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Monday, March 31, 2008 @ 8:58 PM

haha today was a pretty SMOOTH day..

music appreciation was fun! haha i was sitting at the instrument nx to chuye's one lor..den dat chuye hor! KEEEEEP on doodling on my foolscap! he was drawing different types of shit n askin me to choose one lor..den he drew me eating shit! ><'" ARGH! haha it was real funny larh n we made a lot of noise den d teacher was like staring..yea that landrang song was quite nice.

n after dat was math...crappy as usual. mr chng was toking n toking n toking n we were like sleeping n sleeping n sleeping..nothin much to say abt him larh its quite boring. so the interesting part comes after this! haha it was PE!!! n we played frisbee! crap i was in edmund's grp larh can...tgt w jasmine, mui mui n lanny. den we were playin against yin shiuan, chee hin, jodee, n ding rong. yea it was a great match. 3-3. haha den yin shiuan was so hiong lor! up to eddie monnie to block him liao..funny thing was the frisbee was thrown to me SOOOOOOO many times!!! but i cant catch it! DAMN! den we were suppose to throw the frisbee as far as possible...n jasmine threw it to the other end of the court! omg jasmine rocks! haha. tralalal~ after that was break

yea so i was eatin w lanny...den suddenly chuye sayed something to me..but i saw ruoling so i shouted "hey ruoling!" n totally forgot to ans chuye! omg im feeling so guilty now...den after dat ruoling n sharon joined us..yea n we were toking abt that one elmo BITCH n yea it was fun. den lanny went back to class n i went up w ruoling n sharon n we continued crapping! haha OYA RUOLING WAS SO GROSS! she kissed my cheek! omg...haha 1st time leh! shock! haha.

argh den today gt 双打击!!! chem test then continued w chinese test! argh! n the chi test was suppose to be on friday! crap..haha confirm fail de!!! for both! n like almost everyone who has to go for the math remedia 2day ponned lor!!! haha poor mr chng..

yea n i gotta say...thanku jing lanny! for accompanying me n not gettin bored of me n my crazyness abt him n stuff...yes. haha n thanku for NEVER pang seh-ing me! dats why u are one of those who makes up my life! yea man! (:

Saturday, March 29, 2008 @ 10:33 PM

yea 2days SPH relays 4x200m! c boys ranked 5th! haha gud yea! n b girls almost got into finals..argh so wasted..but well done carrots!! jiayou!

den yesterday we gave ms or a belated bday celebration in the canteen. n the silly thing was she bought her own cake! ahahah! den while waitin for ms or to appear, i was fooling arnd w d juniors! haha. n jie hui n bryan were toking abt pads?? jie hui: whisper is the best...the thinnest. bryan: yar. omg so funny! me, jia hui n sheenana were lyk wth!! val was eating mangoes..so i took her mango n touched bryan b4 giving it back to her! haha dat was funny. den when cj gave the cake to val, i told him to giv bryan n ask him giv it to val personally. silly bryan went to eat it for himself! haha. den cj said, aiya mus romatic 你一口,我一口! haha dat was funny! den bryan dun care lor eat half the cake den dowan liao giv to jia hui...haha den he ate my chocolate! n after i ate d kiwi den he say he wan...LOL!! haha den yiming was like so innocent! den aftr dat we were goin to go hme lor...den bryan was like wearing his uni over his pe attire! n he wore it in the canteen! he call me hold his wallet 4 him lor...so sad i 4gt to luk at his ez link! yes n jie hui was like "i dowan sit same bud as you! v paiseh u tok so loud!" where gt i v nice de ok....

den ltr i was takin 100 w jia hui, sheenana, abi, tracy n jie hui. haha den dat jie hui kp tryin to run away frm us lor!!we he go larh...den d rest of us went to the mama shop...jia hui n nana bought someting den left liao lor cus dey say gtg le. den me, abi n tracy stayed to eat pao mian!! haha den we gossiped n tok abt crushes!!!! seems like everyone has an interesting past wor...oya n we talked abt ppl who luked pretty n ppl who were 耐看. so abi mentioned dat val's pretty...yea...of cus larh if not y ******** choose her...haha! i hope val is happy no matter who she's w tho...

yes n again! i have really nice juniors~~ haha jia hui was really caring lor..she kp saying wana bring umbrella 4 me so i can walk outside..yes omg she's so nice!! den jia hui kp letting me drink her drinks lor...omg shes so nice larh can! den dat nana arh...tsk tsk tsk. haha. call me go luk for her in the morning den she so late larh can! angry lor...haha jk. den alvin is as cute as usual! haha bt the other juniors kp asking me y alvin lyk kp mixing w d sec 2s...hmmm...i realised dat i tok to yunyi d least...yea i should go tok to her more!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008 @ 4:33 PM

crap i was suppose to go trainin 2day. den i woke up. n i could not stand up. yes. i couldn't straighten my knees. it was painful. correction it IS painful.

yea den chipmunk smsed me abt trainin...he said it was (quote:) "SO hot sia...can fry a cow" haha. i told jia hui abt dat description n jia hui said dat it was hot enuf to fry a dinosaur! haha omg i hav cute juniors rite...den bryan dao me on msn...y does he always do dat...haiya. den ltr suddenly sumone added me into grp convo...n well im proud to say i noe NO ONE in there...ok mayb one...dat was bryan's bro...crap so luan diao. haha! den jie hui damn cute! he smsed me abt the best friends day thingy...den at the bottom of the msg he wrote: i jie hui, the short junior. OMG! haha this was d first time he admitted dat he's short! haha so cute!

tralala today i've been sitting down for the whole day...legs ache liao le...

Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 8:44 PM

yea trainin was fun 2day!

haha but the juniors were slow in doin stretching...haha i wanted to scold them lor!!! bt jus cant seem to get serious w them...everytime wana scold den dey jus stare at me w those BIG PUPPY EYES...den i like laugh lor!! den duno y 2day yi ming so gloomy...i try to cheer him up bt duno leh....haiyo..den bryan dey all KEEP LAGGING! haha den i wanted to scold him larh! den everytime i was abt to scold him, he say "nicest junior?" WTH!! he pai ma pi! haha den i cannot take it larh! laugh like shit! wah den valerie so pro wor!! join hilda dey all 4 4x100! haha den ltr we went to do baton w juniors larh...den i taught them how to pass baton properly...den dat BRYAN ARH! SLAM THE BATON ONTO MY HAND! DEN KEEP LAUGHING N DOIN WRONG THINGS SUMORE!!! ARGH! haha den jia hui v cute! HAHA! yunyi kp chionging everything lor...sometimes over le larh bt v gud spirit! kp it up man!(: she v enthu. haha

den aftr dat went hme w weiting, jia hui,yi ming n jie hui. haha den we kp crapping! haha v funny lor! i like my juniors a lot! haha n weiting too! haha my big boobie fren(:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 @ 9:11 PM

trala yea im gona b crazy again! yea!

haha i have cute juniors!...n i gt 3.3 GPA!!! haha i would hav gotten higher if my SS was btr dan C5! so angry!!! 4As, 1B n 1C...so sad..haha. anw this is a lousy way of sayin whether i've been good cus its almost all revised! haha so i bet im like gona fail d nx one...haha stupid how can jie hui get 3.3 oso! haix...m in dat lousy...

den 2mr got training! yea exciting! haha i wana have fun w my nice juniors!! haha nowadays dat sheenana KEEP runnin up behind me n shocking me lor! haha so cute! den jia sui oso v funny larh! valerie v cute...haha crumpler! den yunyi v high! haha always say YO to me! so cute! den d guys not fun wan leh...they everytime c me oso gimme dat type of reaction...haiyo...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 9:34 PM

today's really a bad day..i spilled pepsi on my uniform, left my water bottle in the toilet, then broke a bowl which caused hot soup to be spilled all over me. wow how nice right...

well the last straw came just a few minutes ago when i turned on my mp3. the song played was Vitamin C Graduation. to some of you guys, that song might be a very lame song and holds no special meaning for you. but this song was the one that was played during my p6 graduation. i dunno but i felt close to tears when i heard that song just now...i just thought about everything in these past few years. i seem so...different. in pri sch, i arm wrestle w guys, go around whacking them, gossip, play, bowl..i defend my friends and i confronted anyone who made me unhappy. but now...i dunno who i am already...i try to be enthu in class cus my class is quiet...i try to be a good listener when my friends want to share things with me...i try to be a enthu n good senior for my carrot juniors (tho im not sure if i appear to them this way)...

i dunno i just feel that im drowning now. im surrounded by so many people who think that im the person i seem to be, be it a good friend, a crazy n noisy classmate, a crapping over-enthu senior, or anything else. but i guess they are all wrong. the only person who knows me the best is seok yin, n she doesnt even know the full me. sometimes i feel like finding a someone and just break down, to spill everything out, to be the person i truly am, but i guess im just too afraid. afraid of looking weak. n i cant turn to my pri sch friends either, cus none of them are in the same sch as me n none of them understand what happens in my life now...

HAHA well just treat that as a story. i cant turn to anyone so this blog shall be my good friend for now! haha yea time to be HAPPY! trala i have nice juniors n cca mates ~~~

Saturday, March 15, 2008 @ 12:16 PM

yea i have really cute juniors! (i think ppl r getting bored hearing me say this)

haha yea thursday's trainin was superb! i went to SRC in the morning for a swim den i realised i 4gt to bring my sch shorts! haha. poor xiu min i was calling her like shit n bugging her to come training n bring shorts for me! den went to sch in my permudas..so paiseh larh can! lucky xiu minny came for training n brought sch shorts for me! ahaha. den dat jie hui arh...say i always share things..CANNOT ISIT.


den b4 trainin sheenana n i were like playin piano again...n as usual we played Ballade Pour Adeline n Marriage D'Amour n Souvenir D'Enfance tgt...den i went back to the canteen to shock everyone w my sandals n permudas! haha so funny!

ltr at the canteen i was doin the sensitivity test for the juniors lor..haha no one was sensitive! except....ACBC!! haha im sad to say bt he asked me to stop EXACTLY at the elbow joint there...haha bt i quickly went on n pretend dat he got me wrong...so sad jie hui found out! den valerie nvr come for trainin...so sad! if nt she, xiu minny n i shall tok abt ghosts again!!!! haha creepy...

but so sad it was rainin really heavily on thurs...so we only did gym for trainin. HAHA den so funny bryan n jie hui call me so handstand den i dowan...ltr i knock my head on the wall again how! aftr dat we were suppose to do circuit lor...yi ming was sitting on the floor so i attempted to pull him up...but i FAILED! haha m i really dat mei you li? den for cool down we were runnin arnd the field lor..den jie hui dey all purposely run SLOW SLOW n say i nvr wait for them...so in the end our runnin pace was equivalent to walkin pace...

after sayin so much...dont u agree dat i hav cute n nice juniors? haha

oh crap sch starts in like 2 days n i havent really touched any on my hmk! haha what the hell...den yi wei was complainin abt gettin 95% for indices quiz instead of 100%!!! haix why is the pro always not satisfied...

ppl wish me luck in chionging finish my hmk on time!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008 @ 8:45 PM


haha today v little sun!! haha so i like did most of the trainin lor...except the warm up cus it was like hot at that time...HAHA happy larh can! wah den so long nvr do drills liao 2day did 5 SETS of high knee lift n then i was TOTALLY not tired!

haha den trainin in gym that time oso v funny! i realised that..YI MING VERY POPULAR AMONG GIRLS LEH! haha all almost all the girls were like crowded around him can!! den he was BLUSHING! haha so funny. then after that as usual we did circuit lor. then that BRYAN arh try to act cool again! say follow me then in the end bian tai do so many push ups again! haha den he kp staring at jie hui lor! haha i suspect he's ionic!

then when we doing back extension all these that time hor HAHA i go step on jie hui's butt! haha he say dat part v pain leh! funny larh can!

den after dat do acceleration dat time i was doing the old chuan min joanna thing: happy new year! haha den i go shake everyone's hand lor! haha acbc's hand damn big leh i cant grab properly..haha!

den after dat...after dat...er actually nothing nice to say liao. haha! shall try to post as often as possible! haha n here i want to say: seok yin, we love you! we'll always be behind u. and shawn, no matter what happens, i believe u can deal with it. so dont feel so down anymore i'll also give you my full support!


With my eyes closed, I can still see

Nobelle Liew aka NLTG!

River Valley High School
28th Nov' 93
One Elmo-istic/Two Elmosss/

63'05 dude
bowler AND tracker <3

a D O R e S

63'05, 2E'07 and 4J'09
All my friends ^^
DEAR nana <33
DEAR lanny <33
Seok yin. my forever bestie <333
All the carrots <333

A B h o r E s

Anybody who gives my bowling ball the tiniest little scratch

Oh and sorry but there ain't gona be any taggy this time! so you can bring your comments straight to me, or..email me?? weird..well fb will be fine too ^^


I keep searching under the moonlight

Carrots power!

[[ 3/4Juvenile'D ]]
elisa <3
edmund aka eddie monnie!
fang qi!

[[ the elmos ]]
wee teck
ting xiang
hui xin
bing le
ying xue
2 Elmos!

[[ carrots, may we burn the track ]]
ning xing
chuan min
jing jie
pei shi
DEAR averil
li rui
DEAR tse yin: NFM

[[ the incredibles ]]
seok my forever bestie.
Jing Lan, Lanny! <3
teng butthead sherper zing-a-zong aka teng ziying. the WOMAN
yen peng, ah peng (:
my dear self-infatuated pristine
DEAR sheena

[[ RVianss ]]
ang ching ching
wei lin

[[ dear others ]]
butthead's nasty bro
笨鸡敏 tetek ayang cousin

[[ RSSes ]]
felicia tan
jing yuan
yang muni
eve ng
pei xin
alien tang

[[ 63/05 dreamtales ]]
6/3 forever
daniel ng RT
mr lim..good friend of 6/3!
joey wong joey

[[ here's to bowling ]]
jia xin
jo min

[[ NZ trip ]]
sin yee


For that silhouette that I’m thinking of

October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, May 2009, July 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010,


Thanks many. xoxo.

model couture
lemon end