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Friday, June 20, 2008 @ 10:14 PM

ok i found this thingy on kia mui's blog n found it pretty interesting xD

yea so i did it PURELY out of fun ^^

You Are Elmo

Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do!

You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing.

You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you.

How you live your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!"

The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

hmmm i dun really think i'm adorable...am i? xD haha but i SO agree w me being popular among middle aged women. my best frens out of sch happens to be my mum's middle aged frens =D

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Loyal

You stick with your friends no matter what, even if you feel like they're doing the wrong thing.

You believe in letting people figure out their own path in life. It's not your place to interfere.

And part of your loyalty means that you'll do a lot for your friends. You definitely go the extra mile.

You'll even do great things for friends without them asking. After all, that's what friendship is all about.

You are truly a friend for life. And you have friends you've known since you were a kid.

Your friends can count on you to do a favor, remember a birthday, or just be there to listen.

Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else

You really can't be friends with: Fickle people who change friends quickly

Your friendship quote: "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows."

What Makes You a Good Friend?

wow they make me sound really nice xD

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a wanderer. You constantly long for a new adventure, challenge, or even a completely different life.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

Inside the Room of Your Soul

Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 8:55 PM

ha watched get smart 2day!!! yes watched w my cousin n my aunty (who is the same age as me xD)

yea apparently i was the only one laughing like crazy during the show =.=

YAY my cousin treated me to ichiban sushi. wah 1st time he so nice ^^

aftr dat cabbed back 2 sch for trainin.

yea trainin was sorta slack 2day. the 5 laps of 100m sprints seemed easy n fast too..hmm shocked. nvr tot trainin could actually be slack =D

den we oso did zone. i practiced w gauny n surprisingly i was able to pass to her! WHEE~ haha not bad for a noob like me larh


went to OCC to c the NAGs the othr day.

i was tgt w si jia

at OCC, i was surrounded by bowlers who were competing in the under 14 category.

saw many of my juniors there. RSS juniors, those who are still there and those who have graduated.

they bowled well. really well.

surrounded by the smell of the oiled lanes, the sounds of bowling balls hitting the lanes, the cheers at the fall of the pins, it just hit me.

i realise i do indeed miss bowling alot, and i haven't forgotten it all like what i told my sister.

i can still remember fighting with others for the 1st throw during the practice throws. the joy we felt when we hit a strike. the support we got from our team mates. the way we used to high five one another after the throw. how we'd been through high and low to clinch the champion cup for both the seniors team and the juniors team. the tough june trainings. the eating-fries-and-playing-UNO-on-the-carpeted-floor-in-safra-tampines times. how we purposely got the same bowling balls, and then call ourselves the RAZZLE team. how we cried hard when we fucked up. the joy standing on the lanes receiving the prizes.

i miss it all. the goods and the bads. now when i look at my bowling trophies, i can only sigh for i know i'll never get another again.

one every year. 2 when i was in pri 6. always 1st. always.

but now i'll never get another. never. i can never feel the excitement with my team, fighting together for the champion.

i'm starting to regret. not regretting being in track, but regretting not fighting for what i want. i knew that i could join a club and bowl for them, but my father didn't allow. and i didn't insist.

now it's too late. my father would never agree anyway.

i saw my ex-team mates playing there. the way they bowled, the joy at getting a strike. i'll never be able to experience that. never again.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 @ 11:38 AM

great im so lucky


while rushing off aftr trainin yestrday, i ran up the escalators n FELL. yea fell. so now i gt 2 puncture marks on my palms, one long cut on my elbow n 4 super long lines of blue black joined together to form a BIG BIG blue black at the top.

so cool rite?

haha then training yestrday was pretty much the same...I FINALLY FOUND MY CORRECT FOOTING FOR THE STARTING BLOCKS!!!! whee ^^

haha but total i did abt 30 tries on the starting block. so now i gt 2 blue blacks on my finger joints..

yea both hands oso hav. SUPER DUPER PAIN.

nx time i do starts mus use plaster cover that part liao...

haha yea the othrs did 300m time trials yesterday. well done guys (:

but the really funny one was bryan. he slack lor! run the 1st 200m damn slow...then back we cheer then he turn n smile at us!!! then he started chionging. OMG HAHA he so funny xD

yunyi, valerie, jia hui, jie hui, zi siang n i were doing the starts lor. then we kp playing arnd. yea i like training =D

Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 10:31 PM

argh the attendance for today's training was PATHETIC!!!!

boo only 9 ppl went =.=

yunyi, alvin, bryan, shawn, darren, zheng xiao, aaron, bryce, me.

super pathetic right?

anyway it was scary cus i tot no one was coming. i reached there at...2.25 lidat. chipmunk reached at 2.40 lidat. then we crapped arnd for 10 over min. until 2.55 still no one come!!!!! wah we super scared liao. then aaron came xD then zhengy n bryce. they came at 3 lor. bo bian so we start warm up 1st. 2nd round then yunyi joined. aftr warm up we were arguing abt who to lead stretching lot ^^ haha then shawn came. LATE. he go run warm up den lead us in stretching. haha we v funny larh!!! skip those that we dowan do xD cus coach nt there yet marh...ok then 3.26, bryan came. EVEN MORE LATE. apparently they tot training starts at 3.30. so nvm he go run 3 rounds then join in for stretching. then 3.40 darren come. THE LATEST OF THE LATEST. horrible....

did drills aftr. only 2 leh!!! haha we got off easy =D

did high knee lift n straight leg.

haha i paired w bryan cus there were only 3 girls...yar super funny!!!!!! haha we were damn random lor...crapping abt stuff xD oyes n observation: xiao wen does high knee lift wrong! haha he leans back. so i told him abt it when we were doing then hunched forward instead =.= haha bt damn funny (: then we kept competing to c who did drills fastr

aftr dat the c boys raced against S'pore Sports School. yea cus their whole team there marh...lucky lor if nt pandian confirm scold =x

xiao wen was the 1st runner, shawn second, chipmunk 3rd, darren last.


when they started off, xiao wen own the guy by like nearly 50m. then shawn n the others pull the distance further. finally hit darren we owned by 150m!!!!!!! OMFG! shock rite??? wheehee we won!! yea me n yunyi were so happy n we kept screaming xD

aha n chipmunk claims dat he can smell my fart while he's running =.='''

haha well no matter. all i wana say is that im super happy n chao proud of the c boys to have done so well (: congrats guys. i think dat the c girls n c boys team can make i to the finals this yr ^^ n i'm absolutely proud of them

Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 7:43 PM

im here again cus i jus realized im 'tagged' by tse yin 'spiritually' to do the quiz on her blog xD

10 Random Facts Of Me:
#1 I'm nobelle
#2 also known as Nobelle the great
#3 also known as NONO the great
#4 also known as nononipoopoo
#5 also known by yunyi as belly
#6 i just listed 4 of my nicks! xD
#7 i'm part of the carrots team
#8 i love my family
#9 i love my cca mates n friends n absolutely sweet juniors ^^
#10 i just completed this quiz =D

Now, whoever who gets tagged to do this quiz, save one random fact and change the rest. :D

The following has to do the quiz:
-ah peng
-yunyi boobie
-teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong
-mui mui
-ah lanny

ok now i shall show u ppl my masterpiece.



haha very nice right! BE HOLD. THE POWER OF NONO THE GREAT. AKA THE PAINT MASTER. haha lol! did this for an hour =.= editing PIXEL by PIXEL using paint. hardwork rite!!! all for our carrots tee lor...c i so wei da xD

yea the final design for the back of our cca is completed!! WHEE!!! finally larh can. haha left the front liao. should finish by tues. then can show u guys.

ok now im busy compiling the dates. the dates the individual carrots are free. u noe wad i've only gt throught half the list. yes sec 1 boys, besides chipmunk, apparently decided to ignore me. so...wadever.

whee im superbly bored.

oyes i had a fever yesterday..so didnt go for training. hmmm lets c....out of the whole sec 3 lvl, only gauny went. sec 1s bryan didnt go. sec 2s zi siang, tse yin, shawn n a few didnt go. i guess (all these r based on my memory of wad gauny told me xD) yea only 10 ppl were present for training i heard (this time frm chipmunky) haha surprisingly pandian didnt scold! but i feel bad not being there.....

ok for now, the most favorable day for a carrots outing is this coming thursday. yea. so make urselves available on dat day!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008 @ 8:36 PM

yes omg i reached home at like...7.50 2day...

had training n everything went well. apart frm gettin scolded by coach xD

aftr dat went to lot one where me n seok shopped for an hour. YES A FULLL HOUR. haha den went to her hse!! WHEE the shanghai noodles r nice ^^ n we finally completed the back design for our cca tee! yea gud gud (: had lots of fun w seok 2day

hmm will tok more abt it 2mr cus now im super tired

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 10:46 AM

okokok million years MIA. but the great NONO's back!! w00ts!!!

KIA MUI!!!! great is that big enuf?? she wans me to mention her xD shall mention in DETAIL 2mr ^^

now im going to do dis..thingy.

I'm tagged by *AH PENG!
A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B. Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. What do you think an ideal best friend should be like?
i have no idea. every person is different so i can't exactly say how my ideal best friend is..right? hmmm im just crapping luh huh xD

2. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
to be with my friends and family forever.

3. Who's life would you want to takeaway most?
Neh...i don't hav the right to.

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
save 3/4 and use the remaining to enjoy w my family and friends.
(BOO im not a charity person. i only help those who i think really needs it. yea say im evil xD)

5. Describe yourself in three words.
Nobelle Liew Xuening

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
hmmm i hav no idea. maybe when i've experienced both i can tell u?? haha bt of course being loved by someone who u love would always be the best

7. What's the one wish you'll make this very moment?
TO HAV 1000000 more wishes.
WAHAHA. very smart rite?

8. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
yes but if i list it all out, u'd be sooooooo super sian diao xD

9. Do you believe in ghosts?
i duno. maybe yes maybe no.

10. If the person you like secretly is already attached, what would you do?
you noe wad this is a REPEATED question. so hey ppl wana no my ans? scroll down n find my post abt a wk ago. yea u can get my ans there =D

11. Would you like to confess to someone you love by yourself, or through your friends?
i dont even WANT to confess. so yea i guess that makes this question redundant

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
my family, the NFM generation xD, nananipoopoo, seokie, all my wonderful friends and juniors, all the carrots. WHEE~ see im such a nice person!! xD

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
scroll down. look at my links and find the name ah peng xD yes its stated down there.

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
repeated question again...boo. tralalalalalala~~

15. What is the first job you wanna take once you graduate from school?
how would i noe!! i dont even hav an ambition =.= someone help hopeless me xD

16. What's one thing you hate most yet you can't change?

17. How would you rate the perfection of you life now?
life can't be rated. it's constantly evolving in this ever-changing society.
w00ts!!! i sound chim! xD haha HAIL THE GREAT NONO!! ^^

18. Among your friends, who do you think is/are the most similar to you?
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong
and not to forget my DEAR ah peng xD

19. What do you think makes you stand out from the others?
hey dats such an insult! i dont STAND OUT from others, i basically SHINE among them!!

People who're tagged! :
1) nananipoopoo
2) seokie
3) teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong
4) nose
5) neh neh
6) zi siang
7) yunyi
8) ah lanny
9) pristine
10) kia mui mui

i just watched pocahontas w my sisters..yea laugh all u want.

anyway i heard this thing and realised sth. this show used to be my fave when i was young. cus of one sentence: listen to your heart. hmmm i realise i don't do that anymore. in fact i've never done that since i understood the meaning of the word "embarrassment". no one ever does. we are always true to ourselves, to our hearts when we're young. when no one taught us to keep your true emotions in and instead put on a mask to hide the fragile and pathetic heart of ours. i think that if i listen to my heart and follow accordingly, i would end up looking like a fool and getting locked up in woodbridge. yea that's why we say life is cruel. life can never be like what the cartoons or drama serials show it is. but then again, i miss the days where i can really sit down and listen to my heart. at the same time, act accordingly. maybe i should try it sometime.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008 @ 11:49 PM


haha sry! xD haven seen him in 2 years. he's still as white as ever though ^^

ok yesterdays training.

hmmm well only funny thing was jie hui and charmaine n yi ming throwing track dirt at me and at each other. WHEE it was fun! xD oyes and we realised, when darren n shawn n bryan run they look like they're constipated =D haha yes LOL! as in we literally laughed out loud!! whee we really did xD

did 10 sets acceleration, starts...and 2 exercises in the circuit. yea dat was pretty much. DAMN SLACK ^^

BUT TODAY WAS KILLING. yea im braindead like 5 hours ago.

u noe the post where i said training was 2 n half hours damn tired? well cancel that. cause today's was 3 FULL HOURS. did warm up. 2day's warm up was v fast tho cus joanna was pacing us. yea then stretching. 3 sets of 4 drills. sprinting around the field 5 times. relay team do zone, rest do starts. then 4x400m relay team run one 400m trial. 100m n 200m runners run 300m trial. circuit.

yea but training 2day was pretty fun (: haha during the drills jie hui kept tellin me dat my earing is stuck in my hair. then kp cursing me lor! =x den bryan kena scolded for not doing high knee lift properly xD

during the sprint-around-the-field thingy, i rested cus of the whole sun problemo..but i joined in at the last 2 sets cus sun was down. yes n i felt as tired as SHIT!

aftr dat relay team went to do their thing..then i saw lime green! haha ok here goes

me: jie hui! today what color AH today wad color? lime green is the color xD
jie hui: shit how u noe!
me: haha jus now u climb up stairs i saw!!

disclaimer: i didnt purposely go see de ok! accidentally saw (:

haha den we were crapping like siao! but i realised that jie hui is quite funny to tok to =D

yar then did starts again. WHEE I FINALLY FOUND MY CORRECT FOOTING!!! haha yes xD then played around w zhengy, yiming n jie hui. chao fun

aftr training i stole jie hui's wallet!! w00ts!! haha den he promised me he will buy bubble tea de lor!! so i returned him...then he run away =.= but bryan so guai still pei wo buy bubble tea =p

see jie hui! go learn frm bryan be more guai!

but i think the funniest thing about the whole training was seeing jonathon. haha im shocked that he still remembers our fave topic to tok about is coach's sunglasses xD oyes jonathon didn't wear sunglasses 2day. hmmm sad. haha frm wad i can recall, he ALWAYS wear sunglasses for training...except for thrice?? duno. haha learn from coach wor!! then always say coach sunglasses cheap cheap pasa malam de...wah den say his v gud ^^ haha. he told me 2day dat he bot 2 new pairs of sunglasses lor!! addidas and nike de. WAH his brother drive Ferrari de leh...at least i know he used to.

when we saw each other, we just started laughing. haha wah really super long nvr c him liao. then 1st thing he did was to touch his specs ands say 2day no sunglasses.

him: 2day no sunglasses!
me: eh y? tell u hor pandian's sunglasses now super ex de ok! not pasa malam wan anymore..
him: HA really meh? but i bought new one le lor! addidas and nike de. u nvr c before. next time show u.
me: haha y u nvr wear! c got sun lor..u nt scared 变黑 meh?
him: *touches his head* no larh now still v white
me: *laugh like siao*
him: 因为我用 SK II Facial Whitening Mask
me: WTH!!! *laughs even more*
him: aiya no choice i sponsored by SK II
me: wah lidat u can go become SK II's spokesman liao!!

hmmm when i was in sec 1 he was in JC 2...dat means now super old liao xD

ok STOP. now i want to commend some people.

sheena: yo nana. wana say well done. know you've done ur best for every time trial and every training. even when ur not in ur best state you still give it all you've got. so yea thanku (: and jiayou! continue the good effort and attitude =D

charmaine: saw you running the time trials and i gta say well done!! know u tried ur best n gave it ur best shot (: yea 继续加油!

hilda: dada u oso! never skip training unless u could help it. yea n did ur best in every training session. good job xD

tse yin: nose! xD well done babe. saw u made a really gud effort in everything u've done. always shown positive and enthu attitude towards training (: yea keep it up! ^^

averil: neh neh arh u oso! improved lots from last year. cus of ur gud attitude towards training ba (: jiayou in all ur events! u can do it de =p

yunyi: really saw you make an effort in everything you do. you put in ur best and gave it all you've got. yea that enthu spirit and gud attitude towards training is sth everyone gta learn frm u. good job boobie xD 继续加油! im sure you will stand on the podium some day soon (:

jie hui: wei lime green xD wana say thanku for not ponning training EVER! and giving ur best in every training section. yes keep up the spirit junior! ^^

bryan: u too! never seen u pon training before. keep it up (: saw u running hard in all events n training sessions. yea. jiayou! keep up the good work =D

alvin: u arh always say wan pon but in the end oso nvr pon. n u really do ur best in everything. yep hardwork observed (: jiayou. u can make it to the podium de! xD

yea so to all of u above, jiayou! keep up the spirit and the good work.

i really thank my lucky stars for juniors, friends, cca mates, like you people ^^

Monday, June 02, 2008 @ 7:22 PM

ok u guys gta bear w me. lotsa things to blog abt for yesterday and 2day.

aha yesterday i went to gombak at 8. cus c div joining the akira race. so i go support larh

i woke up at 6.30 to like wash my hair..so it was down n a little wet when i reached gombak. i walked into gombak mrt from the back..then suddenly i felt a pair of eyes on me. turned back. THEN SAW JIE HUI'S SIA DAO FACE!!! haha super funny!! xD he totally stunned lor. then he say bryan in the toilet =.=

so we walked to the control station larh. then bryan saw me oso stun..v funny meh me nvr tie hair? then yunyi came n oso stun at me!!! wth haha i told her i not goin to tie so will luk like siao zha bor >< haha then yes jia hui n the rest all came n stun at me =.='''

aftr the rest reached we walked to gombak stadium tgt. yar then i went to tie my hair. jie hui n bryan keep whispering behind my back lor...tsk tsk tsk =p

then we go warm up liao. 10 min around the carpark. i ran w hildada, nana, yunyi and jia hui. bryan and jie hui SO OUT go run themselves...boo. yar DAMN TIRING. eh..actually ok leh. but very long nvr run lidat already. so very shuang. then we ran a route that joanna they all nvr bring us run before.

after that the juniors stretched tgt while i go help ms or get the event schedule from the call room. yea then joined them for 2 sets of high knee lifts and acceleration. the girls nvr do acceleration cus their event call liao. so sad! then in the end the boys did it themselves (: yea so the girls ran. AND THEY TOTALLY ROCKED. see i told you my juniors are pro xD

yea chipmunky came while the girls were at the call room then we went to support them tgt. OMG CHIPMUNKY WORE A TRACK PANTS AND A SUPER SEXY RUNNING SHORTS INSIDE!! haha then we were both luking at guys in tights lor xD haha sick! chipmunky likes tights wor... :p before their race start we were trying to say the guest-of-honor's name right lor. sng sze hiang..hmmm someone tell me how to pronounce dat? damn weird rite!

haha yar then we cheered for them tgt. cheered for bryan n jie hui too. jie hui damn ke lian!! cus his heats inside all the super big size guys..den jie hui so small ='( haha but nevertheless he ran well(: expected of my juniors luh xD yar then bryan ran well too =D top few in his heats. but a pity didnt get into finals...well done though!!

yea all of us waited HALF AN HOUR for the results lor!! then v funny we play like crazy xD finally couldnt wait liao we went to eat macs. then ms or gave us $10 call us buy sausage mcmuffin with egg for her. OYES NANA PICKED UP A $2! haha lol! ok so the whole bunch of us plus ishraq (duno spelling lidat anot xD pronounced lidat tho..) went to macs. the girls discluding jia hui jay walked n ran across the road lor. only jia hui and bryan and jie hui SO GUAI wait for traffic light xD omg so cute they all! haha then we started crapping lor...then bryan n jie hui were trying to compare game lvl w me. BUT THEY LOWER! haha noobs =D

then we went into macs. bryan realised he only brot 5 bucks. tsk tsk. then we go queue for food lor. bryan n jie hui stood behind me. haha funny lor the 2 of them!!! dey were like..got wad to eat arh? so i showed them. then jie hui asked me "wads that burger with chicken?" then i said mcchicken lor. then jie hui ask me wan to order meal say wad. "McChicken meal larh!!" =.= yea dat was my expression.

jie hui: wad is the meal called arh?
me: McChicken meal larh abuden! meal. M-E-A-L. MEAL.
bryan: yar me-al.
me: *bursts out laughing*
jie hui: eh bryan help me order leh. McChicken plain dowan veggy n sauce. i dun like.
me: eh cannot! bryan order normal one. jie hui u must eat more veggy den can grow taller lor xD
jie hui: wad! i got lor but not this veggy.
aunty: oi wad u want?
bryan: er er er McChicken meal
aunty: aiya now breakfast no chicken. only have sausage McMuffin. want want?
bryan: er er! aiya anything larh. sausage larh sausage larh
aunty: ok next! *points at jie hui*
jie hui: er fish-o-fillet.
me: *laugh like CRAZY*
aunty: huh fillet-o-fish arh?
jie hui: eh? yar yar. oi nobelle stop laughing. aiya i duno everytime my mother help me buy de
me: *rolls on the floor*

haha yes!! ok there's much more othr silly things bt im lazy to type out larh can!

aftr dat we went back to stadium to giv ms or her burger then we walked to nana's house to play w pom pom. OK I TELL U BRYAN IS IN LOVE WITH POM POM. SO IS CHIPMUNK. n yea pom pom is soooo cute! it kept chasing jia hui n me around lor! haha bt chipmunky kp pulling pom pom to chase jia hui. bad bad chipmunk ><

oyes and jie hui did a pantene shake xD boo i dun tink many would understand this ba.

hmm abt 2day's training de i 2mr den say.

now busy learning photoshop from seok yin xD



With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end