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Wednesday, April 30, 2008 @ 7:01 PM

trala im bored so posting again XP

i just realised that i ought to change a hairstyle? duno. jus came out from washing my hair. n my hair's soooo boring! jus flat. flat down. flat down long. flat down long straight BORING! someone tell me wad i can do to change it...argh the only thing i can do now is tie it in diff ways..not much big a diff tho..

haha funny!

ok im weird.

went to sch again! haha on the pretense of self-studying. met seok in sch at 8 then we went to her cls to freeze. yea. i played the guitar with my absolutely frozen fingers! argh so darn cold. then ruoling poop came. so i had to pei her go eat breakfast cus apparently she feels VERY hungry and cannot survive without breakfast..hmm..

so anyway. we went back to seok's cls shortly after, took the guitar then went to hall to play piano n guitar! MUAHAHA! bt then 1A was having pe lor...so when we playing then ppl kp luking lor... *blushes* i so paiseh XD haha lol! >.< esp xiao wen, jie hui n his frens were there. then aftr dat ran back to seoks class..then ran back to canteen!!! haha cus the teachers were going around the container clsrooms n we were not suppose to be there. so siam!

yar then we started studying. actually more like seok started studying. haha i persuaded ruoling to slack w me!! haha im such a gud fren(: yea den aftr dat yiwei n kiwi appeared n asked if we wana play bball. yea so ruoling n i went luh. n then wee teck n raymond n fangqi joined us lor...ARGH I SUCK AT SHOOTING HOOPS. yea its official. im definitely not ball-ly talented. den when i returned, seok left liao...so ruoling n i n fangqi n germaine n kendrick started mugging math. n i was totally confused abt exponential n log curves. then soon after my freaking nose started bleeding AGAIN. stupid it was bleeding for the whole of yesterday larh! since i woke up...then now still lidat. argh stupid nose.

den we saw the sec 1s n 2s coming down for yoga!! haha it was funny! we went to c larh, ruoling n i. then saw VP mr chua.

mr chua: i wan to do yoga!
me: haha change into shorts larh!
mr chua: dowan my shorts damn short...
me: *laughs like hell*

yea haha den aftr dat me n ruoling started tokin to ms ong...it was so funny larh! haha nw i noe nx time wan gossip go find ms ong! XD

haha the yoga session was funny! i saw xiao wen v clearly cus he was like..er...sort of right in front of me. yes it was really amusing! yea anyway i shouldnt be so bad luh huh...

so that was about my whole day...

AND AND OHYES! IM GETTING FAT! gosh i ate so much today. ate rice w ruoling for breakfast, then ate nasi lemak ltr, aftr dat mouth itchy go eat western food, then still itchy go drink a bowl of mushroom soup..n dats discluding the 4 cups of soya bean i drank and the 1 bottle of green tea ^^ aha fat liao larh no nid to say


dear seok, dun be sad. i might not be the best person to confide in, or your best friend who accompanies you through everything, but i want you to know that i'll always be here for you whenever you need me. always.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008 @ 8:19 PM

i flunked. music. i. totally. flunked. yes. im so dead.

haha bt thanks to my dear juniors who wished me luck(: yes its dear nana, jie hui (n his frens XD), yue yin, lydia and many more. thanks guys (:

n hope u like the gift n letters guys..im not hoping for any thanks or stuff...i just hope that it actually helps...er in some way =.= haha (:

n my bestest seok pls dun be down yea? u noe i'll always be here for u rite..just a phone call away..so yea cheerup (:

to darling elmos n juvenile'Ds:
jiayou for mugging yea? haha gud luck ppl and may you ace ur MYEs (:


suddenly rmb RSS. n my frens.

went back to read my previous posts n saw one abt them. about the bowlers too. about how i'll nvr forget the times spent with them. but on the phone the other day, i talked to pris n i was reminded about how much i missed out these 3 years...hmmm everyone in the 'bowling industry' seems to hav forgotten the oh-so-scary nobelle the serial killer. HAHA I LOVE THAT NAME. seriously i bet even shaun (piggy XD), mike n the othr guys i use to beat up hav forgotten abt me lor...sighs..


~tralala from now on i decided to kp my blogggg positive for my dear frens! haha happy me yea! walao so zi high >.<

I was waiting for so long
For a miracle to come
Everyone told me to be strong
Hold on and don't shed a tear

Through the darkness and good times
I knew i'd make it through
And the world thought i had it all
But i was waiting for you

Hush, now
I see a light in the sky
Oh, it's almost blinding me
I can't believe
If i've been touched by an angel with love

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new sun
A new day has come

- excerpt from "a new day has come" Celine Dion

yea i really like the lyrics of this song(:

Monday, April 28, 2008 @ 9:13 PM

MUAHAHA i got the presents! haha me n seok went to buy them at tiong bahru plaza 2day luh..hope they will like it..den me n seok gt a ring to wear on the neck?? haha its really cool! the whole carrots team should hav lor as a team spirit kind of thingy..yar den seok bought me this comic connection thingy n it was nice!! oh thanks seok(: haha den we bought cj7 for cj too..hope he wun b so down ba..

yes den 2day...a miracle happened...I DIDNT SLEEP DURING LESSONS! omg shocking rite? haha 1st time in so long lor...hmmm i din use to slp during lsns larh till this year when im so freaking tired.

zzz (yiwei n kiwi's fav espression)

haha omg im sian diao now! 2mr music exam n i still haven finish learning my piece! aha die liao

Sunday, April 27, 2008 @ 10:38 AM

im officially a couch potato.

ok everyone who noes me knows that i've not started revising yet, and i dont intend to start soon. so what i've been doing for the past few days: eat, lie on the bed, eat more, spend half a day in front of the com, eat again, blank out, eat.

yea dats mostly wad i've done.

n ytd me, yiwei n kiwi had a NICE discussion on msn...

yea someone tell me why i cant understand how a guys brain work? something complicated they can make it very simple, something very simple they can also make it very complicated...hmmm maybe i should be a brain surgeon in the future and start dissecting guys brains.

eww gross.

due to the limitless free time i hav on my hand, i decided to go review my past projects. and the one i loved most, is still the one on arts and codes. duno leh i did that in sec 1 and i still find it one of the best projects i've done...its on how mathematical codes are used in art...so basically we analyse art pieces lor...

haha im being random!!

Friday, April 25, 2008 @ 8:40 PM

HURRAY!!!! i totally gt B3 for bio! haha im so friggin happy!!

n i gt honored by jing lan on her bloggy! haha make me feel so shuang wor!

then 2day jing lanny had her music retest..n she totally ACED IT! haha im soooo proud of her larh! kp it up girl! im sure u can de(:

aha we played frisbee during recess 2day. me, lanny n kiwi. AND IT WAS FUNNY!! haha im so depressed larh i cant catch a frisbee! my team almost lost cus of me n my cannot-catch-frisbee skills..haha paiseh team!! really sorry.. im just to lousy larh can =.="

n aiya i duno larh! i actually wanted to write lots lor den tok to kiwi n forget liao! argh kiwi u owe me..

hmmm was going home 2day..den listened to some songs...den felt REALLY depressed all of a sudden...bt well(: haha i shall start writing letters cus i feel in the writing mood now XD

n now my ligament hurts like crap..omg sian!

haha stupid leg dying liao!

OH YES YES I REMEMBERED WHAT I WANA SAY! haha i was EXTREMELY high today larh can...then went to play the piano w lanny during geog aftr her retest..n i was friggin high! haha lanny was like "wah nobelle i nvr c u play so hiong n high b4!" den duno larh! damn high. so i played cubana at a chao fast speed for 4 times. n by the time i finished, my pinky skin tear n bled! argh so pain! haha 1st time lidat wor! duno larh felt a little angry 2day. angry n happy n stuff. so jus threw it all out onto the piano.

well dats is for 2day quite a short post(:

Thursday, April 24, 2008 @ 8:47 PM

had a little fun 2day..bt was a little troubled tho..

hmmm i realise my posts r starting to seem more technical yea?? haha duno larh! who ask me SWEAR never to be emotional here? yea for those who dont noe, i changed my blog at the beginning of this yr..n i swore not to put any emotional things here cus i dowana put anything too personal here(: so if you think dat u can understand me frm here? well i guess you're TOTALLY wrong yea?

i went back to c my old posts lor...apparently i haven actually deleted my posts..HAHA i jus went to read those posts n realise that i was REALLY emotional there. i put in everything that happened and everything that i felt..which is not going to EVER happen again cus i realise doing that is jus so stupid! it makes me more vulnerable..so yea i'll nvr do that again. hmmm i jus read the post on the scolding mr wong thing? wow i was really scary(: someone tell me im not that scary now?

but i think im getting weird now...someone pls tell me im not weird. seok? u noe me since sec 1...pls tell me im not changing. i duno somehow not putting everything here doesnt seem like wad i'd do..not scolding ppl every second doesnt seem like something i would do either. ppl used to be able to read wads goin on in my mind like they were reading a book. but can they now? i seriously doubt it. yea is this suppose to be gud or bad? duno i tink its gud(: at least now i wun be so readable (??) well for NOW at least i noe that no one really noes wad im thinking or feeling. n yes i guess dats gud cus dis will reduce the chances of me getting hurt or being betrayed by others..SHEESH I SOUND LIKE A SCIENTIST! wad reduce here reduce there...

bt somehow im really dying to open my mouth to tell someone abt wad im thinking abt at this moment, wad i feel n stuff. bt yea dats all gta stay in my mind. NO WAY m i ever going to open up again. it sucks.

ok well on a brighter side:

2day i saw mr aloy ong! aha MR ALOY ONG!!!!! yes im happy(: me n ruoling poop met him at the canteen during free period larh..den damn funny we crap like siao! den ltr saw him again at the area in front of LT2...den we went crazy AGAIN! haha bt i tink mr ong enjoyed it lor~~ bt he was totally shocked larh. las yr i was the cold, silent, scary (i hope not) ce meh..dis yr i gt crazy n high like jiayi n yulu (not that dats bad luh huh)! haha n i tink mr ong was really shocked larh! he was like "wads wrong w u!!" haha n he SOOOO didnt believe i could get a A1 in LA lor...sian! he was totally shocked when he saw my wild n high side larh can!! haha i tink ruoling had fun watching him stun.

n i heard sth shocking frm seok 2day..explained to her n hpe it would clear up the misunderstandings...bt seriously i felt disappointed. some of u who tot dat way dun noe me well so fine. bt she should noe dat im not like dat...she should..bt she still tot dat way of me. well dats for kping everything to myself n not sharing my feelings larh huh. i felt so pissed but well wadever. no point being pissed over these sort of things. not as if it will clear up even if i explain. i cant stop the tongues wagging so why try??

"you can't please everybody all the time, so instead of trying i said whatever."

haha! im reminded of this song lor! my sis sings it everytime(:

so yea WHATEVER! i decided to be really positive this year. n so far i tink im doing acceptably well(:


haha dat proves dat im now v positive(: see there it is!!


n well long post 2day! haha one of the longest in time so yea hav fun reading ppl! (:

oh and y do i suddenly start to feel detached when i jus thought that i was at home at last..

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @ 8:22 PM

2day was the x nats! n yea they did really well. i dowana elaborate cus it wouldnt be fun anymore! look for me to ask if u really wana noe(:

then when we gt there me, jia hui, xiao wen n jie hui were tgt lor. we kp fooling arnd n playing then dat jie hui n xiao wen arh KEEP playing hp games lor...me n jia hui so sian diao. THE FUNNY THING WAS me n jia hui went to pin their hair up! haha more precisely their frinch! it was so cute larh! haha they totally looked like girls esp xiao wen! so cute larh can! AND THEN AND THEN we were taking turns to say huh lor..so it was like

jie hui: huh
me: huh
xiao wen: huh
jia hui: huh

and we repeated the cycle in diff tones! haha jie hui's damn funny larh!

during the race itself i was standing at the front larh. jia hui, jie hui n xiao wen were at the back...now tinkin back i feel so bad leaving them behind..jie hui n jia hui could nt c much lor...n poor jie hui was almost totally overwhelmed by xiao wen larh!! haha funny.

after that we went hme tgt lor. walking out halfway started raining like hell!! ARGH then jie hui, jia hui n xiao wen all took out their umbrellas...all except me SIAN! then i shared umbrella w jie hui lor. and halfway a lady took shelter under xiao wen's umbrella luh! n he was blushing >.< haha so funny! then dat xiao wen arh! kp pouring the rain from his umbrella on me larh!! so i was totally drenched n so was my bag! in the end i couldnt take it so i took a cab n tompang jie hui, jia hui n xiao wen. c im so nice luh(:

i dropped them at newton mrt lor...i tink its v far for them larh so yea sry! bt it was the nearest mrt..

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 @ 9:26 PM

omg today's self training wad damn fun larh!!

haha we started at abt 3.30 tho...quite late. b4 dat me, yiming n zi siang were at the hall seeing the NAPFA tests. then we saw xiao wen n ai de run their shuttle run. haha xiao wen was damn fast yes! bt his posture was kinda weird...like he was abt to fall anytime..haha n ai de looked the same as always..lame me!

so aftr their test, we went to take the starting blocks, ran a few times then yiming went for NAPFA! den ai de n xiao wen their fren joined us in baton acceleration lor..haha v funny! they were all running wrongly tho...den jia hui was so pissed like "i noe how to do baton lor!" haha sry! the guys pulled u down. yea haha!

his fren left aftr one acceleration lor. OYA N HE DROPPED A BATON! HAHA he had to pump 45 times lor n xiao wen so nice go pump w him!

ltr we played ball..n oyes i threw the ball at xiao wen's face twice! haha sry man! wasnt on purpose(:

yes we played boys vs girls again like thursday! n dat xiao wen arh kp trying to snatch the ball frm me so bad! haha aftr dat we decided to play captains ball n dats when i crashed my leg onto the floor. causing my ligament to scream again. ARGH IT HURT LIKE CRAP! den bryce was like "stp liao larh ltr hurt." but it was too fun! how could i stop larh...haha it was funny larh. i really wana do dis again w the track carrots lor...really enjoyed. den my team (xiao wen, ai de, yiming, me and jia hui) lost like 20 plus - 4. SIAN! who ask the other team got darren n bryce...two tall buildings kp snatching our ball! haha so sad.

den aftr dat kept the stuff n went home! yea den i was w yiming n xiao wen. so bad yiming ran off when we were crossing the road cus 175 came!! HURMPH! den xiao wen n i were like crapping n being lame at the bus stop!! haha!

OK KIWI TAG! YES YOU! *points at kiwi*

n yes KIWI C UR NAME HERE BIG BIG! he requested dat i post more(:

Monday, April 21, 2008 @ 8:45 PM

ohmy friggin god i looked so weird there
ARGH!! haha nvm i shall put more 2mr cus im lazy to scan larh huh. top

left: chipmunk
bottom left: sheenana
bottom right: val val
top right: hildada
middle: weirdo moi

SOMEONE please tell me that i look like an absolute weirdo in there...yes please agree. i've decided that i shall put lots of weirdo me pics inside so i'll look absolutely photogenic (which is TOTALLY not true). hey lemme feel 上镜 for once luh..

and yea this pic over there>>

its for you juniors to c how we were when i was in sec 1 luh!

jus for your info they are really wonderful n great n everything nice seniors! n i really miss them lots...but anyway hope they excel in their new school!

yea n i really do miss them..

ahem y do i sound so mushy!

yes n im spacing to fill up the space yes tralalala


and no you absolutely would not find me in there yea! aha im getting all mushed up thinking abt the old days! n yes im still looking forward to training!!!

omg i miss peishi ~

and joanna ~

and chuan min ~

and jade ~

and ning xin ~

and fann ~

and abel ~

and kah lok ~

and everyone else argh!

^ ^ ^
dear leena, peishi and ex-capt WONG jj (kill him! >.<)

haha okok dear juniors enjoy staring at your graduated seniors(:

yea we're goin to self train 2mr! not goin to tok much 2day cus im really looking 4ward to training 2mr! MUAHAHAHA! n stupid jie hui nvr ans my sms...im goin to call him now

jie hui here i come!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008 @ 4:58 PM


today was the SAA race lor..when i went i was still feverish..correction: i am STILL feverish. ok anw, went to tanah merah mrt to meet up w d guys. then when i arrived, er...hilda, yunyi, valerie, zi siang, alvin, bryan, tan wei, yi ming, jie hui, shawn were there liao. yes n we waited a long time for jia hui n sheenana!!! mostly nana tho...den while we were waiting, NFM n ANH came lor..haha den we started crapping(: n den i started asking xiao wen y he nvr ans my sms or on msn lor...den her gave me lots of excuses on y he din reply...like wad hp no bat den he play com games...walao so sad larh me!! *SOBS*

yea den we went simei ITE n started on warm up n stuff...d most SIAN thing was dat i had to wear the jersey! omg it totally sucked...den i ran under tracy's name lor cus i din wana run in the 15.0-15.5 timing heats..in the end i ran 15.75 according to their timing n 15.45 according to ms or's timing! any timing i oso v happy liao larh! beat my pb! haha den i was quite happy oso cus at the starting line when i gt ready i was able to feel the push from the starting block!!! yes much improvement! bt so sad when i really started running, at sediya (did i spelt it right??) i totally fumbled n my feet couldnt feel the starting block at all. so yea no help. bt still not bad larh! quite satisfied w my timing!

immediately aftr my race was chipmunk's and xiao wen's larh! OYA N MY RACE HAD 4 OUT OF 5 RVians!! haha yea so after our race we lagged at the finishing line to c them race. den OMG chipmunky owned!! last minute xiao wen sorta tripped lor..den he almost fell! omg so worried. den aftr dat he limped a little n said his hips pain..die larh call him stretch he oso dun listen..

den i went to change n my friggin RV shorts gt wet!!! so in the end i had to wear the sucky jersey shorts! omg xiao wen said i looked weird n sucky in it..sian!

so aftr the race d girls n chipmunky decided to go tampines mall(: yea. then xiao wen dowan lor!! he kp sayin wan go JEC w the othr guys...den he was like "y cant go JE?" den i say cant cant!! den in the end aftr lots of persuasion he FINALLY agreed to go tampines tgt..yar n we had lotsa fun! haha otw to TM on the bus the girls n i were like singing songs?? haha n hilda, nana, val n chipmunk were exchanging slippers?? so cute lor dey all!! while we were walking xiao wen kp lagging at the back larh...n he looked so sad...i had a hard time trying to cheer him up! yea bt i guess i like it when everyones happy..

we went for lunch at the food court larh...den nana, chipmunk n xiao wen payed like $5.80 for a bowl of curry maggi mee?? with egg?? walao so ex. den aftr dat i treated them to drinks lor!! haha cost me $9.60! AHA bankrupt liao. den me nana n chipmunk were flicking the extra ice abt, n sadly one dat i flicked ran into xiao wen's cup!! omg haha so paiseh! oya n we let him sit nx to val lor...bt he seemed pissed...duno larh. den his face was totally red when he ate dat larh..ok back to where i was. i had to go get him a new cup of ice to pei zui lor..OYES N XIAO WEN HAS A STRAND OF HAIR ON HIS CHIN! haha dat was funny

haha den aftr dat we went to take neo print n everyone took (including chipmunk) except xiao wen! den i was like y u dowan! den we were arguing abt dat larh...den aftr dat he promised dat he'll tke a pic w us. bt weird gou gou shou zhi i stick out my pinky den he gou-ed w his second finger?? haha funny.

yea we splitted aftr dat. chipmunk n val n hildada went back to TM to wait for darren, me nana n xiao wen went back. yea so when the mrt arrived, we sorta chiong-ed in to find seats. n unexpectably, xiao wen jus rushed in n plopped down onto the nearest seat! shock! haha so unexpected of him...bt it was fun larh. den nana n i stood in the end...

aftr dat i left like so early at bedok n dey jus waved n bye bye! yea dats abt it. ltr nana called me n told me abt the mrt ride n i totally laughed my head out! so yea haha

there was a moment of silence..about a minute of silence while we stared. then it was all over.

Friday, April 18, 2008 @ 9:56 PM

i jus deleted wad i wrote for the past 1/2 n hr cus it sounded so unlike me..

anw yesterday was fun! haha ponned chem to play ball w juniors n it was really fun! at 1st it was jus me weiting n d sec 1 girls..den ltr jie hui n his GUY frens joined n omg the girls were outnumbered!! haha den ltr hildada n seok joined in n it was really hilarious! yea i wish we could do dis often..bt i realised dat the star players for the guys team were paul, jie hui, dat choon hian guy, and yea abt these few only. haha n yes d juniors were non stop chasing me into d shade!! really nice of them tho n i regretted nt listening lor! cus aftr the games my face hurt n there was this giddy giddy feeling...hmmm mayb i was hallucinating dat so jus ignore dat line. yes n yea we gta do dis again nx thurs! bt dat xiao wen arh nvr play lor...yiming oso...so bad...at least chipmunky gt join in at d back..

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 @ 8:42 PM

trala n music was great 2day! haha my aural test was 17/20 wor! not bad larh..haha lost one mark due to wrong chord, 2 marks due to wrong modulation thingy!! argh n yuting was d only one who gt dat modualtion question correct...due to TIKAM POWER!! walao..n nx nx week's my music prac exams!! argh die liao! haha its on our self study break somemore lor...SIAN SIAN SIAN!

n sorry if you think that i was suaning you larh..i know that you didnt score that well but hey dont be pissed. im sure you can do better the next time

the whatever and anything ads!

whatever ad

anything ad

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @ 8:58 PM

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! haha OMG MR ALOY ONG IS BACK!!!!!! haha n he sat in for my chem lesson 2day!!! when i entered d com lab n saw him i was totally shocked!! jiayi n yulu were so shocked too!! den we ended up greeting him chao loud larh!!

aha ok im being lame again

well nothing much today jus dat my tonsils wound opened again n it hurts. yea n i did starting block for the first time...and yea he didnt dao me. so im happy!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008 @ 2:19 PM

and oyea this is so much better!!! haha funny but hot ryan higa!! (:



mr chng: hello!!! (grins from ear to ear)
dad: hello sir! long time no c!
mr chng: oh i can remember your face!! how r u doing??
dad: because of ur good teaching i proceeded on to graduate from NUS with an honors degree!
mr chng: really?? that's good!

and so on...

yes it was so funny!! haha me n my mum were laughing like hell at the side watching them both converse! haha! then after that when we were leaving my dad n mom when to say hi to mr chan. n guess wad mr chan said?? u wun believe it...

mr chan: nobelle is a hardworking girl! she comes to school very early in the morning n she has very good results!

omg i feel so GUAI!! a girl has to be flattered at times ya know...AHA WHAT M I TOKING ABOUT!! haha so out of topic liao. i wan to be flattered by someone else ya know...aha! neh neh im jus crapping again!!

n eh guys! c this man this girl has such perfect english that im totally gona take my hats of to her!

Thursday, April 10, 2008 @ 9:57 PM

we went to the Eurasian community thingy today lor and it was so fun!! haha we were singing on the way there, me lanny siyi elisa fangqi germaine kia mui jiele simin n shin fung. haha v funny! then kiwi kp tryin to catch me singing so i really tried not to sing loud..then otw back we just sang like siao! cus kiwi was behind me singing wad...den we sang 屋顶 and 被风吹过的夏天. and OMFG im shocked!!! kiwi sings nice!!! haha omg he's officially my idol..n tinkin abt it now. i mus hav sounded awful when i sang...crap so lou kui...esp when kiwi tot i would sing ok bt apparently i suck.

then we returned to sch and i went for training. we did 200mX2..i was supposed to run w sheena hilda dey all de lor...den i told mr pandian i dowan go there i wan join the sec 1s so i ended up there n tse yin had to take my place in the faster group. and i was shocked again. cus bryan ran the fastest in the whole of his group in both sets!! *shock* haha so u c dat proves dat im gud bt im jus humble...OK IM CRAPPING!! DATS SO NOT TRUE! i jus wana b in the slack grp larh...bt i didnt get to slack in the end larh..cus xiu min was sprinting lyk siao. I AM SORRY JUNIORS for not keeping my promise of running together cus i was the one who asked u guys to run together. im really sorry i would hav really ran w u guys if not for xiu min's sprinting. cus i was jus bu shuang dat i gave up my place in the faster grp jus so that i can be lapped by someone who's not as fast as me..so i pia-ed. yar n im really sry juniors. i shall NEVER do that again..

so after that we went home together and we crapped along as usual..oyea n while cooling down after training, bryan was crapping like siao! n jie hui was so amused..haha. n yea yunyi n valerie r going to hlp me w the scoops thingy!! yea 3 cheers for them!! haha im lame.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008 @ 8:26 PM

2day's IU day!! haa n it was durin our PDP n assembly...sian! i wanted to sneak out on the pretense of goin to toilet lor...bt i too guai liao dowan interupt teacher toking...haiya if not i would go c my juniors classes lor!! haha i wanted to go c jia hui n valerie's wan cus they were doin on italy n i lent dem my mask!! haha yes im so wei da rite!! lol zi lian.. ARGH n jie hui n bryan's clsmates kp callin me shortest senior!!! seriously m i dat short? no rite...OYAR BEFORE I FORGET! ahem! this post is dedicated to my dear chipmunk who says that i didnt mention him in my blog. so there! haha! n after sch yulu was tryin to do handstand in class..n chuye was showing me how to do baby freeze n six steps..haha funny! i gta learn dat man. yea n durin the scoops meetin i realise i was given MILLIONS of jobs to complete...ok im exaggerating yea..why is this post so systemic?? haha nvm i shall b a sian diao emotionless girl for 2day!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008 @ 10:30 PM

i started readin "if you could see me now" by Cecilia Ahern 2day...n i finished it an hour ago in the toilet! yes the toilet. dun laugh. its the only place i can do wadever i want without gettin disturbed or barked at. c i dont even hav my own room = no privacy. so yes back to me reading in my "haven" decorated by the rich aroma of shit. the book didnt seem v touching at first, tho it was interesting, bt at the back i totally cried. aiya bt ppl who know me well would know that i'm easily touched..so this might not be v touching to others larh...bt its definitely enuf-tears-to-fill-a-bucket touching to me.

oyea n trainin was fun as usual! haha to me it'll always be fun..n yes me n yiming n abigail waited 1 HOUR for the bus! and yiming gt onto the wrong bus in the end..ohmy i feel so bad for him..haha yes n time spent at the bus stop w bryan, alvin, zhiming, zi xiang, yi ming, darren n ABIGAIL was really funny n fun!! haha n me n guanlin n jasmine n mui mui were doin the chem singing assgn before cca today larh! n yes i sang..it was horrible n i seriously believe i heard a glass break. n the worst thing was kiwi n yiwei said it sounded ok! omg they're trying to suan me isit...make me feel more embarrassed..

and he talked to me lots today. im floating on air..and i hope we will continue this way or get even better..

Thursday, April 03, 2008 @ 9:02 PM

omg i feel so bad...

today's a rainy day so by right i should b happy...ppl who noe me would noe that i simply love the rain..yea so we were throwing water at each other during training larh..den i was happy...yes we were fooling arnd n i really enjoyed it larh..bt then ltr bryan told me sth dat totally shocked me...n im sorry if i've ever made u feel like im zhen dui-ing u n stuff..

yar n i duno y now im thinkin of 2E..mayb cus we gt tgt 2day to celebrate ning qian's belated bday..yes n i tot of brother..i rmb las time v close de lor...den w guyue dey all oso...how come now like getting further n further apart..haiya so sad..i really miss them tho...

~yea n i love training n my juniors~

Wednesday, April 02, 2008 @ 8:16 PM

tralala yes n im happy once more!

sch was funny today! ahaha! chuye was soo...wad larh can! he call me, i turn around then smack! he threw a roll of scotch tape at me...argh! pain pain! then ltr during chem prac, he was funny larh! haha dear 椅子 totally 4gt how to do titration! haha den micole n i were like helping lor...it was funny. haha everytime chuye doing prac v funny de.

yes n i was prepared to kill ppl again! dat xiao wen arh dao me when i ask him why he disappear aftr trainin yesterday! den jie hui n his frens called me the shortest senior! ARGH!!!!! XIAO WEN CALLED ME THAT TOO!!!! haha funny yea bt annoying at times...ah nvm anw i still hav cute juniors(: tralala~

yea n i kp catching glimpses of my juniors in sch!! haha n yea i really LOVE them! haha crap im ghey! aha! dey brighten my day when im down...haha n yes dat means u too lanny(:

Tuesday, April 01, 2008 @ 10:17 PM

o yes n i 4gt to mention. happy april fools day! ahaha! me n kiwi put dustbins on top of the door so ppl who opened it will kena the dustbin! haha dats funny. no mood to elaborate tho...mayb in the nx post(:

2day im friggin pissed off. i shall explain in a minute.

ok trainin started off pretty good..yea as usual. n we did gym! yes dat was fun. so yea...n we had a skipping competition between xiao wen n yiming! aha! yea actually xiao wen was better...bt yea im not gona admit dat to him! yes n he throws the medicine ball well...argh crap. ok den aftr d sets we were playing arnd. n OYEA CHUAN MIN CAME BACK! haha one thing to be happy about. so yea xiao wen requested handstand again...yea n i did quite badly! haha. den ltr i did handstand w/o the wall n i totally flipped over!!! haha yunyi was so freaked out! yes finally im able to do handstands w/o the wall! aha! yea so gym was pretty fun w xiao wen n his headstand, sheena val n jia hui w their backward rolls..haha

then the sucky part came. we went for acceleration. yes up down 1 total 5. n so i ran w yiming. yea it was tiring as bryan n jie hui kept competing with him and yea he sped up..so i followed..so i was tired n my leg hurt n..yea u get my point. so i decided to run with xiu min cus her speed's slower and wun be so xin ku for me. n den esther n hui shan f-ing shouted. "this is acceleration not jogging!" oh fuck. how i wished i could just slap her. n guess what i have tolerated this shit for 2 years + already n im not going to tolerate it anymore. f do u think u have any right at all to scold me just because you're my f-ing senior? well f you're exactly like that girl i despised so. im not going to scold everything out here. i wana kp some of it to really scream at her the nx time she pisses me off. u're already lucky u didnt meet me in the 1st 3 mths in RV. or else u would have suffered the same fate as dear weisheng who is ur senior n hav graduated 2 yrs ago. so a piece of advice: f off.

n im being very nice not to just shout fuck in your face


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end