our heads off when he read those. ESP THE "im not white!! im FAIR!" wah dat one. classic. and the 错错错错错错错错错错错错错错错错!!!! his fave! everytime say 错 cannot say once only. must be 错错错错错错错错错错错错错错错错 alot come tgt, lyk package lidat.

oh n siyi, jas n i were the only 3 who used 3 post sticks for our msg!!!! >< haha!

aftr dat we took the 3 cls photos, n sang a song for CTK. its called 听 tung kian 的话!! haha omg! the lyrics was damn funny bt i was touched larh really. 3juvenile'd sang tgt, as a class, for mr chua. and i almost cried. yea silly old nobelle

anw pics i got of 2day in cls

kia mui with glitter. haha jas put it there!!! wiped the extra glitter glues on her face!

this is after where we put the extras combined tgt! to form a wonderful pic on her face! haha all done by dear jas n siyi!

this is the lyrics for tung kian's song xD i shall retype the lyrics out

听 tung kian 的话
想考到 A1


omg damn cute!!

yea this was the class preparing. getting ready for the surprise (:

aftr the CTK thingy me n kiwi left for PC bunk!!!! haha went w kiwi den met up w wee sean at dhoby gaut! kiwi was like: "i wana noe how he luks like! i wan c i wan c!" then he whole mrt trip super excited. haha aftr we got into PC bunk i tried beat rush n realised it was quite fun! then did new beat up songs n stuff. wee sean was laughing, suaning, n slping nx to me all the while larh!! evil >< played for abt 1h 40min then left. cost me 6 bucks! T.T

kiwi took his train hme n i took w wee sean. those 2 guys arh...non-stop suaning me. then wee sean say i kp kena suan-ed so mus call me lemon. then lemon + nobelle = lemonobelle!!!!!!!!!!!! =.= wth lemonobelle! laughed like siao!!! ok then went hme w wee sean n crapped all the way. the usual xD

ok gtg le ppl ciao!!

Friday, October 24, 2008 @ 7:04 PM

just came back not lng ago from an outing w sheena and derek.

wasn't the best bt well, gud memories still.

went to toa payoh entertainment centre for the show "The Coffin". had to go so far cus apparently the only place showing the coffin at 3pm was tp. rushed there like siao aftr sch xD me n nana we hailed a taxi like crazy and even considered changing in the cab cus scared nt enuf time. dat was a totally stupid idea though. haha went there and the first thing that struck me was derek's PERFUMED clothes. yea damn xiang!!! omg dat sounds wrong but well its a fact. super xiang. like he sit nx to me i oso can smell. entered the cinema 12 min aftr the show started so me n nana were like making fools out of ourselves. then sat nx to derek n started the poking and blowing games! haha super funny!! but tell u. some parts of the show were SUPER scary. nana n i totally jumped out of our seats! derek was like emotionless throughout tho. tsk >< fell =".=">< right knee minor abraision bt left foot gg liao. pain pain T.T

Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 2:26 PM

hah!!!!! haven been posting for abt a week sry!!!

papers are finally over. tell u friday was simply great

aftr math i was screaming like siao!! n dat wasnt because i didnt finish my last question which was worth 16 marks =.= it was cus eoys are almost over!!! haha kia mui n i were like "math gg liao...YAY!!!!" n we started screaming xD

CID was funnier. construct, integrate n differentiate. wth! the paper was 45 min. only one question like essay lidat. the question was like "information is told to you by someone, knowledge is aquired through thinking. how far do you agree with this statement? use ur CID learning clusters', CID 3, explorers and connectors week, CHAMPS, etc experiences as examples." sth lidat. wah luk arnd the cls aftr abt 20 min everyone slping liao. damn funny. one minute before the paper ended siyi damn sian liao. so she told the cheena invigilator that time is up. the the teacher said still gt one minute =.= so when the second hand hit 11, we started coutning down. when it struck 12, we screamed like there was no 2mr!!! omg eoeoys!!!!! haha damn happy!!

EOEYS!!!!! YAY!!!

so now jiayou to derek! who still has one paper to go xD jiayou jiayou!

Thursday, October 09, 2008 @ 6:21 PM


todays SS paper is the FIRST i managed to keep awake through and the FIRST paper i completed!!! hooray! hoorah! im finally lesser of a pig!

ok dat was too much sry xD

todays chinese was rather ok. but for the 情景作文 i didn't really noe wad i was doing. lame rite. then aftr dat pia-ed SS revision w lanny, seok n charmaine at the hall. tell u we damn dua pai. haha we ran up to the stage and sat on the stage. then charmaine took out her psp to play. wahahaha! tell u i tot i could concentrate n study lor. mei xiang dao!! they started toking abt wad kukubird n kingkongbreast. then dat seok arh. tok tok tok until tongue tied. say wad kukubreast n kingkongbird =.= wah den dat made me laugh until bao i tell u. i was literally tearing

ok then aftr sch went pastamania w seok!! haha we crap like hell n i made her share food w me! haha its damn funny larh she kp putting extra salt n pepper esp PEPPER on almost everything! gah she's sot man! haha then we chatted n laugh lots. tell u she really made me tear like hell today. we were making funny laughing n crying expressions larh xD

ok rest i shant say. those are for me to know and for u to find out (:

Friday, October 03, 2008 @ 3:30 PM

sry ppl bear with me.

i've been sitting here in front of the com since 1.30

haha went blog surfing! suddenly thought about doing that cause i saw pristine and irina at and on the MRT. irina was on the same carriage as me larh bt at the othr door. somehow i really think that she saw me bt she was w her RG frens so well i didnt go say hi n neither did she wave. saw pris outside bedok mrt! haha pris!! miss u n bowling T.T

so came hme and decided to luk at 6/3'05 peeps' blogs. hmmm...realise that i do really miss them lots.

be warned people. this post will mstly be about 6/3'05 and well othr RSS stuff. it might get kinda lame n boring so yea xD

saw irina's blog, pris, i think marissa mae's, lina, 6/3 cls blog, mr lim's blog, teng butthead sherper zing a zong's (zi ying) blog, n mny mny othrs

then i realised how much i really really miss 6/3. haha all the daidi games, playing ballooons in class, sitting on the floor n crapping, kp-ing yi jie n mr ho, the funny names given to us, argh everything! wow esp i miss DAGC. now dat i think abt it, i dun think any of the DAGC members still rmb this n i believe zing threw da book away. haha how we drew our initials on da book, RT, RP, RB, RK. daniel, zing, markus OH, me. wow. miss them lots. haha still rmb the first dat mr ho made me n daniel sit tgt =.= wah horrible. and of cus him always 'playing drums' on my head when im tokin to pris. laughing everytime HONG ZHENG calls me pimple face >< go =".=" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">`

- my super gud fren in p1! haha now in ngee ann secondary
`Jia Ying - got along quite well always (: i forgot where she is sry ;'(
`Charmaine - haha xia mian!! wow we used to tease her abt MJ. in chung cheng high main now
`Hong Zheng - dat WONDERFUL monitor. call me pimple face >< raffles institution
`Daniel - best table mate ever!! RT. always tke my stationary =.= haha now in dunman high
`Edmund - sir edmund hilary knight of the square table! now in maris stella!! aiyo gay liao xD
`Gaiana - always was a quiet but super nice girl ^^ hehe i also forgot she in which sch
`Qi Shan - ms chinatown!! haha always kps the class spirit up with her jokes. in ngee ann too!
`Qi Koi - werewolf! still cant understand y he full moon dat time always missing. victoria
`Cheng Ling - damn funny to tok to. simply great. gosh how i miss u! dunman high too
`Ming Jun - wah MJ! hey mary jane (: still rmb our eragon craze xD haha this one's a victorian
`Sheng Hong - once a 5/3 outcast. bt i guess go p6 he gt much btr. psps oso forgot u go where le
`Wei Yang - scrawny chicken!! wayang!! haha omg u gt so mny names! great i gt STML. sry sry
`Shi Ming - same cls from p2 till now!! rmb how we used to play polly pocket tgt in p4? xD
`Yen Peng - wah kick ass buddy! miss u lots T.T now in the great chung cheng high main!!
`Jin Wen - fish ^^ haha the great swimmer of 6/3! whoohoo mr ho's target too. chankat changi
`Markus - OH! OH! haha always oh oh de. RP. haha thx for still tokin to me occasionally!
`Matthew - wah nvr imagined u could be in track!! sit behind kick my chair =.= temasek jc!
`Ying Rong - mok mok! joyceline! aha! dun think i can forget xD raffles girls CROSS! i think xD
`ME ^^
`Noel - er..pants low low. shirt untucked. butt always show. pretty much dats it. victorian!
`Salina - haha part of mr ho's ah lian grp! always nice and prettaye! tanjong katong girls now (:
`Sally - wasnt close to her. but wadever she can be very nice at times (: st hilda's secondary
`Hong Kai - honki! boss of trishaw company! maris stella now
`Irina - haha rmb how we used to crap tgt. me u pris and zing. raffles girls now
`Shu Rui - nice person!!! very very fair thats wad i rmbed xD sry i STML forgot u go wad sch le
`Shermaine - haha always quarrel w edmund de u! he's lucky to hav u as his tablemate ^^
`Vinnie - aka the girl who pounced on hong zheng xD haha really nice person at time. st hilda's
`Yi Jie - outcast of 5/3 n 6/3. always pissing us off. bt well wadever he can be nice i guess (:
`Shun Yi - haha hua jings flame!! woots! dun think i forgot! haha in anglican high!
`Zi Ying - hey WOMAN! u ass nvr go watch movies w me >.< TKGS!!
`Jia Xin - i rmb i always sat w u in p2 n p3 when i still took the sch bus!!! xD
`Darren - fellow monitor in p1!! haha nice guy to tok n cycle with!
`Shi Rong - shoes. haha i still rmb how u tried to arm wrestle mr ho! tanjong katong secondary
`Chun Mun - ah Mun Zai! forgot y zoe called u dat lor. haha pasir ris secondary
`Joey - ms chinatown n ah lian clique! lol!! super nice person always. now in st hilda's too!
`Pristine - U! MY BOWLING BUDDY N ALWAYS GUD BUDDY!! haha miss u!! raffles girls (:
`Zoe - our dear frog. who made me laugh like hell with ur actions. always nice n fun to tok to (: now in TKGS!!!

that was KILLING. gosh tired out. haha ltr if can come back to post again! cya (:

Thursday, October 02, 2008 @ 10:09 PM




wad i studied totally didnt come out. haha

mrs tan asked us to study on concertos, symphonies, solo keyboards and operas of both baroque and classical. wah ass i tot study the form n stuff can liao. mei xiang dao!! they actually ask for examples of these genres, names and stuff frm the 2 periods!! gah nvr study! like all 5 of us music students didnt really memorise dat larh ><

then i forgot wads basso ostinato. only rmbed basso continuo


then aftr dat there was this question which went: "what's the similarities and differences between baroque opera n classical opera?" that was the question i was asking before the exam!!! and no one knew the ans! turns out the difference was the subject matter (which i got right xD) the singing n orchestral were diff tho. i missed dat. OSH said that the similarity was that they were both sung xD

ok shall update mre 2mr!



With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end