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Saturday, May 31, 2008 @ 10:15 PM

zi siang arh.

i want you to know that you're great.

so don't blame yourself for everything bad that has happened.

one thing i can vouch for is you. your personality.

i've always known you to be a person passionate in all that you do. you'd never let anyone down even if it means you have to work on the double.

you always try your best to help others even if you are in trouble yourself.

so you know what? all i can say is that im glad to have a friend like you.

all your friends should be happy and honored to have you as their friend.

so yea cheerup(:

half of the year is gone. make the next half better.

yay like me!! xD

yes i dedicated this post to u lor!!! woots~ be honored ^^

haha yea thanks for being my great junior and for always being there when i need help (:

i went to zi siang's blog and saw this post where he mentioned what's the meaning of life?

i duno if this answers but i got this from my super chim ex clsmate

Yesterday, a eleven years old kid questioned me: What is life?

The definition of life simply came out from my mouth:

Life is a condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects, i.e. non-life, and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally. In physical terms, life is an organism that feeds on negative entropy.

Being only eleven years old, what can he apprehend from that? So i told him that life is the contrary of death, or rather life is just the subset of death.

I'll like to say that life is hard to define, even being a scientific person, i can find this question misleading. It might simply sound that it is your passion in life. I believe that life is unique, life is a creation where even god can't create.

You can preach about your god creating you. Yet, how can he create life. Life is something so unique that distinguishes itself from everything you get to see, you get to know.

Its like eating a burger and making you contented. What is contentment? Isn't being full/filled in the stomach just a subset of hunger? Since you'll get hungry the next time?

"Must not all things in the last be swallowed by death?"-Plato

I mentioned that life is like things which are unable to be apprehend, hard to define.

Its like god, its impossible to believe that he is here, like HERE. Now, can can you define god where there isn't one?Of course , I am viewing this matter in my point of view, in my shoes. So, if you really believe that Jesus Christ do exist, or even some messenger from Allah or some god called Buddha do exist, you made me inarticulate.

'If there's a God gene, I would like to have the devil's DNA' -At risk.

No, I am not saying that there isn't life since you cant define them/it/him/her. Life has a limit and with a price to pay: Death.

Now, if I ever question about the contrary of life, you tell me its death.Yet, how can something(Death) so solemn and gloom be the exact opposite of something(life) as gloom as solemn.Death is joyful, but life is too.So, how can they be opposite. Now, if you would tell me to define death, I can.But not to define the phenomenon called life.

Life cant be the opposite of death.

Seriously, everyone knows what is life(except for my little cousin), but how do you exactly define it?

For him and for the P3 science textbook :
1) Living things need to take in energy.
2) Living things get rid of waste
3) Living things grow and develop
4) Living things respond to their environment
5) Living things reproduce and pass their traits onto their offspring
6) Over time, living things evolve (change slowly) in response to their environment

This is how you define life, or rather 'being alive'.

It seems to me that 'life' is a subject too 'Chim' for my 13 year-old brain with an IQ(intelligence quotient) of 139 to comprehend, but life can/could be human dignity.Helping the needy,to amend and blah , doing great shit. Having ownership over something/someone.

Now, tell me; How do i live without regrets?
Tell me; Why must be live?
Tell me; Why do we age?

You can't.

"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die." - Leonardo Da Vinci.

I am learning to die.

this is PURE CHIMOLOGY. if u ask me what's life, i cant ever say that much. i simply dont have the brain capacity to do so much thinking. i can only say that I believe life is life by itself, one's existence is life and the experience of being alive is life. yea so treasure it and live life to its fullest.

n 2day's my twin sisters' bday party!!!

yes its nt their bday yet larh bt celebrate early cus june lotsa ppl overseas

hmmm 2day carrots are racing...wish them all the best (:

yay in a v gloomy mood 2day...but will get super high 2mr! xD

today's the last day of the 1st half year. tomorrow's a new start. it's time for me to change a mask with new smiles and no other emotions. seems like the old one has worn out. it was made as a net to keep feelings and emotions both in and out. but it has lost its functions. emotions are starting to show. feelings are getting in. it's time, time to change a new mask. one that will last me, hopefully, till the end of the year.

Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 10:23 PM

haha im so bored dat im doing this again

my fren jus told me that he cant slp when he's sad..

bt apparently i can slp anytime anywhere disregard of my emotions

is that like...bad?

i don't know what is this. it's totally different from what i've ever felt before. i don't want this. when he left, i thought this ridiculous stuff would end. but then another appeared. and this one's different. different from the past few. much different. i feel more..yet less. i feel confused again..yet it's different this time. i listen to them. i listen to everyone. i hear them rant. i hear them cry, weep. i hear them speak. but why can't i hear myself? i can't hear myself clearly this time. it's all just a jumble that makes no sense whatsoever. i hear everyone..including him. but it's exactly because i'm hearing him that i'm feeling so confused and hurt now...someone tell me what to do..

yay NLTG is backkk!!

haha okok sry was MIA for the past day. was SUPER sian so jus slept all day

yea ok back to Mr Juay's farewell party the othr day.

mostly all the bowling juniors n parents larh. my age de only got me, si jia, shunyi n zhi lin. and guess what. ZHI LIN GREW TALLER! haha shocking xD she's now just around a head shorter than me..woah. yar and according to shunyi, i've changed in 5 ways.

1: got MUCH darker
2: have longer hair
3: got taller
4: got CRAZIER
5: less violent

at least i think these are the 5...maybe more ba xD

haha well then we sat tgt and crapped abt the present n the past. miss them lots larh...v long nvr meet them liao. me n zhi lin we talked abt perth. yes that was VERY memorable..

ok we stayed in this chalet thing for 3 days. chalet as in brick house, with lotsa spiders, fireplace and ONE queen-sized bed with two singles outside. double level with creaking cramped spiral stairs. yes and pots and pans to cook for ourselves too. YES. everyone was so scared of the spiders lor...in the end i threw my shoe and squashed a few spiders xD but the place was SO scary and creepy dat only pristine and enseilia bathed. zhi lin was afraid of the spiders while i was just plain freaked out by the place. then in the night actually me and ensi agreed to slp outside on the single beds. bt after a while we freaked out and we went to squeeze with the zhi lin and pristine on the queen-sized. FOUR PEOPLE SQUEEZED LIKE HELL!!!! morning die liao.

wait random time. i just went down 20 mins for pizza. DROOL PEOPLE =D

aha back to perth. good times...fishing in the night, getting scolded together, getting our butts wet, watching the farmer own us on the trampoline..hmmm much more stuff...

yea then me n shunyi were talking abt 6/3. didnt realise how much i missed them till then. shunyi n matt sat behind me. HAHA oyea when Mr Ho 1st made me n daniel sit tgt, we separated the desks n fought ALL DAY! shant say it here or esle i might embarass the ROYAL ASSASSINATOR! wow. haha long time nvr call him that. oh and theres the royal baby and the royal pervert too (:

thinking back, si jia was my 1st friend in RSS bowling team...and Mr Juay was my 1st teacher-in-charge..AND OH YES TO ALL MR JUAY'S STUDENTS. mr juay now looks like kun long 2005: fat and porcupine-haired

hmmmm i need a carrots outing!!! when can we have one... ='(

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 @ 11:32 PM

ok n 2day's both a gud n bad day

bad: i went to c doctor chee for my skin n he did this treatment which caused my face to become tomato-like. n it hurts like hell!

gud: mr juay's farewell party!!! damn funny larh. me, si jia, zhi lin n shunyi were there. crapped like hell.

hmm..will update mre 2mr cus now v tired xD sorry peeps! esp nana cus she asked me to post ='( haha will tok abt more 2mr (:


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 9:12 PM


darn training was 2 hrs n 20 mins! we hadn't done training over 2 hours in ages. half dead now.

ok well...zi siang yunyi nana n i reached gombak 1st. then jiahui. yea we were playing like hell larh!!! then those 3 girls arh! kp sabotaging my butt...poor butt. haha then the sports sch ppl were there bt we were still making a fool out of ourselves. HAHA DAMN FUNNY! xD then after dat the rest came n we started at 4.

ok training programme for today.

2 rounds outer lane warm up. stretching. 300m sprint for 400m nats runners. 100m n 200m runners did circuit. after that relay runners practiced passing then the 100m 200m runners did 200m runs 5 sets. yea BAD. then 100m n 200m runners did 5 sets of 100m FAST RUN. which = to pia-ing. aha then circuit again. WOAH tough training guys. good job keep it up (:

wen kia kp calling bryan n jie hui jokers larh!! cus bryan was slacking n both of them kept playing w sweep wrappers!! haha damn gao xiao. yar doing circuit that time bryan in front of me marh...then everytime he scared i do sth to him lor so he face me. chao funny xD n i failed my attempt of throwing me shoe at him. in the end jie hui took my shoe n it landed somewhere...far. YEA JUST LIKE THE LAST TIME THEY STOLE MY SHOE AND DIDNT WANT TO RETURN ME. leaving me hopping around.... =D

aftr training jie hui n bryan shared a same towel...EWWWWW. grossed out =x haha then i took cab home n tompang-ed gauny. yea TALKED lots not to be revealed xD

ok im now going to do this absolutely funny quiz cus im bored ta hell.

kop-ed this from marissa's blog

A) people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs &replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse.these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tagthe person whom they were tagged by.continue this game by sending it to other people.

01 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Cry. Get over it. Bust that guy's ass. Then get on with life. he doesn't deserve the great and perfect me ;D

02 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
I have lots of dreams. So much so that i have to keep them in a town named ytilaertonysatnaf

03 if there is a choice between boyfriend and friends,which will you choose?
both. dont like the answer then help me choose cus i cant pick between this 2 important people

04 what kind of home do you think is suitable for living?
er...DUH one that i can eat breathe sleep and be happy in is suitable.

05 what's your ideal lover like?
Hah! Good question. a pity i don't have the answer.

06 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
i dont know. i seriously dont know. maybe i'll give you the answer when i've found the right he and experienced both of the above

07 How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
if it's someone i really love, then i'll wait till i get over him. WHICH i dont think is possible if i really do love him.

08 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
i guess the perfectly standard drama answer will be "i'll be happy for him." awww how sad but this is reality not a drama serial. i wont do anything. i mean WHAT'S THERE TO DO? hmmm or maybe i'll just start emo-ing and hope that girl is the one he's truly looking for. if she isnt, i'll bust both his and her ass. her for hurting him and his for not noticing me. I'll be there if he ever needs me.

09 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
how can a nice and high and hyperactive person like me get unhappy?

10 is being tagged fun?
yes it keeps this blog ALIVE.

11 how do you see yourself in ten years time?
as a 24 year old hag.

12 who are currently the most important people to you?
sheenana, seokie, lanny, all my juniors, all the carrots and my family. xD WOOTS so many =D

13 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
ehhh no one tagged me...so u're trying to say that im being extra luh huh.

14 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?

15 what's the first thing you do every morning?
open my eyes..then close it and get back to sleep.

16 would you sacrifice your family time to enjoy with friends?

17 what is the thing that you cant bear to leave it aside?
Friends (and they are things! WHEE i feel evil xD)

18 what type of friends do you like?
As you can see, i like friends who are mentally retarded(:

19 what type of friends do you dislike?
wow i didnt know that ppl i dislike can be my friends..revelation xD

Monday, May 26, 2008 @ 9:30 PM

& i love the carrots!!

WHEE!!!! im sooo pissed rite now bt i wont let that affect me cus i totally dun giv a damn abt that person. yea

so training today was gud...bt there was like SO LITTLE PEOPLE!!! yea well we did 2 n a half rounds warm up. dun ask me it was charmaines idea XD haha it was 3 rounds at 1st bt we walked half n ran the rest. wow dat really brings back memories of the past where we ran 5 rounds outer lane for warm up, 5 sets of each drills and 20 sets of acceleration!! haha my legs are feeling wobbly just mentioning this =x

hmm then we did stretching. seok was leading at 1st..den i heard someone mention dat zun xiong say me n aaron lead (???) haha funny in the end nvm larh i didnt do it since seok started leading liao no point for me to cut in lidat.

oyes n did i mention b4 dat!! ok i reached at 1.30 tgt with jia hui. shawn n charmaine were already there. *wheets!* HAHA ok well so me n jia hui crapped there. then zx came aftr a while...then jie hui.. haha so me n jia hui were like crapping n jie hui looked totally sian diao! omg he damn cute XD haha then when bryan came his hair was like out of shape!!! haha n it was bouncing on his head! LOL!! then he gave me my wallet. YAY THANKS XIAO WEN (:

yea well back to where i stopped. ahem right after stretching zx n aaron n the sec 1 guys did their individual events. whereas the girls did hurdles. er the small ones. yea 3 sets of 2 legs jump n one leg hop each. then we tried a set of bounding. then 2 sets of acceleration. WAH DIE.

aiya actually ok larh...den cool down jog one lap then walk one lap.

aftr dat we went to change. came back dat tym jie hui n bryan left liao. wth larh dey always leave so early de!

yea so the whole bunch of carrots went to drink bubble tea at the gombak there...n wow i tried a new flavour!!! WHEE 1st time in ages! yep mango red tea. then me n seok left the group to go vivo. she needed to get her mum sth for bday! yay so we went n picked a pendant for like...AN HOUR OVER!! haha den we went window shopping for something...haha omg we gta go out tgt again! damn shiok cus we both luk for the same things XD

yea weepee im high n bored!!!

dat cant be true rite..how can i be high n bored at the same time? ok wadever!


ciao ppl! cya guys 2mr (:

Sunday, May 25, 2008 @ 8:53 PM

attention all carrots. there will be training at gombak 2mr at 2pm. pls go if u can (:

yea n its the beginning of the hols. a busy busy holiday. yea no hmk. bt preparation for nats. and carrots we shall own them. we shall do the PSA thingy!! yes i think only some of u will understand this xD haha!

i've decided that this hols shall be a sports hol for me!!! buahahaha lots of excercise. yea i nid to get slimmer man!!!!! plus im gona hav to burn the italian n french food i gobble down durin this hols =x

yea cheers to me getting fat (:

WHEETS and fann is joining us at gombak 2mr!!!! how nice if all the seniors go...i miss them lots...

& i love dear sheena and dear seok yin ♥♥♥

Saturday, May 24, 2008 @ 10:54 PM

oh yea i just watched indiana jones!!! woots!

hmmm bt actually compared to national treasure, its a little boring..well not a bad show aftr all. m luking forward to watch NARNIA!!! yes i have high expectations for Narnia.

hey! carrots u guys wana watch NARNIA tgt? wan call pandian oso? dat'll be fun! xD haha jus tinkin reply me on taggy if u want!

oyes n i jus visited nana's blog. hmm seems like dat FLAMER didnt understand me and go stuff her head in the toilet bowl. sad. she's really gona die if she continues doin dat.

nana heck her. let her continue to bark all she wants. not as if shes wanted anyway.

yea love ya forever nana <3

seok too <3

n lanny too <3

love ya guys xD


yea bt gt this stupid ad that KEEPS popping up whenever i click sth. someone teach me how to get rid of it! ='(

yea went to RV open house 2day...u noe wad? ITS SO INTERESTING!!!!! its filled with interesting booths and nice pictures and interesting stuff and and..and..

ok its absolutely BORING.

yea BORING full-stop.

my mum was like: how come nothing de! go already. nothing to see.

wtf i was still hoping dat my mum n sis would hav a gud impression of RV.

hmmm wadever.

ok now goin to slp liao. havin horribly heavy eyelids XD

Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 8:59 PM

yea guess wad i got hit by a ball TWICE 2day!! WHEE~ dat was SO PAINFUL.


haha ok once i got hit by eve..n the 2nd time by kiwi. HA how fun. but captain's ball for PE 2day was ownage! haha cus we had kiwi n yin shiuan in our grp. total OWNAGE. dat was so kwl xD

oyar b4 dat we finished watching Bend It Like Beckham. yea kissing scenes. EW. the worst thing was the guy didnt kiss the character i liked! HURMPH. not gud. uh-uh.

well had a cup of soya bean and a cup of $1 milo and a plate of grilled fish w rice for recess. ok i WAS hungry but after the cup of milo n soya bean..i died when i came to the grilled fish =x

yea then aftr sch me, nana n seok went to find ms or to ask her abt the cca leader stuff. well she DID explain her choice but then again it wasnt very convincing

so me n nana left in a huff trying to decide where to go for lunch. AND THAT WAS THE FUNNY PART. we walked to the bus stp opp sch and aftr walking for a while...a while...a while...suddenly i saw someone chao white (glowing as mui mui puts it). then i turned my head to stare. it was xiao wen!! haha funny! then me n nana shock dio. we went to c the bus route thingy...and we were trying to decide where to go. while doing dat we started on the burping thing =.= haha so we burped n burped n burped n burped. then bryan was like WTH?! haha chao gao xiao! then aftr dat i saw ze lin and jia hui and abi n tracy. so we went to stand arnd bryan there n then we made LOTS of noise. bt seriously larh i tink bryan was PLAIN BORED. den i did the pull-my-earing thing n bryan freaked out XD

haha then 963 came. nana said nobelle gogogogogogo!!! so i just ran onto the bus lor. then ltr she told me...dat she duno where we're goin w 963. =.=''' aha then aftr i went onto the bus, i saw kiwi n yiwei n jordyn.

yea so we crapped like hell on the bus. AND I KEPT LOSING MY BALANCE!!! dat was bad...u noe im usually not like this??? i can balance SUPER DUPER well ok! hurmph. yea yea then SUDDENLY the bus stopped n nana said lets go down. crap i totally ask yiwei to throw me my shoe bag then ran down the bus.

aha i tot it was fun. UNTIL we got on to 188 n i realised i dropped my wallet in 963 ='(

bad bad.

so i called yiwei n told him to help pass my wallet to bryan n ask him gimme on monday durin training. yea how fun! then kiwi answered n helped. i imagine bryan mus hav been WTH-ling again.

so we went to LAO MAI (XD macdonalds) to eat. yea surprisingly i had $8 in my PE shorts!! haha so i ate a upsized McSpicy meal

nana had a double cheeseburger w a small fries n a 20 ounce coke xD chimology

yar then we tok n ate. BUT A PITY I HADTA LEAVE EARLY...i wanted to c pom pom ='(

sad luh sry nana...i wan go c ur pom pom...haha im so sry!!!!! i'll go c durin the hols i promise (:

well then in the end i pia-ed back hme, had tuition n became depressed.

ok im STILL depressed.

u noe y? cus i saw my NUS high fren's chem n math ppr n i wan die liao.

chem: which species has a Lewis dot diagram that does not illustrate the octet rule?

A NO3 minus charge
C NH4 plus charge
D N2

chem: which of these options would correctly predict the electron-pair geometry and the molecular geometry of the nitrite ion, NO2?

A the electron-pair geometry is linear, the molecular geometry is linear
B the electron-pair geometry is trigonal-planar, the molecular geometry is bent
C the electron-pair geometry is trigonal-planar, the molecular geometry is linear
D the electron-pair geometry is tetrahedral, the molecular geometry is bent
E the electron-pair geometry is tetrahedral, the molecular geometry is linear

chem: what is the bond angel in NO2?

A 90 degrees
B 107 degrees
C 109.5 degrees
D 120 degrees
E 180 degrees

what the hell is the ans to those? maybe im stupid luh-huh.

whats paramagnetic? pls tell me im not stupid this is jus too chim for me

give the chemical symbol of an element with ground state electronic configuration of [Xe] 6s^2 4f^14 5d^10 6p^3


and they study animal physiology. wtf

ok im officially depressed.

and yes i promised to do this.

nana i shall speak in twit language.

haha iie lurbbbb eeuu!! muackszxzxzxzxzxzx! buaiiz andd see eeu onn mondayszxzxzxzx!!

omg did i just do dat?? xDDDD

Thursday, May 22, 2008 @ 8:57 PM

i shall say the happy things 1st before the fucking pissing things.

ok yes 2day training was damn shiok cus peishi, amanda, fann, chuan min, emily n jing jie came back. yea long time no c them so i miss them lots!! well anw 2days training was damn tiring. but yea fun as usual XD how can training ever be boring?? haha well i cant tink of much now cus im simply too pissed.

ok let me rant pls.

i jus heard from seok that tse yin, averil, zi siang and darren are potential candidates for the position of the CCA captains. im pissed. im bu shuang. you know wad? im not pissed cus it's the four of them. im pissed because they are SEC 2s. last year the teachers simply refused to allow the sec 2s to become CCA leaders so they even went to the extent of making sec 3s from cross our track captain. they just REFUSED to let the sec 2s become the CCA leaders. and what are they doing now? TELL ME. fucked up.

wadever larh i shant let this stupid thing ruin my mood. anw im goin to nana's house 2mr!! WHEE~ haha yes i should say this so she happy wor...

love ya nana(:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @ 10:57 PM

yes im going to be more random
someone says i lack creativity =.=





ok and im about to do something random.

i love nana!!!
muahaha yes she shall be my les partner xD
haha yes yes she's everything nice.

yea i mentioned nana yea!! haha ok im lame.

dun ask me y im doing this


ok..calm...steady...MINO WON!! WE'RE THE CHAMPION HOUSE! WHEE~

haha ok nvm. lemme b happy for a while larh can..

ok im was super duper high 2day larh! maybe cus i didnt run...so got lots of energy stored luh huh! haha then cheering that time i chao high!!! cheer damn loud wors! 1st time i x-country so high xD haha yea bt was damn happy dat minotaur won. we fought for the 1st position w unicorn last year lor..then lost to dem by ONE POINT ='( haha nvm we won them this year!!

but there's one thing i must say: i'm really proud of you guys. the carrots. be it the cross country team or the track n field team. i'm really proud. this is the 1st time i've ever seen such team spirit in the team. esp the B girls. dun let wat anyone say pull you down. cus im really proud of you guys. i've never been more proud to have a team like you, to have friends like you, to have seniors like you, to have peers like you, and to even have juniors like you. you ppl went in as individuals, and came out as a team. i seldom see such team spirit between all of you. but 2day i really saw it. i saw what it means to be a carrot. to be a member of the RV athletics team. to be part of the big family. even though im only words, i want u guys to know that i'll always support you ppl. i'll always be waiting at the finishing line, cheering you on. all i can say is that i'm very proud of you ppl and i'm extremely proud to be part of this family, this team.

after this big event, comes another: the track nationals. hey trackers, jiayou. you guys r the best i've ever seen. we might not be the best runners, but we have the spirit and the passion. we've worked hard for so long. and finally its coming. just a few months away. so givit your best shot trackers. i know you guys can do it (: trust yourselves. no matter the results you TCs will always be champions in my heart, and in many others' i believe. so jiayou trackers. show them what we've got; let's burn the track.

oyes and one thing i have to say.

im also very proud of my dear juniors! xD i noe they've ran hard today. in fact ALL the carrots ran hard. but esp for the sec 1s this is ur 1st annual x-country race. i know u gave it your best shot n im really proud of u guys. many of u clinched the top 15. all of u did well, the boys included xD even if you didn't get into the top positions, you peeps are still winners. you ran hard and completed the race, that's what matters most. i didnt run so i stood near the finishing line to watch the carrots complete the race. no matter whether you were the top few or the last few, you pulled through. i saw you guys push urselves and ran. you gave it all you've got and i'm very proud of you guys. i duno how to put all these emotions into words properly. but as i stood at the finishing line, i felt your determination to finish the race. i saw it in your faces. you guys will complete the race, doing your best, no matter what it takes.

yea so ANYWAY. went to vivo w tan wei, seok, nana n dada aftr the race. all of us ate the chao ex 'maggi mee' (the kimchi ramen xD)! haha n me n seok ate extra spicy w extra lots of kimchi. n i ate two saucers of kimchi =D u noe what they should really remove the word spicy from it cus its ANYTHING BUT SPICY. haha yes den we went home aftr dat =.='' cus everyone tired liao le. yar...


love the carrots (:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 @ 9:48 PM

2day we had training at gombak!! WHEE~

long time nt there liao lor...miss that place..it holds alot of memories for me n other trackers (i believe)

so we did warm up 2day n it was CHAO HOT. yes super duper burning hot. haha so sad it isnt morning 8am training lor...if not can c uncle aunty doing tai ji quan XD

den aftr stretching we tried...HURDLES! omg gauny said its fun bt seriously i dun dare lor. for someone who succeeded at the 1st try of cus larh..i din even dare to try XD

haha it was SCARY. yes plain scary.

bt funny at the same time cus the C boys went 1st larh. den everyone did lor. reach bryan liao. see him chiong sprint. SUDDENLY. he stp b4 the hurdle =.=

i stoned.

haha den everyone was stunning at bryan's action lor!!! haha bt im in no position to laugh larh

CUS IM THE WORST. haha i didnt even sprint. i jus walked out of the queue n go "i dowan to jump."

seriously i hav a fear for jumping.

yar i didnt even dare do the long jump ><

hey u there DONT think i duno ur laughing now.

yes yes im pathetic im totally afraid of jumping XD haha wadever larh!!!

haha bryan did the same "stop before the line" thing again lor!!! chao funny (: bt in the end he still jumped larh. unlike moi.

then at the end of the whole training me, yiming, jie hui, bryan n jia hui left tgt. dat jie hui arh kp walking fast fast purposely dowan wait for me de lor!!!!

den in the end jie hui left 1st then d four of us go drink bubble tea. WALAO EH bryan didnt noe wads bubble tea =.=

haha in the end jia hui drank mango ice blended, then me yiming n bryan drank green tea ice blended with extra pearl XD pro me n my recommendation

i cant believe how guai my juniors are. they actually didnt want to drink in the mrt!! omg shocked. then dey were like aiya drink finish 1st den go. so i anythin lor. haha den we stood at the traffic light there drink

haha then we were imitating diff accents lor!! n not surprisingly only the talented moi can do he indian, china n english accent PERFECTLY. haha it was funny like siao larh!! den we were doing high pitched tokin too. haha chao funny =D

den aftr dat we went back liao lor. chased the mrt goin to JE interchanged. den bryan alighted aftr one stp. so me n jia hui were like "bye bryan!" in weird voices XD high, low, chao girly n stuff. haha damn shiok! den yiming was laughing like hell...

ok well we gta do dis again!!!! haha im going to repeat wad i always say: i have sweet juniors XD

Monday, May 19, 2008 @ 9:45 PM

tralala argh my leg hurts like siao.

yea my RIGHT leg again. come lemme go thru my history of leg injuries. hmmm sec 1 shin spleen, sec 2 ligament tear, now more problemo. walao eh. aiya heck liao larh most pai ka only. XD hmmm bt duno can train anot leh. damn pain sometimes walk oso chao pain..

2day there was training at gombak larh..bt i didnt noe until abt 12 plus lidat lor...too late liao sumore i gt things on...so in the end i didnt go. then while chipmunk was on the mrt i kp tempting him with delicious pizza xD haha then when he reached jie hui, darren, nana n yunyi were there lor. then dat jie hui was like "u cannot hear who i am meh? stupid" haha lol!! damn cute! i toldya i hav cute juniors.

someone tell me how incredibly lame i can be.

so in the end training had only..er..6 ppl =.= chipmunk, nana, jie hui, yunyi, bryan n darren. wth.

haha anw training 2mr will b at gombak again!! WOOTS~ time for pao pao cha!! bubble tea!! MUAHAHAHA xD

tralalala i feel like dumping my hmk away. lets c, i gta do SS corrections. SS which i failed terribly for ='( then gta do da gang for chinese zuo wen 4. then gta do math linear law wksht. WTF!!!!! EXAMS OVER LIAO STILL LIDAT...i totally sian diao (:

haha RVTC tee coming liao lor!! me n seok were designing it 2day..yes yes a full track carrot tee wor!

aha n im officially bored.

i went to c my las tym info brochure. n realised how i rock! XD haha i gt 1 mark to full marks lor i so pro...

omg ppl entertain me! im seriously dying of boredom here..

YES SO I SHALL SCOLD DEAR PRISTINE TO PASS MY TIME. pris arh!!!!!!! how can u go overseas at the start of hols!!! lidat how i go ur house eat curry???? ur not making any sense lor call me go ur house eat curry then u lidat how i eat curry!!! hurmph. then u arh u lidat how we go out tgt w ah peng arh!!! then i BET u nvr tell me about any bowling comps lor!! cus i believed a few bowling comps passed liao den u nvr tell me!!!! I WANT GO SEE LEH!!!

great nothing to say liao


call me lame pls.

arh someone save me!!!!!!!


muahaha im going insane

Saturday, May 17, 2008 @ 2:41 PM

yestrday gt back my SS results n wtf i failed. yea a BIG F. the 1st paper i've ever failed in my life. even my music passed w the help of my awesome practical XD i gt a B3. n here i failed. ARGH WADEVER LARH! i dun giv a damn. emo-ed enuf yesterday so time for me to get high again! MUAHAHAHAHAHA bear with me (:

yes first i want to dedicate this post to my juniors!! oh and tan wei n tracy n xui min too (:

haha yes sheena, valerie, yunyi, zi siang, jie hui, bryan, yiming, alvin, hilda, tan wei, tracy, xiu min, steph.

thanku ppl for going for the morning training on friday (: ahem even tho SOME of u didnt run. haha.

sheena: thanks for going larh!! ahem tho u didnt run for BOTH morning runs... XD haha bt still u went so yea (: oyes u did run like one set of acceleration w steph yea??

valerie: omg im so glad that u went! haha thanks for coming yea? jiayou jiayou ur a gud runner (: haha XD mus come more hor!!!

yunyi: aiya u arh! come liao bt nvr bring pe attire..haha bt u still train with us wor!! even in ur pinafore..haha im so touched!!! yar larh i noe ur v enthu! just like u said u were XD haha yea lets run tgt again yea?? n pls bring ur pe the nx time so i can run acceleration w u (:

zi siang: hey thanks for coming(: i really appreciate it. u went for both days leh!!!! haha yes must come hor for future ones XD yes yes!

jie hui: ai de! haha thanks for going for both days!! yea i was shocked dat u agreed to goon the 1st day plus u were the 1st one to reply my sms lor...thanku! haha so guai wor u XD yea nx time still mus come hor(: then train tgt. haha thanks again for coming

bryan: wah i totally din expect u to come wor! haha u said u wont come lor and yet u still came...summore u woke up early for once XD haha thanku thanku!! nx time oso mus come hor (: haha im so touched u say dun come still come (: haha thanks

yiming: u oso! i nvr expect u to come lor! cus u said u weren't...bt in the end u still came leh!! thanks yiming XD haha mus come more wor train properly (: haha thanku thanku! really appreciate it

alvin: chipmunk arh thanku for going too!! tho u totally didnt run for BOTH days..ahem well. thanks anw(: get well soon yea? frm ur numerous illnesses XD haha n join us nx time! (:

hilda: yoyo! thx for going!! haha yea rmb how we used to run tgt las time? haha yea thanks for going!! lets train hard tgt n bring RVTC to her peak XD haha jiayou jiayou! n thanku lots for going (: u r like damn enthu lor always go for such things if possible de... thanks =D

tan wei: wei wei arh. u arh go run bt not w us de...loner..haha bt thanks!! we damn long nvr run tgt liao...las time rmb we always do morning runs de? the 10 rounds wan was the most memorable..haha yea come join us the nx tym!! like we las time lidat XD

tracy: yow! haha thanks for training w us!! yea it was fun rite??? we should do dat more often lor...show off our track carrots spirit! XD

stephanie: haha eh thanks for coming to WATCH. haha(: ur company was greatly enjoyed XD haha join us again!! then do acceleration tgt =D

yea well i really love training with them. to sum it all, i love RV Track Carrots. oyes cross ppl too(: i love the carrots =D

Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 8:17 PM

aha n yes my leg still hurts!!

im bored so i've decided to come here to crap(:

oyes n i was going thru some pics when i realised that bryan really looks like jie hui!!! haha hey bryan as in bryan koh. bryan the act cool. bryan the bra 37F. yes not SWEET xiao wen xD haha. yea i realised he really luks like jie hui! ha its funnnnny!

oyes n dis is really funny! haha left we hav xiao wen n yiming. OMG THEY LOOK SO DIFF! haha funny bt sorta cute (:

ok im crapping too much liao

oyes did i mention that i have wonderful juniors?

haha during free period 2day i played ball w yiwei, kiwi, yin shiuan, jing lan, chuye, siyi n yulu. haha it was damn fun n funny!! UNTIL. i gt knocked onto the floor n hurt my ligament again n it really hurt like fuck. yea dats abt it. but who cares i still went for training n yes im still alive (:

then b4 training we played ball AGAIN (: played monkey. me, yiming, nana, val val, hildada, chipmunk, seokie, xiao wen, jie hui, jia hui, zi siang..yea arnd the few of us. ha it was DARN fun i really enjoyed it. thanks for making my day peeps XD haha yea then training was pretty slack again luh bt dat bryan n jie hui arh kp purposely chionging the warm up n cool down in front of me lor. hurmph. haha bt cute larh dey all! haha yiming kept hiding from the ball larh! haha damn cute lor. den dat xiao wen arh...purposely dun catch the ball when i throw to him lor so in the end i become monkey...jie hui oso lidat!! haha yea den lidat lor..

den i played the staring game w xiao wen again. guess what? I WON. like duh how can the great nobelle lose? xD

yea then went hme with ze lin n had a HEART TO HEART talk. heheheh i dug up lost of info u noe?? ><

at the mrt station said bye to ze lin. den i saw hua jing. SHOCKED. he looks tall. ok fine he IS tall. n dats totally unacceptable. i used to feel tall when i stand nx to him bt now i feel extremely small...yea so anyway havent been tokin to him for a darn long time. yar hope he's fine(:

well dats all FOR NOW(:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @ 8:05 PM

yea im really happy today! sorta. the music results really ruined my good mood lor. haha

had self-training this morning. just did like 2 rounds warm up, stretching den acceleration abt 3 sets lidat? yar around there. there were only me, yunyi, jie hui n his fren the choon sth guy. yar. haha funny larh! jie hui so nice i din expect him to agree to train w us in the morning lor! yar then we train halfway nana, chipmunk n xiu min came to c us train. haha suaning us larh can! yar then lidat lor.

the classes were pretty boring tho. gt back my bio mcq n section c. argh sucky. mcq 25/30 n section c 11/20. WTF 11/20. haha. chem. WORSE. mcq 23/30. section b 27.5/40. section c totally killed me. if not i could hav gotten a A. like now im borderline B4 lor. yes n my marks are....3.5/20!!! haha damn pro rite!! yes take ur hats off to me(: music was the WORST OF ALL. its literally the 1st paper i've ever failed. yea. 43.5/90. WTF..all because i didnt noe we were going to be tested on haydn. if i knew i could have done it. which means i could totally hav passed n got a good grade! argh eff.

yea bt the eat with ur class thing was fun! haha we ordered canadian pizza like most other ppl..n we only gt one slice each. tsk so little..haha b4 we started we did the YAM SENG thingy. and yea as u guys mite well noe by now. there are 27 girls n 5 boys in my cls. so its like all high pitched de. den we sian diao marh so we tried a low pitch yam seng. den jus started shouting only we stp liao. like 1 sec only. haha its too low liao!!! i cant take it. haha damn funny! then we took pics. n we ran in the rain!!! yes we ran(: we were like WHEEEEEE n we ran in the rain back to class. hw cool is dat!! haha bt i was literally freezing in class. walao gt air con leh...

haha den me, mui mui n jasmine started toking in twit language! haha n we acted the 'how to be emo' thing. haha shall put it here so u guys can c(:

yea dats ryan higa lip syncing my heart will go on(: he's hot.


to my dear nana:

cheerup girl(: yea it might not have been ur best this round bt its just ur first exams. there r many more to come. im sure u didnt do well not because you couldnt. ur darn clever n u noe that. 不要气馁。continue to strive cus u can do it. ur clever, pretty, fun, everything i could ever wish for in a good friend. you can do it de. this round is over so no point brooding over it. cheerup n work on the nx coming test(: dun give up girl YOU ROCK. *hugs* i'll always be here for u if u ever nid me. so stay happy k? nana happy i happy(:

to chipmunk:

yes i noe u didnt do well too...plus u keep getting sick these few days. hey bt dun giv up yea? u can de! yes i shall giv u moral n spiritual support(: dun be demoralised. continue striving and you will be able to achieve what you want.

to others who didnt really score well:

dont give up. this is just the first round. there are many others to come. dont let this downfall demoralise you and stop you from showing your true potential and get the score you truly deserve. jia you everybody (:

oyes. im currently suffering from a muscle strain in my ankle, a horribly wrong ligament n hurting muslces.

wow dats fascinating

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 @ 9:56 PM

seriously i dont know why im even updating. theres hardly anyone visting this blog anyway!

trala im shocked 2day cus i nvr fail math. yea me. like paper one was over 80 larh. i couldnt finish the paper so 12 marks didnt do. out of the questions i did i lost 3 marks. so i gt like 65. 65 LEH!!! MEANS IF I DID THE 12 MARKS I COULD HAV GOTTEN MUCH HIGHER! 65 itself is 81% luh XD haha damn happy. BUT THEN. paper 2 i didnt do 31 marks. its over 80. ha. how shiok. so like i scored 45. lost 4 marks out of those i done...yea do the math. overall i was 1 mark away from an A2!!!! arh eff.

training 2day was the slackest in these 3 years. it started at 3 ended near 4. WTF! so early!!! its the first time larh can..we didnt do much larh bt i was pretty dead aftr the circuit. yea cus i tried doing the full set (including the jumps!) after such a long time. n yea aftr some time my ligament totally hurt like fuck. how interesting yea.

yea n im im sms-ing ppl for self training in the morning 2mr. hey guys our dis batch rite, me seok dey all tgt w hilda dey all used to train like almost every morning quite a long time ago...yea QUITE a long time ago(:

yea im practically sian diao-ing now. nvm wan go watch tv liao. ciao (:

Friday, May 09, 2008 @ 10:50 PM

wakakaka 2day was fun!!!

tho it would have been much btr with more ppl...

haha yea hope we can all get tgt during the march hols!

yea we did silly things 2day! it was me, seok, nana n tan wei. 1st we went vivo where DEAR nana made me drop half of my carrots cake! sobs..den we went to plaza sing where tan wei left for some doc appt. haha omg it was funny!! haha we went into sportslink to luk for orange sports bras (OMG!!) then we saw shoes! haha so we started tokin abt everyones shoe size! bryan's is always the biggest pair of shoes, yiming smaller than jie hui smaller. haha dat was damn funny!! then we went to places like daiso n stuff for fun. it was damn silly larh den me n nana were tokin abt how seok likes everything she sees. XD

aftr dat we spent 1/2 n hour watching Ah Long Pte Ltd in front of this video shop in plaza sing. decided it was late at abt 4.45 then we left. haha we were damn funny larh can! omg i wana do dis again with EVERYONE! i bet it'll be more fun(:

hmmm n my third ear hole on the right ear was like closing. so i had a hard time getting the earing in. in the end i jus 硬硬 press then it went through. wah damn pain bleed like hell. bt im thinking abt getting a fourth pair...hmmm would it be nice??

oyea i jus went for supper which means im goin to get fat. cheers to fat girls (:

Thursday, May 08, 2008 @ 3:15 PM

had music 2day n i think im going to flunk. yea me. yar im in a really grumpy mood now so yea. gt a math paper 2 2mr n a SS paper. stinks.

i duno. im starting to think that i stink at this stuff. this asking ppl out stuff. cus u know what, most can go and some dont even bother to reply me. ha how nice. so if no one else seems a wee bit interested in going out 2mr maybe i should just forget the whole thing and stick to going out with ruoling.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008 @ 8:22 PM

3 more days before it's all over! rejoice ppl!! jus 3 more days!

then i can go crazy after that (:

Sunday, May 04, 2008 @ 1:23 PM

mug mug muggedy mug mug mug. yes time to mug.

ok before that there's something that i must ABSOLUTELY say. haha its suppose to be funny luh so pls tell me if im so totally leng n un-funny.

it all happened like this...

las wednesday was my twin sis's oral. the convo below is between them n my mum.

mum: so how was ur oral today?
norine: english still ok larh...but chinese cannot.
mum: really? any words you duno how to read?
(mind you they're pri 1)
norine: er a little bit larh
mum: what's your picture for chinese?
norine: 客厅
mum: (wah good leh they practiced on this) ok then wad did u say?
norine: i said :
这是一个房子的客厅。爸爸在吃 watermelon, 妹妹很坏蛋把 watermelon seed 乱丢
mum: (burst out laughing) den wad did you say nolene?
nolene: i said :
这是一个房子的客厅。爸爸在沙发上吃水果,妹妹很坏蛋把 ...老师这个是什么? (teacher says 种子) oya. 妹妹很坏蛋把种子乱丢。奶奶说不可以在地上乱丢。(teacher asks: 那在那里丢?) *stares blankly at the teacher* (teacher repeats in english: don't throw on the floor throw where?) 丢在垃圾桶里。(teacher: 垃圾桶在哪里?) *looks at the picture for a long time. finally look up with a confused expression* 老师我找不到垃圾桶
mum: omg...oral exam confirm fail...

yea dat was pretty much everything. please laugh!

you think you know me,
but really you don't,

you think you understand me,
but really YOU DONT.

you think i'm as simple as that,
but i'm not.

you think you know everything about me,

you think i like you,
but i dont.

you think i'm easy
but i'm not,

you think i'm your friend
but i dont.

you don't know me at all.

and i've just gotten to know you.

you and your anger.

you and your imperfections.

who are you to criticise me when you're worse?

who are you to insult me?

who are you to ignore me?

who are you to treat me like garbage?

you're all words and no actions.

you think you're cool
but you're not.

you think you're smart
but you're not.

you think you're perfect when you're not.

you think you're beautiful when you're not.

i can't stand you.

i can't stand how everyone sides you.

i can't stand how you're so desperate.

i can't stand how you want to be cool.

i can't stand how you are such a bimbo.

i can't stand it.

to some point, you think it's all you,
because everyone's there for you.

but no.

i'm not.

haha be shocked! no larh i found this in my previous blog entries. yea i went to read thru them. wow...

bt of course i feel miserable...this day is one of the most miserable day in my life...if love is a disease, i would have long died...wat culd i sae? u r always so far away from me..yet so near...

i have only survived so long because of your existence..

i have only survived so long because of your voice...

i have only survived so long because i long to hear you once more...

you will never know how i feel or what i think because to you i am nothing but a mere shadow...

one that you will never notice...

i look out of the window

i see you talking, laughing to others

how i wish that was me...

you will never know how i felt

as i stood behind that window...

shedding ridiculous tears...

people say that the farthest things are the sky and the earth..

but what is truly far is the distance between me and you

i stand just next to you

but you are forever ignorant to my feelings and love...

how i wish to throw everything away and tell you how i feel

to be rid of this misery i feel every second

the misery which is doubled today

but would i be able to face you again

would i even have the chance to be the shadow i am now

in reality

you have never noticed me and you never will

you will be leaving soon

and i hope with you, my love towards you disappears too...

a future in romance novel awaits me...WALAO! i cant believe i actually wrote such stuff...urgh the hair on my hands r standing up.

yea bt i realised that in my posts las yr my juniors were mentioned a lot too!! haha i called them sweet too leh...this shows dat im nice! XD

haha yes im going to get high again cus im extremely bored!!


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end