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Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 2:40 PM

yesterday was a rather memorable day for me.

yea aftr trainin went to seoks house. then we crapped a lot. but then bad stuff happened. well wadever only good things need to be mentioned.


helped seok w her dress, got her into this really quite nice dress! haha tell u. most of the ppl were gaga-ing ok xD

OHYES I GOT MY HAIR CUT! i duno it seemed quite weird to me...bt othrs say its ok. so well i guess its not that weird

back to yesterday. met derek below seoks block. then walked all the way to cck mrt. yes WALKED. omg shocking rite?? haha quote mr bryan tan: "it's all within walking distance! even bedok to bishan is!"

ok then along the way there seok n derek were tokin abt their pri 6 stuff so i was like "huh?" nvm i kept myself entertained by staring at my phone xD and sms-ing nana! aftr dat took train to vivo!!! WHERE WE HAD SUPERDOG FRIES AGAIN! did i mention i'm in love with their fries?? then derek n seok started to throw fries at me, see who can throw one into my shirt =.= MEI XIANG DAO. seok got it!! haha then we started laughing like crazy! so i put a packet of tomato into each seok's n derek's clothes. then play play play derek go knock down my cup of ice lemon tea. started cleaning up like crazy cleaners larh! haha it was v funny xD then the worst thing happened: i got tomato sauce on my jacket >< derek was like "see larh! throw tomato sauce into ppl's clothes now u got tomato sauce on ur jacket" haha he arh!! so bo bian go wash lor ;'( then jacket wet.

aftr dat we went to candy empire to get this 500g lolli for kiwi!!!! yes! haha he totally shock dio when i gave him the lolli.

buy finish le we pia-ed to the mrt cus we were late. the seok n i started poking derek in the mrt! ok anw. we pia pia pia then crap a lot along the way larh.

finally reached tanjong pagar where we met up w kiwi, his junior n edmund. then we go SCH tgt.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG SCH DAMN NICE! its damn grand n pretty and big n everything nice!!! haha i was damn happy larh. oh and i saw mr chua n mr zhong's gf!

our seats were quite high up larh. so we sat in this manner: seok, derek, me, kiwi, junior, edmund. haha throughout the whole CO concert, i kept poking derek n disturbing him. haha sorry larh! sorry sorry i was a little restless yestrday. cheered for jinglan super loudly halfway. lotsa other things happened at SCH yestrday. bt i shant go into much details. those are for me to know and for you to find out (:

saw jinglan and she was prettaye!! haha we started tokin abt the usual topics. which was mostly about different types of fruits, the wrecks, etc. fun stuff

went to clarke quay after the CO concert. went there to look for food bt dun hav ;'( in the end settled w green tea and passion fruit ice cream. IT WAS DAMN SUPER DUPER HORRIFICALLY NICE. then that derek still say dowan to eat >< bt in the end oso eat xD haha seok n i were so hyper! cus many ppl were doing the bungee thingy. n i really wanted to go!!! bt it was too late le..so sad. nx tym i must find a way to get myself up there.

overall it was a great night. one to remember always. the better things will be written down in a book i kp gud memories. so if u guys wana noe, nx tym come my house to hunt for the book ^^


seok arh. nx tym do things dat time always cool down and think about it first. ur not a problem child. relax and control ur emotions (: rmb we all love u. so u must love urself too

kiwi DIDI. ppl around u care. so dont make them suffer. most importantly, dun let urself suffer. it isnt worth it. stop telling me ur not gud enuf cus thats all crap. cheerup (: it'll be ok

sheena poo. dun wry too much about stuffs ok? and also dun nid to think too much about bad stuff either. just let it pass and forget all abt it. forgive and forget. isnt that what life is about? anything u can always call me (: u noe u can. so don't ever give me the silent treatment on the phone jus cus ur afraid i'll hear sth. love u ^^

derek. u're not a metal come on. dun argue w me i always win. dun hide things to urself hor. go find the no. 1 on ur list and trash everything out to him/her. dun bottle it up. and please bring the lipgloss the nx time! xD smile more and stay happy (:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @ 7:53 PM

tell you my wonderful night.

slept at one plus waiting for smses =.= then woke up at 2. duno for wad. stare at the ceiling..stare stare then fell asleep at arnd 3. woke up AGAIN at 4.30 for god-knows-why. then couldnt slp all the way till 5.40 >< lazy wan take taxi so sleep again n woke up at 6.20. wah super tired

dragged myself to sch. luckily no hook's lesson so i v shuang. if not i duno how was i going to kaopeh him in that state larh. bt aftr dat! was fun

jasmine, mui mui, shin fung, jie le, si min, jiayi, yulu n i played at the netball court. WAH PLAY UNTIL DAMN FUNNY! haha i laughed like crazy larh! everytime i see kia mui's face i cant take it liao xD then the funniest part was when we had to do the high tide thing. i laugh until shin fung they all xia dao larh. haha then i kp pushing kia mui back ^^

it was damn fun bt tiring. aftr that came a shocking revelation. jing lan said i was nice to hug!!! precise words were: huggable! omg i shock! she suddenly held my arm and went "nobelle i wan hug u! u v huggable!!" (my super shocked face) the qiao-est thing was dat hildada told me dat too! before training, she jus came, hugged me n went "omg nobelle u damn nice to hug" ?? er am i the only one lost here??

othr dan dat 2day passed pretty quickly..


hey dude (:

don't let that affect you too much. i'm in no position to say much cause i don't know everything. but what i'm sure of is that a whole bunch of your friends out there are worried about you. you're a nice guy so do know that all the bad stuff others said isn't true. what's most important is that the people closest to you understand you.

ok larh sry i'm not that gud at saying these type of stuff. but do know that u're free to call me anytime ^^ the offers always on

Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 11:04 PM

2day is a horrible day!!!

argh make me so angry.

results came back n they sucked like hell =.= totally ruin my mood. then plus hook. attitude me. walao 2day the whole class kaopeh him larh! speaking abt dat, mui mui siyi n me make a pretty gud hook-kaopeh-ing team xD

OHYES OHYES GUESS WAD! mui mui n siyi now has this edward cullen fan club! siyi's the president n mui mui then vice. haha lidat oso can wor! cant understand the current craze with twilight. a pity though. since everyone's reading it i dowan le nx tym it nt hong le den i read

ok back to lessons. aftr dat stupi hook thing, guo lan hua came n lectured abt my nails >< xue ning arh! bu ke yi yao zhi jia!!! etc blah blah. u guys noe wad comes nx

then i sian diao lor. whole day xin qing damn bad.

but then. lucky got friends xD they're always the best at times like this

quote: "i believe that ultimately if you try hard enough you will be rewarded. so don't give up and dont let this setback overpower you! i have faith in you."

i duno. these type of things really warms up ur heart at times like this.

plus my other fren, my bestie, who brought me out aftr sch to swallow down fries xD

haha these 2 ppl made 2day shine. yep thanks alot guys (:

hopefully the nx round would b much btr!!!

P.S. hopefully nx tym no hook! ><

Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 11:04 AM

a post early in the morning...hmm nt quite much to say.

but its essential to put my message forward


i want to be with the girl who's problematic; i want to be with the girl who cannot control her emotions; i want to be the the girl who's rude and vulgar; cause that's exactly what i like about her. it's her. no pretence. this is the only girl who can stand all my crap. the girl who can stand my imperfectness. the friend who will listen to me bitch. the friend that will be there for me. i want to be with her and i won't ever leave. cause she's all that i got and i want to be here for her just as she is for me.

to my bestie:
don't ever say that i will leave you cause i won't. i give you my word here and now. you've been through much worse. pull yourself together. i do not hate you and i know you've changed a lot. remember how i used to scream at you for being so..er..u get my point xD anyway all i want to say is. dun givup. there're mny of us out there who still loves you. dont say the world hates u and everyone hates u cus u have to know there still is this bunch of us who wont. we wont ever hate u or giv up on u. so cheerup and continue living life happily (: thats the seok yin i love best ^^

ok larh i tagged this whole chunk on ur taggy yesterday xD

jiayou seok! rmb wad u always say: i'm strong! continue being strong and do know that i love you. there're so many people out there who cares about u. always remember (:

love ya

Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 3:59 PM

u guys are never going to be able to guess what im doing now

nvm i shall just tell u

i'm sticking my tongue out at my 6 mth old niece!! eh im nt mean ok she's doing the same thing back. we've been at this for the past hour! tgt with a few little more things larh

ok c arh i tell u. she pinched my whole face. can grab wad grab wad. then she pull my hair. then she drool over me. then she played peekaboo w me. then she licked me. then she stuck her tongue out at me =.='''

i noe! how can nobelle the great get bullied by a mere baby?!?!?!?!?! quite impossible rite

haha bt who ask her soooo cute!! she super chubby larh! like see her face want pinch liao xD then again of cus my sisters luk the best when they're young larh

aha! tokin abt my sisters. i just realised sth. u noe cus our names all start w 'no' marh. so our initials always use the letter aftr the 'no'. which is B, V, L, R. belle, via, lene, rine. i jus realised that lene lene is L rite, en en is R, then jus so qiao nolene is left handed n norine is right handed!!! damn qiao rite!! and to think that i jus noticed...lousy me

ohyar! i'm going to cut my hair nx wk liao xD so dun be shocked if i come back lookin like an alien

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 9:36 PM

argh chinese sucked BIG TIME. ARGH!!!!!

长文缩短 write in pencil. how shit can that get.

asshole i spent 20 minutes trying to 缩 that stupid passage larh. then forgot to luk at then clock. damn it =.= tell me larh. where gt ppl so stupid exam dun luk at clock de.

me lor. so stupid.

write in pencil means the whole thing not counted unless the teacher lenient decide to let me off. the whole 长文缩短 is 20 marks. 20 over 38. i die liao lor. if teacher dun lenient. i confirm fail. then my GPA confirm drop below 3. aftr i managed to pull it over 3. this is the 1st yr in RV my GPA kp over 3 for more than half a year. then now lidat =.=

aiya wadever. over liao cant do anything.

ANYWAY. ahem. aftr sch me n seok went to superdog for fries! eh their fries rock larh can

haha met nananipoopoo! at the bus stp. damn funny!!! in the bus i set between her n seok at the back larh. then the 2 of them trading drugs...drugs transaction...i feel guilty i didnt stop them xD haha then nana duno y kp laughing at my expression =.= in the end i couldnt take it i snorted. yes snorted. dun laugh! haha i had to lor she kept laughing at my expression i didnt noe how to stop her.

then the most unexpected thing happened!!!!

cailing stared at me. and gave me the did-u-just-do-what-i-think-u-did look!!! ah!!! haha then she, nana n me laughed like crazy. following, we started a burping and snorting competition which we used to do over the fone. OMG SUPER UNGLAM LARH!!! the whole bus RV de jus stared. THEN BURST INTO LAUGHTER xD haha damn funny

aftr dat went to superdog liao. ate w seok damn funny xD den weiyang, kiwi, bryan n company spammed me =.=


bt overall 2day was super fun!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!

and ohyes. must say sth 1st. thanks derek for pei-ing me for like the...past wk. yar haha u're really nice believe me (:


to seok: u arh. cannot be down ok! so many things u've been through. no reason to let this pull u down. it will die down fast. really. anything jus turn back, gimme a shout, then...i call my dad come!!!!! xD

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 11:30 PM

some people said this to me today.

"hey. the weather suits the mood. rainy and moody."

usually i would have begged to differ.

but today..i rather agree with them.

don't ask me why. there's just this naggy feeling in my head.

i know what it is. sort of. a mixture of many stuff.

but well let's not let this affect my mood (:

best part of today is of cus, ITS YIWEI'S BDAY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

haha yiwei u should be honoured larh.

me, mui mui, yiwei n kiwi went to superdog aftr sch to sorta celebrate larh. n then we talked abt 3J's scandalous stuff etc. haha damn funny! xD

then sth went wrong again n dat moody feeling came back.

its still here now. stupid

nvm 2mr i shall find means to get high. i definitely will

Monday, August 18, 2008 @ 11:10 PM

hmm nt in the blogging mood rite now peeps sry xD

starting to get bored again. yea really bored...speaking abt bored. i havent been really bored since..last yr. yar end last yr. ok must find a way to get high.

anw something for u guys to get REALLY envious abt: I HAD HANDMADE SUSHI DINNER YESTERDAY AND LOR MEE TODAY!!!

haha dats v nice lor!!! nt often my mum makes dat ^^

ok the best thing dat happened today was dat it rained. twice. really rained heavily. but the stupid thing was i didnt get to go out!!! ARGH! that totally spoiled it

im out of words. toldya im not high enuf xD

Sunday, August 17, 2008 @ 10:43 AM

i miss my juniors..

ok dat was random xD

haha ok i forgot to mention yestrday dat i woke up gettin spammed by 15 missed calls.

yea all by my sweet juniors!!!!

ohmy. u c larh!!! aftr mid yrs i totally stopped with the "I LOVE MY JUNIORS LIKE SIAO" thing. ok maybe i should start again...

AHA! toking abt juniors. dat stupid tan kim. take away my val val!! asshole. still kp telling me wad "cross is our niche. we can take ppl away from track to cross if we want. and anw it isnt cross and track. its athletics as a whole." eh fuck u man. who's the one telling me dat he wans to stp mixing track n cross tgt durin the track season?? who huh! crap w me...then c larh make val val so sad! then val val sad ze lin oso sad! both oso my nice juniors leh!!! eh wait...actually oso no larh hor. ze lin same age as me wad...fine. but he's my gud fren too. n he sec 1 so he still my junior xD

ok im digressing as usual.

nvm i lost my train of thought

change topic!!!

ah toopid! i think 2mr's gona be a scary day.

ok im outta words.

ciao ppl. cya ltr if i get high enuf!! ^^

Saturday, August 16, 2008 @ 3:10 PM

to my forever bestie:
why cant i get my bestie sth nice?? hmmm bt i gta think 1st xD rmb i'll always be here when u nid me. anytime oso can find me wo hui sui shi feng pei. i can be ur chu qi tong for once ^^

really early post 2day. haha cant hlp it

just went to visit my bestie's blog. read the recent posts..and realise i havent been reading them for so lng dat i missed out on her sad moments. i wasn't there to comfort her.

so to make up for my mistake, i'll get her sth big. at least i hope its big to her..

to seokie bestie:
hey seok ^^ no matter wad. dun feel down ok. n dont ever wish for ur thalassaemia to turn major. if it did, i would cry my heart out. i want u to know i'd always be here for u. for anything. big or small. saga seeds collecting..studying...high and low moments..i will be there for you anytime u need me. thanku for giving me support through everything i've been through this 3 years. haha thinking back...sec1 till now. lots of stuff happened. if i've done anything wrong, i'm really sorry. fucking sorry. so please. dont every wish that ur thalassaemia is major. yeah..i love u (: cheerup baby

Friday, August 15, 2008 @ 11:07 PM


ok SS paper...was..normal. yar couldnt complete the last part though..3 factor question. wrote until 2nd factor den time out liao =x

haha bt aftr dat was fun!! seok, me n charmaine went to the library to study. then we stared at picture buks n laughed like crazy at some of the pics! then go back for lessons =.=

ohyes!!! chua tung kien brought his solar telescope!! he said that we could c the sun, and waves on top of it which was actually nuclear fission. eh...actually i couldnt see anythin bt a red ball ball xD

aiya so sad i usin laptop cant upload pics frm my fone. if nt i gt some funny pics taken frm sch

then aftr sch chipmunk, yiwei, seok n i went to the commonwealth mama shop there eat (guess what) pao mian. YES PAO MIAN. wahahahaha the legacy is restored!!! haha wadever im being lame here. den yiwei n chipmunk crap until arh...haiyo i think dey become super gud frens liao lor!

haha came home had tuition.

then came the funniest part of today. i spammed derek's blog like crazy xD haha now everyone noes wad a xiao zha bor i am!

ok now im goin out to swing on my swing. i became UN-high. which is not gud. uh uh.

Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 9:28 PM

ok this is my 100th post.

yes and i'm happy with what happened today


FUN FUN!!! study date w seok n derek was DAMN fun!

yea i totally enjoyed it and i'm looking forward to another nx time!

haha yes promised seok aftr exams will get them over to my house. tho i think it'd be super difficult for them cus bedok is like SO FAR

lalalalalala anyway today was totally fun. how many times have i been saying this??

its a super fun day and i cant put it into words. so yea dats abt it (:

and mr yeo do tag if u read this!! ^^

Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 11:52 AM

lalalala I LOVE FIR!


dat was the highest concert i've ever been to larh. it was on....the 8th aug. s'pore was FIR's 1st stop. omg the concert was so cool!!!!!

it was really noisy and so no one could hear me sing! haha! xD so i sing super bad oso no one noe. AHHH IT WAS DAMN HIGH! yar i screamed like CRAZY. then faye was so touched that she totally cried

overall it was like the best concert i've been to. totally high, super noisy, and i knew how to sing every song. so yea i loved it!!! bt faye went kinda out n flat in some songs. all in all i loved it.

yar bt the mornings national day celebration was horrifically bad. i wanted to get high. bt the songs n performances didnt let me get high enuf!!!!! so i was like hanging halfway! its DAMN xin ku larh!

bt the FIR concert totally made up for the low-ness in the day. yea derek called halfway thru n he heard the concert larh. he said i sang way out =.= eh ppl high of cus no tym to focus on voice larh

then went hme n called him. then crapped abt lotsa stuff. AND I WAS STILL SUPER HIGH!!!!! argh not enuf things to do to get rid of the excess energy. yar so i was still super high n i think i scared him xD

aiya wadever larh. yesterday was totally UN-high. it was suppose to be super super high lor!!!!! i went to clarke quay in the night, hoping to catch the fireworks, then i couldn't c it =.= pissed.
then in the end me n my sis ended up on the bridge where me, seok n derek went to the othr day. ya. so not hyper.

then go hme damn bu shuang.

so dats abt everything!!!! hopefully i can go out w seok n derek to study 2mr. n get super high.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 @ 8:38 PM


seok came to my hse at 12.30. then she was watching bleach w me while i iron my hair! haha then aftr dat she n my mum helped me choose clothes to wear to the animal farm thing. WAH u should c them both. their fashion sense totally d same de!!!!! then in the end i ended up in a lime green n white tank top which my mama bought 3 years ago but haven't dared to wear it =.= seok was like forcing me to wear it larh...

anyway. we left house then we went to marina square. see the asiasoft gamefest thingy. IT WAS NICE. really. i've nvr went to such stuff before. so it's like a new experience lor. den aftr dat she brought me to PC bunk. then DAMN GANG GA! cus i dun play com games marh. den only she play ppl keep staring i damn paiseh. in the end i gave up. totally. i just sat there n watch. haha damn funny! then we go plaza sing eat KFC...then went ALL the way back to JE to fetch derek =.=

haha dat part was funny!!!!! we went onto the same train as derek bt diff carriage. so we go find him. at 1st we at the 4th carriage. then when the train stp at clementi, we chiong out of the train n ran to the front of the 3rd carriage. then ltr we chiong again, ran to the 1st carriage, then derek say that he at the 2nd carriage! alamak. then we walk walk finally found him. den he didnt c us! wahahaha! so we hid behind some ppl. then we giggle n laugh like crazy larh!!!! damn funny! then aftr that we exited n of cus he saw us xD then we went arnd playing n being crazy. then derek called me the "freakish navigator" WTH! haha lol! then he said dat eating popcorn chicken is addictive. cus we ate popcorn chicken marh den he dowan to eat kp insisting its addictive. wadever lor xD

aftr dat we rushed to the bus stop outside YMCA to tke a bus to DBS art centre. at that time we were holding the asiasoft goodie bad. then inside gt this poster. derek kp using it to hit me! ahah! apparently even the bus driver duno where the art centre is =.= so in the end we cabbed there. stupid taxis didnt want to wait for us. so i jumped up n down like crazy to hail a taxi lor! then seok n derek stand there laugh! aiyo the 2 of them arh....

FINALLY we reached DBS art centre. inside lots of ppl we dun like so we pushed derek in front of us xD haha damn bad! inside we crapped n laughed like shit.

show finish liao we went to clarke quay. and here i say i'm in love with clarke quay. it's beautiful. absolutely stunning. derek n seok jumped onto this wall easily n there i was struggling. then they kp laughing >< haha i was laughing too! xD then we layed there...and stare into the sky. i love it. derek had to ruin it all by smacking my face =.= biang eh. HAHA bt it was damn funny! then we started throwing popcorn chicken at each other ^^ haha lol!

i enjoyed yesterday. i really did. and i found a super good friend. in addition to my bestie. i really wana go out w the 2 of u again.

i'll always remember august the 2nd


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end