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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 11:01 PM

ok first things first: thanku mr chua for the cola sweets!! haha first children's day present in years! thanks!!

haha ppl be really shocked man. i actually did the chem revision paper today lor!!! out of so mny days de, today i really did tke out my calculator, periodic table n start doin the questions xD haha cheers!

aftr dat went to superdog w kiwi n seok. YES SUPERDOG!!! love it man! wonderful fries n hot dogs ^^ talked lots with them then left. haha we played on the escalator, and kiwi kp lagging!!! of cus we girls are pros (: then they pei-ed me to the taxi stand where i cabbed home.

on the way back was toking to pei woon. WHERE I REALISED she knows xuan ming!! omg RSS xuan ming leh! gosh! haha we still had lots to tok abt lor. yay i gt a RSS buddy!

i've always thought you were someone reasonable and that you actually understood me. seems like i'm way wrong. please watch your words and don't insult people close to me. i don't retaliate, but it doesn't mean that i agree with what you said. neither does it show that what you did is right and justifiable. don't hurt people anymore with your knife-like insults and words. don't hurt people who actually matter to me. for god's sake don't.

you. don't tell me that u aren't worth it. that's all crap. cheerup and don't be down (: do know that you're always worth it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 9:19 PM

AHAHAHAHA im falling aslp =.=

haha spent the day at baby joy's one yr old bday party!! whee happy bday joy joy!!

one mth before mine leh so cool! and i learnt dat kiwi's sis same bday as me xD so qiao!!

then rest of the day slacked slacked and slacked. just cant seem to get myself to start studying. tsk tsk lazy nobelle

and yes sth i wana do. ahem.

THANKU NANA!! AND KIWI!!! haha thanks for staying back aftr sch last wk to crap arnd w me (: thanks lots. and kiwi cheerup ok? we go do part time tgt i pei u, u cheerup ^^

thanks for everything. you might not know but it meant a lot to me. really. thanks. talking to me always, tolerating my crap, listening to me talk cock and cheering me up always. ur dedis might be short but they mean a lot. thank you. it's really great to have a friend like you. im a lucky girl (:

Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 10:28 PM


tell u it IS MESSIAH. not MESSAIH. dat means i was rite mr hung was wrong larh!! alamak...

haha ok now i shall type out the funny things dat happened in cls 2day ^^

during SS, 1 hr 20 min period =.= :

ego lai: someone go pull down the projector screen!
*aftr a long while luqi decided to go pull it*
kia mui: wah!! yi wei horny liao!
yulu: AIYA! yiwei horny wor!!
kiwi: yiwei don't horny larh!!
ego: eh wait wait we were saying-
lai: *shakes head & laugh* OK! gud principles of governance-
class: YIWEI HORNY!!!!
lai: aiyo...

during chem, 1 hr 20 min of chem =.='''' :

CTK: 3J, you put ribena into water they do not react rite?!
yulu: have lor!!
CTK: where got =.= what you get
yulu: ribena drinks lor!
CTK: *zhuang qiang* NO! its a mixture. just like this question we put H2 and O2 together but no chemical reaction takes place! so its still a mixture and can be seperated. no chemical reaction takes place in mixtures!
yulu: you never know...
*whole class erupts into laughter*

haha yulu arh!

then aftr dat CTK ask us do revision marh, he gave us like 5 min for 4 questions.
CTK: ok!! 4 questions 5 min! start now!
*everyone starts scribbling*
CTK: read the question properly
3J: shhh..
CTK: rmb press calculator properly!
3J: shhh!
CTK: rmb-
3J: SHHH!!!

then aftr dat was another 1hr and 20 min lsn >< >< >< math by chng.

chng: aiyo 3J why got so many plastic drink bottles in the class dustbin?! that means someone drink sweet drinks in class larh! ah u not suppose to drink you know. ahh...you see duno we have how mny days left..er..together already arh..so mus treasure right!
yulu: 7 days to exam
chng: i no nid to come school. but nememind i come to wish you all gud luck
kia mui: =.= mr chng u blocking me

haha wth! kia mui always says silly things! typical mui mui xD

chng: i say u gud u laugh. then i say u bad u wad!
yulu: cry larh
chng: tsk tsk >< i dun understand u people!
kia mui: generation gap
*class laugh like hell*
kia mui: can i go toilet?
chng: can u come and do this question first. this question oso very urgent. come and earn urself a go-to-toilet pass arh *laughs to himself*
kiwi: then can i get a go-home pass?

wth!! haha sometimes our cls can be really hilarious. 3Juvenile'D. haha a wonderful class (:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 8:57 PM

wednesday is the best day of the wk!!! wahahaha!

ok no larh maybe its thursday instead cus i hav 1 hr free period xD

bt anw. 1day for champs/pdp lsn we had financial literacy course! at first i was darn sure i would fall asleep larh. who knows. ltr we played this like monopoly game (not junior xD) and its was damn jin zhang! haha first round ding rong n jodee got retrenched. den aftr dat left me n jasmine. WAHAHAHA i had 13,750 bucks left ^^ damn pro rite! haha second round jodee was retrenched again. play play play in the end i owned w 24,800+ bucks!

then pia-ed to music aftrwards. wah today mrs tan nt around our first lsn w mr hung alone. shocking fact: MR HUNG IS QUITE CUTE! haha he kept cracking silly and lame jokes larh. and the way he taught was quite ok too. understandable. then he taught us about vertical and horizontal rhythms which mrs tan never talked about. apparently baroque uses horizontal rhythms unlike classical.

then aftr dat he let us hear these aural pieces.

first was baroque de vocal piece. "duo poppeo/nevone" by monteverdi.

the italian lyrics:
Pur ti miro, pur ti godo
Pur ti stringo, pur t'annodo
Piu non peno, piu non moro,
O mia vita, o mio tesoro

translated to english:
I adore you, I desire you,
I embrace you, now I hold you.
No more grieving, no more sorrow,
You're my life, my greatest treasure.

it might sound quite rou mah to u guys larh. but i really liked the song. it sounded nice, and i like the lyrics. ok laugh all u want ><

the next piece was the one dat made me super pissed at myself. its an oratorio. ORATORIO. how can i not recognise it? i researched on handel who specialised in oratorios, and i couldnt recognise it >< dats horrible. then mr hung gave us a hint on the name of the oratorio. _ _ _ _aih

me: "OH! isit messiah? eh wait messiah is iah not aih"

stupid me it was messaih! me who researched on it actually forgot =.= haha bt not bad le larh i nvr hear the piece before oso can guess messaih. quite pro rite! xD

hmm i actually really liked the messaih. it had a very fugal touch to it. and i love fugues! they sound horribly wonderful. i meant they sound jus damn wonderful and lovely and everything nice ^^

angry found out i actually forgot lots abt the baroque period and the classical. shucks gtg mug quick. i cant afford to forget about this


haha last nite had a fun night crapping on the fone again. told stories about big fisss and small fisss. haha then talked about lotsa other stuffs. as usual the convo was filled with laughter.

thx for making it a wonderful experience
i really enjoyed it (:

Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 10:55 PM

GRRR blasted headache.

but well im high!!!

haha played audi and got a few pbs xD

oh and thanks to my dear fren who listened to me laugh for hours on the fone yestrday (: and of cus argued abt glosses and balms with me. bt of cus i won the arguement ^^ as usual xD

woke up today with sore eyes and super super SUPER itchy face >< bad rite. i think its cus of the overwhelming amount of calamari i ate last nite. tsk tsk shall watch my intake of calamaris nx tym!

Friday, September 19, 2008 @ 10:23 PM


the scores fell on my hand while i was playing =.= so i had to stop halfway. then mrs tan ask me start frm pg 3 suan le. zhuang qiang arh! die liao!

haha anw thanks seok, dada, jie hui, and nana!! for pei-ing me before my exam. haha jie hui n choon hien were damn funny 2day xD duno do wad funny action. then jie hui, nana, choon hien n jia hui ran approx 100m 2day. i shouted the command! haha damn fun ^^ should do dat again sometym!!

ok 2day novia had problem waking up. dats cus we were tokin to someone on the fone till 1 plus las nite xD haha omg it was funny! eh i should be the more tired one larh! i told story to the 2 of them, then aftr the one on the phone gone le. i still gta tell goldilocks to novia. haha omg. last night was really memorable. the person on the phone arh...listen to story until almost fell asleep. my bedtime-storytelling skills mus be damn pro man ^^ haha nx tym tell again. c whether can work anot

ok gtg liao! BYE PEEPS!

Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 9:23 PM

u noe wad. aftr one hours worth of typing away, my whole post duno vanish until where =.= i lazy type all over again le.

in short, i was damn pissed w nen que cus she fake nose bleed n skipped CID presentation. i typed 4 f-ing long paras on that ><>

the othr time coach qing us watch show de. captain yan n ex capt zun xiong

haha omg captain yan so unglam! zun xiong oso!

haha silly! chong yan, zun xiong and aaron wee snatching our fries

zun xiong and aaron wee

omg! haha c aarons spastic face!

ok this was on sept 5th when derek came. nolene was wearing the fireman's helmet for him xD

haha! derek n fireman's helmet xD he didnt noe i was taking a photo

i chen ji take de, when he pointing at com

ok this is really cool. did this model of a DNA strand during bio

this is another. with the top seperated. suppose to be the process of copying DNA

lantern festival! haha me, novia n benji were trying to make a heart. on the bbq grills. bt it luks mre liek the 10 bowling pins to me xD

this is damn nice! we put the candles around the grill and light them

same thing bt the last one went out ;'( so sad.

DIS IS COOL! one candle put vertically, and the rest horrizontally on the wall. damn nice! we do damn long de lor

haha upside down candle! damn pro rite! i had to rush to take this pic cus the wax kp dripping onto the flame n extinguish it

ok dats it for now. ciao dudes ^^

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 11:26 PM

i slept throughout chinese today xD haha bt it was freezing!

ok randomness

haha aftr sch music canceled. then hook pissed me n lanny off =.= i shant say much. ltr i go zhuang qiang

anw aftr dat i pia-ed back hme, changed then went down to c derek's time trial. haha he was camouflaged among the othr crossers. i had to find that specs and that hair xD haha then while he went to run, i kept myself occupied by reading the amah book >< then 5.30 pia-ed back hme

derek jiayou (: jiayou to get better timing nx tym. u can de! we all have faith in you ^^

and then hor. dat nana hor. kp callin me during third lang >< tsk tsk naughty naughty xD haha i enjoyed her calls tho! bt she hanged up immediately aftr i answered larh...

oh yar. now i have a new lipGLOSS to my collection. its called cherry kiss. and i thank the owner for lending it to me (: cus i noe it's treasured a lot by it's owner. so i'll take care of it n return it soon de!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 11:16 PM

jiayou for ur race 2mr (: u can do it de. believe in urself. u have my support all the way ^^ gud luck! i'll cheer for u silently

Monday, September 15, 2008 @ 8:14 PM

first day back in school aftr a long break....



thanku thanku!!!

haha eh sry larh its been a lng time since i lasted the whole day without sleeping. the last time was...2 mths ago? when i slept at 8.30. yar that was the last time. i think?

dats nt the point >< notes =".=""><

and den sch end le i went w seok to learn mre abt redox frm ctk. wah i totally luan diao den sok tou xiao beside me xD haha!

oh and thanks to kiwi!! he helped me fill the cooling bucket today. see that kiwi?? ur big big name here. THANKU ^^

Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 11:58 PM

i wonder how some people can just be so insensitive at times


ok it's out.

i've spent the whole of today, frm 8am till now, watching "fated to love you" on youtube. MY EYES ARE DYING FOR GOD'S SAKE! but then again there's absolutely nothing for me to do...so well. at least i've got entertainment.

i can't believe i'm actually wishing to go back to school. yes, me. nobelle liew. wanting to go back to school. even u can't believe it right?! bo bian. too bored liao. everyday at hme eat slp stare at com eat slp stare at com eat slp stare at com (x 100000000). can die wan!

then again i oso dowan to go back to sch cus i heard frm yiwei that there'll be a whole pile of hmk waiting for me T.T

aiya wadever. at least when i'm back i can go crazy with seok, lanny n nana! at least sth to do. then i will go out w nana as promised ^^ which is DEFIINITELY sth to luk forward to.

anw i spent the last night listening to stories by aunty D ! so thanks (: thanks for sharing those w me aunty xD

and thanks seok for intro-ing "fated to love you"!!! it's really nice ^^


just finished tokin to pris. she's at my house now! haha! ok we were chatting abt the usual stuff larh. chung hong zheng (a.k.a. charcoal, scar face), matthew, rss, guys, rgs, rv, etc. lots and lots. OH YES. apparently dhillon poh got botox. yea a guy. wtf. omg tell u the 6/6 guys confirm shock dio de! haha anw thanks for coming!! haha was nice seeing u (:

to my dear nana:
hey darling cheerup (: no matter what happens, always know that i'll support u. jiayou. u can do it de. nearing EOYs le. i mug with u ^^ all the way. haha sry wadever im saying now is totally crap larh i noe. i always sound stupid when im writing these sort of things. what she said might have been affected by her mood..i duno mine scolded me too aftr hearing wad i had to say. smile baby. love you (:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 10:44 PM

some people have seriously too much time on their hands

they ruined my already not-very-good night.

it wasn't a very good day to begin with. talked on the fone for a while. got me rather back on the happy track. then i started looking forward to listening to nice stories. that fucked up bastard had to appear then. ruin not only mine, but others' nights too.

and the stupidest, fuckiest, worst thing is that i cant do anything about it.

how nice

Tuesday, September 09, 2008 @ 10:30 PM

yay i went to sch today!!!!!!

jus to realise that ctk finished redox =.= n i duno wad is it all abt.

aftr dat went to c the carrots train.

oh bt before that!!! got stopped by millions of ppl to ask y my leg lidat. told my story duno how mny times liao. bt i oso cant dun tell dem! so in the end i jus everything dey ask say "haha yar yar. not pain. ok de. haha yar yar thanks." the thing i enjoyed was showing them my stitches tho xD haha i thot that stitches luk really cool!! oops sry =x

back to training. i realised that i really miss the carrots (: many of them were really concerned. thanks people! even the crossers too. thanks lots guys ^^

saw them play rounders and OMG THIS IS THE FIRST TIME COACH PLAYED TOO! haha pro pro!!

then my mum fetched me at 5. nice thing was, jus as i was abt to leave, a whole bunch of them turned and shouted "bye nobelle!!" hilda shouted another bye. and nana shouted a "bye belley!" followed by crazy waves xD haha thanks poopoo n dada and carrots!!!

and i realised dat my leg damn suan today! walk too much liao. so i tot massage a while can liao rite. who knows. i look down and i saw FIVE BIG BRUISES. biggest on my calf. doc say will hav cus they cut my hamstring. bt wth! damn big! then gt another super big one on my hand where the super fat needle went in ><

oh and big discovery!!! i realised someone actually took 10 minutes to say goodbye!!! just like me! alamak haha xD

i need to thank someone too. for keeping me company for the whole of today. ok actually it wasnt only today but almost everyday now. trusting and having faith in you is the only thing i can do. and trust me you can do it (: go for it. and thank you ^^


hey bestie (:

dun fret abt stuffs ok? those ppl have nothin better to do man. u have my support. always and always. sorry for being quite useless today... i didnt noe wad to say. i'm really sorry. but do know that the least i can do is to be their for u to rant, for u to scold. anytime. anytime at all. just give me a buzz and i'll be ur chu qi tong for the day (: i'm really out of words now =x duno wads wrong w me. haha cheerup baby. love u forever ^^

Monday, September 08, 2008 @ 11:01 PM


i'm so bored and my stitches came off and the doc wanted me rehospitalised and i spent the whole day reading books and im becoming a pig and i'm getting very sarcastic and i duno why i'm typing such a long sentence!


ok dat was mstly crap xD spend the most of my day reading 'recipe for disaster'. not bad a book. food and kitchen parts were entertaining. romance parts...er quite boring. i've read btr ones. now three quarters through honey trap. hmmm...like these sorta buks nowadays. their happy-ever-aftr endings mke me v xin nuan. bt then again i long for books by phillip pullman etc. v lng nvr read such books le..sad.

then spent the rest of the time blog surfing. which got me rather irked cus almost everyone was tokin abt stead problems. i have juniors as young as p3 going on abt it. omg wads wrong w everyone. they're goin on and on abt why people don't like them and how everyones ruining their lives. non-stop droning abt how cheerful they used to be till blah blah blah. u get my point.

forgive me people im getting really grumpy. being cooped up at home isnt helping.

haha nvm! really looking forward to 2mr where i'll be goin to sch at 2 lidat. YAY!!!

and then come hme for one of my mum's great dinner! MORE YAYS!!!

and then spent the rest of the time chattin w frens!! ok getting overly high liao!!!!

haha im gona go hunting for books. just gt recommended some nice ones by DD! let u ppl gues who's that (: finally i'll have some decent buks to read while i spend my time rotting away on my bed. ok dats mstly crap again xD

ok nid pia CID PW. ciao ^^

Sunday, September 07, 2008 @ 11:17 AM

lala jus got off the phone with nananipoopoo.

ok yestrday..was a pretty fun day!! haha wana say thanks to those who came over. namely chipmunk, bryan (omg i was shocked he came!), nananipoopoo, derek, seok. yea thanks ppl for coming (:

first thing i got when they came, was big nono!!! haha thanks ppl for the big nono!!! thanks seok esp for small nono too ^^ now they got playing partner le xD anw aftr they came, we sat at the hall n watched scream 3! omg scary man. tell u almost everyone was screaming. the only few dat didnt made much noise were bryan and derek. even i who watched it a few times liao still shrieked a little. duno y. i knew wad was coming. bt when it came, jus shocked. haha nolene n norine joined in too, bt en en was v scared lor. she's totally lyk me larh!!! when i was young i oso dun dare to watch these shows. but now can le! oh and while they were watching, they were eatin chicken rice too!

aftr the show we started fooling arnd mstly. me nana and seok played arnd in a grp, chipmunk bryan and derek played w lene lene n en en. omg the guys were totally hilarious! haha dey and my sisters kept each othr so entertained! the scene was damn funny. the funnies part of the day. was when derek and bryan decided to arm wrestle. jus as they laid on the floor, nolene did sth really bad. she put her hand somewhere wrong, and derek totally jumped up and screamed! haha omg! and he blushed! xD nolene arh...tsk tsk naughty naughty. results for dat match was derek won! left hand arm wrestle. wonder who would win if it was the right..

now my sisters all know these peeps for their special names:
alvin = chipmunky
bryan = flower (xiao wen to my mum)
derek = doodee/the wreck
seok yin = stockings xD (haha seok i warned them nt to say so u nvr heard it)
sheena = nana

dun ask me abt the bryan one! haha i duno how come its flower. i jus went "baby arh! this boy his name is..flower!" flower jus came to mind! i duno y! haha bt its a cute name for xiao wen! ^^

seok left early yestrday... ;'( missed her lots!

aftr dat the othrs left arnd 4..

then derek stayed for abt another 10 min then left..

felt damn bad cus had to chase them away sorry guys.

and thanks again for coming (: yep really thanks a lot peeps!

and also. thanks nana for the letter ^^ thanks zi siang and yunyi too.

and thanks for big nono!!

ok larh i noe i v luo suo. THANKS EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING!!! ^^

Friday, September 05, 2008 @ 8:54 PM


haha ok it was a very interesting day.

woke up at 7 plus cus of novia's voice >< super noisy

lagged arnd doing nothin till abt 10. then watched 'Don't mess with the zohan' with nolene n norine. haha it was damn gao xiao!

then abt 10.20 derek came. (note to all he's known as doodee to nolene n norine) i guess he was super shocked when he saw me cus he was giving me the 'omg' luk xD

ok larh i wun go into details cus if i do, it'll probably take a lifetime to finish typing. details u wan noe can come ask me (:

in short. to my family he is known as derek, the wreck, and doodee kor kor. three different interpretations. it also appears that nolene n norine likes him alot! but poor him kp gettin bullied by them xD haha actually not only by them larh. by me oso hav ^^

and i learnt that his hand is a ready made drawing paper. v nice to draw on xD

haha ok derek left abt 3..then i started tokin to nana on the fone. on and off. spent the whole aftrnoon dat way.

now going to spend the rest of my post thanking ppl. haha i'm gettin very into the thanking mood nowadays

seok: thanks bestie for keepin me company n crappin w me throughout!!! love u lots (:

nana: poopoo! thanks for pei-ing me on the fone non-stop. haha singing n crapping xD love ya lots muacks <3

derek: haha lene lene n en en's new gud fren. thanks for all you've done. which is lots even without me elaborating. really thanku =]

Thursday, September 04, 2008 @ 10:16 PM

my leg = pig trotters

super fat. chipmunk said my calf is the same size as his thigh =.= knock his head larh xD

haha went to CGH 2day pretty un-scared. schocking rite! i was totally unscared larh. but it was a different case inside the operating theatre. i had to wear this blue cloth. yes blue CLOTH. lie on the operating table. n then its so weird larh! imagin lying on this table with just a blue cloth on u. the nurses couldnt pronounce my name properly >< some went 'nor bell', then got 'noble' and lotsa othr versions.

then they started sticking tubes and needles into me. ok dat was when i got really scared. i don't like needles. i freaked out larh. cus they stuck this super thick and long needle into the back of my hand. it hurt! now u noe. im really really scared of needles.

the anasthetic was..nt v gud. dr pang's one was superb. put into me i fell asleep before the needle came out. this one, put in already i 10 min over then fell asleep. so could still feel mny mny needles. pain pain ;'(

woke up to find my throat super pain. doc said they stuffed a tube down. i cried >< dun laugh it really hurt. then as the nurses rolled me out they were v shocked. cus i went in smiling, unworried. came out crying like some big baby. so embarrassing xD

yar then it was so pain, i fell asleep again =.= laugh all ya want! haha. slept frm 11-1.40 lidat. woke up. smiled at my mum. then started cracking jokes and making lotsa noise xD then was totally fine le. but then! as my mum went out i decided to go walk. sat up. put my legs on the floor and stood. then fell. stupid i put my weight on my right leg. the leg which was operated on. my whole leg jus crumbled below me n it was so effing pain..

on my fone n got lots of wishes frm my frens (: hav edmund kwang, matthew chew, pristine yong, guan lin, jasmine, kia mui, zi siang, hilda, keng hwee, yi wei, alvin wong (chipmunky!), nt forgetting seok yin, sheena, and derek ^^

thanks guys (: tho i'm sure my sms will bao, it was great tokin to you guys. cheered me up lots

came home quick cus i didnt wan to stay. yar doc called my hse ask me to be rehospitalized but NO WAY. i dowan. in the end lied in bed for almost the whole day. then chipmunk n yiwei came to visit! haha thanks lots! they were damn cute larh..really appreciate it guys ^^ so far they still come.. *sobs*

ok then got a letter frm derek who delivered it PERSONALLY to my letterbox. god it's really far n yet he still did it. so yea thanks (: thanku u made me super touched. really.

and sheena pei me talk on the fone for super long. thanku poopoo!!!

seok too. smsed me and called me. thanks bestie (: i really damn touched.

and thanks to my mum too. stayed by my side the whole day. worrying for me and stuff. love u mummy!

thanks everyone. love u people.

guess i have really awesome friends and family. i'm a lucky girl.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008 @ 11:07 PM

u know what? i'm super touched. i'm gonna hold back the wave of tears.

today i realised who really remembers me.

thanks seok yin, sheena, derek, kia mui, zi siang, hilda, keng hwee, yi wei, edmund kwang, royce.

these are the people who wished me luck for tomorrow's op. yeah they remembered. really guys. i'm touched. thank you lots (:

from seok's blog:
Nobelle is going for her op on thurs. I wish her all the best :] I will pray for you BUDDY! Dont worry okay i will be here 24/7. MY PHONE WILL BE WITH ME! If you're bored CALL ME. Love you forever. Everything is going to be alright. We will play rounders together again :] We will train together, do warmups together, eat pao mian together, superdog-ing together, and yes GO CLARKE GUAY AGAIN!! We shall play that bungee thing tgt. I promise. So must take care of yourself alright? The sooner you get better, the sooner we're going to enjoy those.. erm stuffs. So yep! I'll be there for you, SO BE BACK SOON OKAY. YOUR FORM YOUR ENTITY! :] The trackers wish you all the best kay. Everyone loves you. Especially me. So dont you forget okay! :] Love ya

derek's blog:
Stay strong and tall and let's not frown.
Dont bend, dont break, baby, dont back down.
When people are down and out,
You give their spirits a lift,
When people do not appreciate,
You make them realise friendship is a gift.

Tomorrow, just tomorrow, let us switch roles,
You be guai, I just keep you company, and let the day roll.

thanks sheena for talking to me the whole day. telling me encouraging stuff.

people i love u guys (: thank you. i will come out the same ^^ even crappier!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008 @ 6:26 PM

omg today was a totally new and FUN esperience!!! love it lots

haha had piano exam in the morning. which i totally screwed =.= wadever i dun care le its over!!!

ohyes and derek went to c carrots train 2day! must have had a good time larh they all!

aftr piano i pia-ed to nana's house. took a cab. SHOCKINGLY! the cab fee was cheaper compared to the amt i paid when i cab to sch. wow. i thought bedok to alexandra was suppose to be faster than bedok to batok..hmm.

anyway. derek claimed that pom pom's in love with him. and that pom pom will listen to him. apparently he's wrong. haha pom pom totally jumped on me!! yes i toldya pom pom loves me! then no matter how much derek calls pom pom, pom pom jus dao-ed him and play w moi! wahahahaha xD then nana came out wearing this super low v-cut tee. WHOO! sexy! haha i was wearing subaru shirt. derek was wearing SHORTS and SLEEVELESS SHIRT. omg why does he always wear sleeveless tees? but still. shocking truth: he has muscles.

back to nana. suddenly, she came into the room holding this worm. i was quite calm at first cus i tot it was fake. then it started wiggling. so i was like: this is real? of cus, says nana. and i totally screamed >< haha! derek was afraid of the worm too! he hid behind me =.= finally nana decided dat she scared us enuf and she went to kp the worm. so i followed her then go borrow her pins to pin my hair lor. my hair is SCREWED man! totally screwed. duno how to pin up properly...tsk tsk. then derek was so fascinated by the pins! haha he didnt know how to use them at first. nana n i had to teach him lor xD aftr dat nana decided it was fun to hlp me pin my hair. OMG DAMN FUNNY! haha she pin until arh! derek wanted to try too larh. bt he no experience in the end he dun dare. bo bian i continue trying to pin it properly lor. then they all chase me chase chase chase...i gave up pinning it properly larh. jus pia-ed out of the house w them.

next was the trip to vivo. needless to say it was damn funny. haha derek kept trying to trip me! too bad he succeeded only once or twice ^^ then nana n me power man!! started poking him! wah haha poor derek kp kena attacked. in the mrt we started tokin abt 'fishing' and abt 'gou-ing others'. tok until damn shuang. made me realise lots of shocking but nice things.

reach vivo liao we went straigh to the cinema. and then i saw sebastian!! YES SEBASTIAN!! i rmb his name now ok. sebastian ow sth sth. sorry larh ppl p4 nt same cls le. forgot le. anyway. aftr much discussion, which was mostly me n nana screaming 'shit shit watch wad!! quick quick!', we decided on money no enuf 2.

aftr that we ran down to super dog to grab sth to eat. ok this is seriously funny. i got a large fries and large ice lemon tee. then nana asked me wad i got, and she got a large fries and large ice lemon tee too. THEN derek ask me wad i got, and he too got the same minus the ice lemon tee. so we all had large fries!! got our fries le we brisk walked to the cinema. ok brisk walk is a total understatement. we were late! so we were practically running. reach cinema le i got a nachos combo. drink was ice lemon tee!! haha!! which means we ALL had large fries and ice lemon tee in the end! so cool!

ok ran into cinema 3. my seat no was 12. so the number on the tix was 123! haha cool number too! it was a damn nice and touching show. i saw nana n derek cry. i told them it was super touching will cry de! even me who watched it before were'nt totally immune lor. bt much btr le larh. 1st time i watched i cry until arh...horrible. i just went "wah!!!!! so ke lian!!!" yar super embarrassing xD lucky this time my crying was quite silent. OHYES THE CINEMA WAS SUPER COLD!!! at first it was jus normal cold. bt aftr a while it got super cold. lucky got ppl lend me shirt ^^ OHYES. new discovery: derek's shirt smells like perfume! haha! he kp telling me its detergent bt seriously it smelt like perfume. nice smell tho i wun deny.

aftr movie we went timezone! played bball once. then table hockey. the table hockey was fun!!!

table hockey:
1st round! nobelle VS derek

wah! play until damn hiong! the pluck kept gettin hit out of the table! haha hit too hard le xD play play play. very scary game. in the end!!! the long awaited result....nobelle won 10 to 8!!!!! YESH!

2nd round! derek VS sheena

very jin zhang. at first derek owned! then sheena caught up! she hit the pluck out of the table! there. derek got distracted. as he ran to retrieve the plucks, sheena attacked! together with the help of nobelle! finally. the results are out! it is a....tie!!! 11 to 11.

3rd and final round! sheena VS nobelle

the only round plucks didnt go flying. difficult game. plucks were thrown around very quickly! poor derek had his fingers hit by the plucks! hit hit hit. bang bang bang. alas, the results of the table hockey match is out!!! nobelle owned sheena 17 to 14!

there u go! haha i won!!!

just as we were so super high, my dad called =.= ask me pia home in the end. crap i felt so bad larh. cus of me the whole super high mood was ruined. i damn spoiler man. spoiled everyone's mood. sorry guys..in the end tot i could play a while more. then we decided to go marin square tgt. then i had to go again. walao damn bad larh me. sorry nana sorry derek ;'( nx tym i will make up to u guys de! (:

aha! just remembered. we gave derek a nic. ok nana is NANANIPOOPOO. derek is...DEREKDIDOODEE!!!! haha! omg we hav been callin him DOODEE for a long time xD

really enjoyed today thanks to these 2 guys (:

thanks poopoo for crappin w me as usual xD haha love ya poopoo! and thanks doodee for lending me ur perfumed shirt ^^ overall thanks u guys for giving me such wonderful memories. i really enjoyed and love today (: a great outing before my op! so yea, thanks two of u


and seok, i know u wanted so much to be there. but last minute cant. thanks still (: thanks for wanting to be there for me. love u always ^^ be happy and smile. we'll go tgt the next time i promise


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end