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Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @ 10:24 PM

why do people wallow and cry and indulge in self pity? is it that fun?

i don't know so can boys please answer me?

i'm surrounded by people, boys in fact, who drown themselves in self pity and give people that type of u-dont-understand-me look.

hey no offense but please think before you speak. what makes you think ur so special that u deserve the right to start pitying yourself?

there're hundreds, millions of ppl who are handicapped or basically just a million times worse off than u are. i don't see them pitying themselves endlessly? or shall i put it in a singaporean way, emo-ing everyday?

there're are ups and downs in life. fall. pick urself up. spend a little time self pitying then get on with it. cus at the beginning ppl actually empathize, but in the end we get pissed off. really pissed off.

and dont ask me what's the point. what's the point of caring about stuffs? what's the point of pulling urself together. DONT ever ask me that. cus there's every point in there. u wana throw ur life, ur time away. fine with me. but dont every expect me to understand or console you cus its fucking crap and bogus to tell me that theres no point in everything and that i dont understand you.

so what if i dun understand you? does that mean i have to pity you? u think what u're going through is tough shit. but have you ever thought that others are wadding through worse shit and crap than u are? have you ever considered that ppl might have worse problems? no, all that you care is for people to understand how you feel and to pity you. to get attention and to look oh-so-kelian.

i've had enough of this. i have enough problems of to settle and i don't need so many of yours piling up.

if u wana rant to me, i welcome u. but if wad ur looking for is self pity and for me to fucking understand u, then piss off.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 10:43 PM

had cca meeting today.

talked much n i cried.

yea emotionless stone-hearted me can actually cry

surprise surprise.

but it was damn embarrassing!! ARGH i couldn't even speak properly!

overall it was a solemn thing larh.

then came cca leader selection.

i jus wana say thanks yunyi, dada n nana n the others for nominating me (: i really appreciate it tho i dowan to be. i didnt think dat anyone will nominate me at all..well haha. i tot i was a horrid senior. but really thanks alot (: I LOVE U GUYS! thanks gaun, abi, tracy n zhengy for wanting to vote for me too ^^ yea thanks lots (: I LOVE ALL OF U PPL!

and seok. i love u u noe. dun wry about it too much cus no matter who wears the ring, the person who eventually commits and gives the most is the one mostly known as captain in the others' hearts. haha n yes u gta learn emotion control frm me one day!!!! xD

cheer up bestie (: love ya


2day really changed my opinion abt lotsa ppl..including those i used to respect most.

Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 3:18 PM

ok im gona go MIA for this coming wk cus everyones going for OBS which means dat my blog would be entirely dead =.=

so no point updating.

i'll update when they're back on friday!!! ^^

thanku seok for nono (: really. thanks. i will miss you lots. yea i will...love ya (:

Saturday, July 19, 2008 @ 9:55 PM

somehow i feel like an empty shell today.
i've spent the whole of today walking around aimlessly
hmmm maybe i'm finally turning sane
or maybe it's just the emptiness left behind by the last drum beat during the nationals
the excitement has died down.
not for everyone but for me and a few others

it'll be OBS next week and the whole sec 3 level will be gone
gone to have fun
the type of fun that i like
trekking, canoing, pitching their own tents, etc
and i will be spending the whole time cooped up in the stuffy lecture theatre
listening to some business entrepreneur crap

i tried parachuting, abseiling, rock climbing, bungy jumps, and lots of others
but i guess i'm missing this rounds fun

AH but who cares! i shouldnt get caught up in self pity. cus its stupid =.=

lots of ppl w medical reasons would be there to accompany me. so well!!

treat the top as crap xD i nid ta fill up my blog quick for the 100th post is coming!!!! WHEE~

isit just the nature of the world that we must be hurt once more to forget the previous stab, the previous pain. i don't know but it happens to me. i can only forget a current pain when i'm overwhelmed by another. nats was horrible but good. i let go of the pain i'd felt, but that's cause i felt the presense of another. another worse. and now that it's over, both emotions are filling me up to the rim and i don't know what to do. staring at this dead computer might be the only comfort i ever get. and yet i feel it more when i continue staring...

i just realised i havent posted photos taken during the nationals finals. yea so gona do it now ^^

ok i noe this isn't very clear. but its at the end of the nats. yea the end of the finals. v grand ending where schs went down holding flags n stuff. but i gta say i was kinda touched n im gona remember this day forever. in fact i'll rmb track and field nationals 2008 forever.

this was nai sheng getting a prize!!! WHEE~ he saw me n seok n waved to as while he was on the podium! haha xD

valerie hiding frm my hp

pretty clouds taken frm the stands at cck stadium

yea really pretty don't you agree??

jia hui n val val. FUNNY ANGLE! ^^

jie hui's spastic face

jie hui taken unexpected xD

kiwi in cls. haha so his funny hair!

he's hiding xD

anw jus came back from tampines mall n saw hua jing on the bus =.=

hmmm wadever its raining now n im really happy!!!!! xD

Thursday, July 17, 2008 @ 9:16 PM

i've just read the post on seok's blog. yea im super touched so i'm going to dedicate this post to her

thanks for being my friend for the past 3 years. thanks for tolerating my crap and weird temperament. thanks for laughing at the stupid jokes that i crack, though no one else laughs about it except u xD thanks for accompanying me to all silly events that i want to attend. thanks for waiting for me anytime when no one will. thanks for being there for me when i need you. thanks for shouting at me when i'm stupid and out of my mind. thanks for pulling me back to reality when i'm dreaming too much. thanks for staying by me when i'm down. thanks for sharing your secrets with me. and lastly, thanks for being my friend and treating me as yours.

wow dat was a whole lot of thanks.

everytime i need someone you would be there for me. i haven't found such a good friend in years. probably in my whole life. i really appreciate all you've done for me. yea i really do. you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. thankyou for everything (:

haha im really stuck now. i can't put my gratitude into words. so well, anw i love u seok ^^ always be happy and know that i'll be there anywhere, anytime for you.

thanks bestie

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 10:00 PM

WAHAHAHAHA 2day was a pretty gud day despite the irritating thing dat happened.

yes. abt that bad thing dat happened. i'll jus say dat if u call me stupid one more time. i will 翻脸。 i 忍 damn long liao so nx time u think 1st den say.

ok so i went to cck stadium aftr dat. n guess wad. im addicted to track nats. i love it. n i'll miss it. i'll miss the frens i meet. this yr's the 1st yr i gt so involved in track nats. n i really enjoyed it. lots. yea i'll miss those peeps i met here, ppl like derek, miro, bryan (tho i really dun like him ><), amelia, amelia's bf, n lotsa othr more ppl. yea i'll really miss them. i guess the nx time i'll get to c them would be nx yr track nats ba...bt well who noes? i'll really miss them. they r nice ppl n i really want to rmb them n the gud memories. WAHAHAHA n i will xD i WILL remember them all.

well anw reached cck at abt 1.30 2day. hah was damn sian at 1st cus everyone ran away n i din noe wad to do. so we played daidi tgt; seok, me, huey chyi n ms ong. YES ms ong. haha shocked rite?? xD well we played for quite a while, then me seok n huey chyi went to the badminton court to crap n continue playing. then we left.

then seok realised dat she lost her wallet. n she cried. i felt so helpless, didnt noe wad i could do to cheer her up. hmm..then lucky i went to find alvin n ask him call derek come to our there. but nvr say for wad. in the end derek tried to comfort her..n he actually managed to make her laugh! omg shocked xD i gta bai him wei shi ^^ den while i was comforting her i gt emotional again =.= stupid me. aftr dat whole thing, seok told me that it was the 1st time derek c her cry n he damn shocked xD HAHA i found dat super amusing ^^

LOL am i weird or am i weird??

she left for her med checkup aftr, then me n huey chyi started strolling abt. haha! then we saw the 4x100m which was actually quite gud! wahaha bt stupid larh. ERNEST TAN. 1st runner frm ngee ann sec totally screwed up n did a false starting. haha then the othr lanes duno wor! they continued running so i think they must hav hated him since dat wasnt counted. haha n to think dat he's frm my pri sch =.=

TALKING ABT THAT! i saw lots of RSS ppl today!!!!!!!!!! haha lemme count. tay kun long, MATTHEW CHEW, enseilia goh, daniel koh, Y. justindran, ernest tan, mike (OMG OMG OMG i haven seen him since he graduated in...2004!) yar i guess its just abt those few. BUT ITS LIKE ALOT TO ME LARH CAN! haha. i still rmb we used to call mike 大呆瓜!! haha the gud old times =D he stared at me. i stared at him. then we arched eyebrows. im shocked he still rmbs me, the notorious bowling junior xD yea NOTORIOUS. n-o-t-o-r-i-o-u-s. can u imagine nice n sweet me being notorious??? xD

haha then aftr dat seok came back n revealed she has thalassaemia!!!! OMFG I WAS SO WORRIED! so was derek. but lucky lucky i called my tuition teacher, who's a doc, n she said seok's thalassaemia should be minor cus if its major it would hav been detected when she was young. like below 1 yr old. oso she wun be able to do sports as she'll hav things like swollen kidneys n stuff. PHEW~ i feel relieved (:

OYES OYES chipmunk naughty naughty. i learnt dat he gave derek a wrong no. n claims dat its mine. which is sorta impossible since he memorises my no. =.= haha anw it was funny xD

i'll miss nats n u guys. hope nats comes quick!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 10:07 PM


haha i ponned sch 2day xD

no larh im kidding. i so guai how can do such things....

i went for this med checkup. then the doc pull my leg


then went for x-ray....coming sunday nid go for another scan. so sian..

apparently the doc said that there r 2 types of cartilages in the leg: the c-shaped n the o-shaped. o-shaped not v common. i have that not-so-common o-shaped cartilage..

so it sorta wore out n bits n pieces of it are now floating abt in my leg. together with millions of othr small torn soft tissues. those things causes my knee to jam. yea jam. KNEE JAM. sounds funny xD

well anw. i cant bend my knee properly. so those things really suck. im gonna have to remove it, but by what means not confirmed. either by physio or by surgery. bt the doc say most prob is surgery larh. day surgery.

haha hopefully will get fine.

i tot it wasnt really a big deal...until i went to cck stadium aftr n jonathon yee told me that its actually a very big deal. knee jamming is bad he said. hmmm...well wads done is done. i can only hope for it to get btr soon.

yar CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I SAW YEE YEE!!! haha lol i noe im over reacting xD

then went there n fooled arnd w seok, huey chyi, darren, derek, chipmunk, yunyi, and the SUPER IRRITATING bryan. yea the bedok view bryan not my cute junior bryan.

anyway played around mostly...but sth super freaky happened!!!!

haha i was waving to derek 2day asking him come down play daidi w us. then i wave wave in front of him was that guy, i duno he jus stared n gave me the "wad??" type of look. OMG I WAS SUPER PAISEH!!!!! haha somemore i didnt tie my hair today!!!!! must have looked like some siao zha bor who escaped frm prison xD

then i went home

started thinkin lots abt that freak accident tho. haha it was really sth unexpected n unwanted. esp when it was that guy.

hmm well wadever.

i should go slp n stp thinking about these.


haha must type big big ltr he cant c ^^

Thursday, July 10, 2008 @ 10:22 PM

oh yes before that gta thank few ppl.

chipmunk, edmund, joyce (isit?), yiwei n last but not least kiwi xD

thanks for wishing me gud luck for 2mr's med checkup ^^

thanks lots!


buahahaha so i shall xD

was toking to him on msn.

ok this was how it went:

~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
good luck for ur checkup
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
hope everything goes fine
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
i wan tt jumpy nobelle LOL
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
how can i jump w this pai ka
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
thats why i say u must try ur best to recover
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
i hope can ba...
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
bt will be damn long
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
we'll support u all the way
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
i know what im gonna say might sound a bit wrong ><"
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
but we LOVE U 1314~
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
wth is dat??
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
haha omg kiwi u sound mushy!
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
but im used to these type of stuff okaes~
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
haha lol!
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
eh wait wads 1314?
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
i dun get it
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
yi sheng yi si
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
omg dat IS mushy xD
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
wahaha xD
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
haha i din noe u could be so mushy
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
omg shocked!
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
u can blog abt that ~
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:
Wish me luck. I want my good knee back. haha thx kiwi for wishing me xD says:
hah fine i shall xD
~~3 Juvenile'D--KiWi--Raichu :D--Boa30--Tempo RVC Treasurer--Rocked TENOR 2 [:~~ says:

haha yar that was it xD super funny!

anyway thanks kiwi (: i'm touched. really.

hopefully i WILL get btr soon.

oyes kiwi now sits behind me so it's easy for me to bug him everyday xD


promised i'd upload photos so here it is xD

pics taken on tuesday:

LOL! took chipmunk's face but he turned =.= ended up w this

lame bryan! caught him unawares xD

hah! caught him again! but this time he turned his head ='(

gauny sleeping behind me

lame pic of bryan again xD

zeming's HUGE yawn

haha silly zeming n aaron posing xD

both of them sleeping


ok pics taken today. actually gt much more larh xD just some luks kinda...ugly =x

alvin n bryan staring at my shoe =.=

hildada caught unawares by PRO moi xD

nose n neh neh ^^ haha nose (right) was unwilling to take lor...but im too nice she cant deny!


no one got into finals 2day.

but i was quite happy cus i knew they did their best (:

but the c girls dat one v wasted! cus CHIJ cut their lane, so nana no choice like gona fall lidat. in the end step into another lane den lag alot. if not they could have gotten into the finals...boo so wasted ='(

STILL. well done girls! u guys did well (: its not ur fault. its jus CHIJ who duno the rules and the judges who stink xD

haha well done to the rest of the teams too xD you guys did well.

so did zi siang n nana in their hurdles event ^^ jiayou!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 @ 9:26 PM


haha yea gta put this BIG BIG cus he damn nice 2day. pei wo from cck mrt to city hall when he stays at yishun. yea damn nice. but i counseled him leh! haha yar i oso damn nice i noe ^^

realised a few things pretty funny abt him xD but i shan't say it here or else ltr he paiseh

it's bad. real bad. talking to him today dug up old memories. bad ones. the mask i've worn for 5 years was almost shattered. almost. i felt like pouring it all out, i really did. but some part of me told me not to, reminded me how hard i've kept it all hidden for 5 years. i shouldn't let it out now. not now, not ever.

ok anyway

played bball w the guys 2day. yin shiuan n kiwi.

AHA i pulled kiwi's pants down! xD n yin shiuan kept saying: suck cock!

haha lol! damn funny larh can

im running out of things to say...hmmm shall post some pics taken yesterday b4 the race.

on a second tot, i shall post them 2mr xD


Tuesday, July 08, 2008 @ 8:24 PM

well done carrots. im really proud of you guys (:

aha ALL the relay teams got into the finals!!!! WHEE~

yes they did really well ^^ but do noe that while cheering for them, i'm now officially voice-dead xD

cried like hell today when i saw the B girls run. did warm up n stretching w them. duno when i saw them standing down there, all nervous n tensed up, i just couldnt take it anymore. i duno what the hell was going on in my mind to make me cry like this, but well. im a crazy girl xD

ltr found out that they got into semis, i think i looked like a retard. i was laughing n crying. zi siang n alvin were like "wth?!" haha yea dat sort of expression.

ms or asked me aftrwards if i was sad dat i couldnt run. i said. if my stupid leg is fine. as it was in sec 1. i would cry for not being able to run cus i noe i can make it for the team. but now, my leg is dead. yea DEAD. so i'll only pull the team down. no point. so yea i feel happy n proud for them (:

ARGH GOOD LUCK PPL!!!!! i love you carrots =D


saw him running today. haha actually saw him a few times.

saw him run 4x100m too.

carrots arnd me were like, "OMG the RI guy damn fast!! dat last runner!"

hah i could only agree with them.

he was there the othr day too, receiving a prize on the podium.

i remember him telling me he would stand on the podium one day. and now he did.

i saw the long jump record too. wow he did it.

haha it's his dream anyway (:

SO. congrats for getting what you've always wanted. and yea, well done =D

not as if he'll get to see this anyway =.='''

Sunday, July 06, 2008 @ 9:55 PM

aha ok now im gona quote some really shocking things said on friday dat i 4gt to post.

hilda: OMG * you damn muscular
guan lin: * looks good today! * YOU LOOK DAMN SHUAI TODAY!
jia hui: omg....damn muscular..
yunyi: *poke poke* damn muscular!
me: (i've been gaga-ing too lng to speak)

ok now u're gona ask me who that * is

IT IS....



xiao wen xD

ok im being really lame here.

but woah u should have seen that load of muscles. plain SHOCKING.

yea yea enuf abt macho guys ^^

talked to qi koi (werewolf) 2day on msn. its been a friggin lng time since we last spoke. ha i still rmb how we used to play arm wrestling in cls...n how he used to be absent on EVERY full moon day....that was how the nick werewolf came abt xD

apparently werewolf didnt noe that matthew chew got into track n field! ^^ as a matter of fact i'll b seeing matt this tues ba...durin nats relays! whee super lng nvr c him liao!

speaking abt RSS, i saw wayne yap n ernest tan durin nats on friday! ohyes i saw aaron tang too! hah funny luh i ran past ernest then he stare at me, i stare at him. then recognition dawned upon us. xD haha damn funny larh his expression! he was lyk: eh?! haha then i said "yo" to wayne yap. then he was lyk: yo! haha damn funny. i din even notice him till seok say: eh nobelle!!!! *points towards wayne's direction*


10 minutes have passed since that last word up there. im officially bored to shit right now.

ok tell me i'm pro. this is a pic of our tour to japan last year. my twin sis w my aunty n uncle. i edited this photo w paint. SLOWLY. PIXEL BY PIXEL. and got the following:

super pro rite!!! thanku thanku (:

Friday, July 04, 2008 @ 8:39 PM

yay i sucked big time at today's race.

ran 1st 60m ok...but then suddenly knee gt crack crack feeling. damn pain. then limp all the way to the end.

v disappointed w my timing.

but well, i'm happy with the juniors timings. yea beat most of their PBs.

ah my nose is bleeding as i type. blow too much vessel burst

and carrots, i'm sry but aftr the nats i wont be able to run with u ppl for a mth over..my dad banned me.

know what? i'm never EVER going to tell them if my leg hurts again. never.

anw pics of 2day's race

here's a pics of dada (in the mirror) tying hair in the toilet xD

n here we have jia hui using her fone. got caught unexpected

hah!! jia hui caught super unexpected again! ^^

and i'm pretty proud of this photo. SEE?! i caught BRYCE in mid-air (sorta) while running his 400m! haha WHEE~

ok now. since i havent really invited ppl to my hse, bt im GOING to...i shall post some photos of my hse!

ok my house hall...

aha took this ^ from the stairs. funny, my hall is SOOOOO small =.=

my room (: super cute rite! haha xD i share w my sis de lor..

my sis's room. yea the twins. those are my twins sis n my mum

ok so many ppl ask abt my hse upstairs. so this is it. this is the fountain thingy...

yea this too. w the garden xD

my twin sisters!!!!!!!!!! WAHAHAHA so cute! ^^

Wednesday, July 02, 2008 @ 10:19 PM

wahahahahahahaha yes i noe u guys miss me LOTS xD

im finally back due to popular demands ^^

anyway 2mr marks the start of the track nationals 2008.

jus wana say jiayou to those competing 2mr.

guan lin: jiayou!!! nx tym i'll bring a frog to push u on xD

hui shan: jiayou jiayou!!! im sure u can own (:

alvin: haha chipmunky mus win hor!! u promise me this time will win de ^^

zi siang: go for it junior. i know u can i gt faith in u. so have faith in urself too (:

shawn: u oso arh!!!!! mus jiayou lots ok?

yea special dedication to seok ltr =D

anw. PICS TIME!!!!

OK had music 2day. den left ltr to get spikes w seok. n to get my knee guard. turns out darren n chipmunky went too

aiya we crapped like crazy larh!!!! haha den seok took.....40 min to choose between 2 spikes =.= well, at least she's happy w her final choice. now she's wearing the same spikes as bryan n jie hui!!!!!!! xD

took this at the food court ltr.

yea alvins hand twisted 180 degrees T.T so pain

all 3 of them eating MY kimchi ramen. i only had...abt1/4 to eat =.=
haha 4 ppl sharing 2 pairs of chopsticks n 1 spoon xD

yea then i had this kimchi swallowing contest w seok. n while chewing, the kimchi went into my nose!!!!! ow super pain xD haha then alvin stun until he bit his fone

super funny!!!

ok yesterday, this was my heart shaped dao pok in my miso soup

ha super cute rite!

ok well will find more pics to post soon (:



to seok yin:

i can see the hardwork you've put in, both for yourself and for the team. now is the time your hardwork pays off. jiayou (: i'm sorry i won't be there to cheer you on, but still i'll support you mentally and spiritually xD haha jiayou n rock on! ^^


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end